
To take the children back to nature is to go home and see

author:CCTV Children
To take the children back to nature is to go home and see

There are countless animals on the earth, and we share nature,

What is your favorite animal? What kind of animals are you most afraid of?

What animals have you seen in the wild? What are some interesting behaviors in these animals?

Do you understand the habits of animals? What do they like to eat? Where do I sleep at night? What are the special skills?

Have you ever hurt an animal? Have you ever had a small animal?

When it comes to animals, there are many topics, and Brother Sesame invited children and big friends from all over the motherland to share their stories with animals.

First of all, let's meet the two guests, who are from Tianjin, teachers and students, and friends.

To take the children back to nature is to go home and see

Nocturnal moth children

The first Fan Yichen classmate, he gave himself a very awkward natural name - The Jade Edge Demon Moth, which is a stunning nocturnal moth, the degree of beauty is not lost to butterflies, interested children can go to search for it.

To take the children back to nature is to go home and see

Teacher on a rainy day

The second, Xia Yu, a teacher from the Tianjin Museum of Natural History, served as a nature mentor in Tianjin for five years, and his natural name is Rainy Day, and people are as silent as his name, which is deeply loved by small friends.

To take the children back to nature is to go home and see

The first time the students met Teacher Yutian was in the middle class of kindergarten, and now he is in the fourth grade, and for seven years, the pair of teachers and students have been like-minded, going south and north, forming a nature exploration team. Speaking of the rainy day teacher who is also a teacher and a friend, the evaluation of the night moth is particularly interesting - there is a feeling of mutual dislike but inseparable from each other. One of his most memorable ones was when he went to the water park with the teacher on a rainy day to look for ants, and was chased out by the security guard as a trickster who picked up the ant nest. In the seven years of exploring nature, there are many interesting things like this, which are precious memories of the growth process.

To take the children back to nature is to go home and see
To take the children back to nature is to go home and see

Nocturnal moth is an insect fan, as soon as he opens the conversation box, he gushes endlessly, and the teacher who listens quietly on the rainy day is full of pride, as long as the children can gain something and learn knowledge, this is the teacher's happiest moment.

To take the children back to nature is to go home and see

The number of insects marks the good or bad ecological environment in a certain area, so on rainy days, the teacher will often take the children to the forests and mountainous areas around Tianjin to do a kind of field experiment - lamp temptation, have you heard of lamp temptation? What kind of field experiment is this? Let's take a look at a video:

To take the children back to nature is to go home and see

Look at this gesture of the nocturnal moth classmates, can you guess what it means? Tell you what, he is describing the largest insect he has ever found in the lamp temptation experiment, what insect is so big? Can you guess?

Seeing this, it is estimated that there will be many children who love insects are envious of the night moth students, in fact, the ecological environment around Tianjin is not dominant compared with Yunnan and Sichuan, which are rich in biological resources, but it is also quite local - the original forest of Jixian County, the wetlands of Beidagang, and even the city park have been opened up by Tianjin Science Popularization Wanderers as a base camp close to nature. Forest insect watching, wetland bird watching, mountain frog watching, park fish watching, children can form an intuitive understanding of the ecology of their hometown from an early age.

To take the children back to nature is to go home and see
To take the children back to nature is to go home and see
To take the children back to nature is to go home and see
To take the children back to nature is to go home and see

Animals are varied, and to see the most vivid and natural appearance of animals, you still have to go into nature. In order to record the figure of animals in nature. With the support of his parents and father, The Night Moth students added a set of photographic equipment, and since then, he has been carrying his beloved equipment every time he goes out, capturing many precious moments, how was his most satisfactory work born? Let's hear it.

To take the children back to nature is to go home and see

In the eyes of the teacher on a rainy day, the night moth is a true little worm idiot, and he tells an interesting story about the night moth. Once, after arriving at its destination, the moth did not rest like the other children, but ran to ask the nearby villagers where there was cow dung, and guess why he was looking for cow dung. It turned out that the larvae of some beetles lived in cow dung, and in order to find their beloved bugs, the nocturnal moth did not care about the smelly and sticky cow dung, so it slowly became a small insect expert. He brought a bunch of plastic boxes, large and small, into the studio and guessed what was in them? That's right, it's all kinds of bugs! Night moth students also brought the most beloved treasure - Konuta Flower Golden Turtle, let's take a sneak peek!

To take the children back to nature is to go home and see
To take the children back to nature is to go home and see

These students and the teacher are tied to the tree together, guess what?

To take the children back to nature is to go home and see

What is the difference between this photo and a normal photo? Can you recognize any animals that appear in the photo?

To take the children back to nature is to go home and see

Have you ever seen an elk? What are they doing at night?

To take the children back to nature is to go home and see

What is the name of the thing that the teacher is holding in his hand on a rainy day?

To take the children back to nature is to go home and see

The answers to these questions can be found on the show!

Golden Sentences in this issue:

Children in the city will be curious and stay in the wilderness, because it is a hobby.

Start from yourself, infect the people around you, and protect the ecology together!

To go back to nature is to go home and see.

Animal stories, can not be told, June 24 at 17:15 "Sesame Open Door", let us listen to the ecological story of the steel city together!

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