
After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, no matter how troublesome you are, appetizing tonic, improve resistance After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, and then trouble do not feel troublesome, appetizing tonic, improve resistance

author:Meggy dancing apples

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, autumn is high and refreshing, the temperature difference between day and night is large, the climate is relatively dry, it is easy to get on fire, so it is necessary to drink more soup to nourish, improve resistance, avoid the invasion of external evil, and today I will share with you 5 soups suitable for autumn drinking.

【Crucian carp tofu soup】

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, no matter how troublesome you are, appetizing tonic, improve resistance After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, and then trouble do not feel troublesome, appetizing tonic, improve resistance

The nutritional value of crucian carp tofu soup can not be underestimated, the protein it contains is easy to digest and absorb, contains less fat, tender and not fatty, regular food can improve immunity, crucian carp also has the effect of invigorating blood, healthy spleen and dampness, etc., very suitable for women who want to be beautiful and afraid of fat.

Ingredients: 12 small crucian carp, 1 piece of tofu, a little oil, a little salt, a little cooking wine, a little vinegar, a little white pepper, hot water to taste

Production process:

1. Clean the small crucian carp, open the stomach and remove the internal organs to scrape the gills and scales;

2. Rinse inside and out, put it on the drying rack to dry the surface slightly, you can also use kitchen paper towels to suck the water inside and outside to prevent the oil from collapsing and breaking the skin in the pot;

3. Heat the non-stick frying pan, pour a little oil, heat the pan with cold oil, put the fish into the pan with a bar code, first fry one side of the yellow frying set, and then turn over and fry the other side;

4. When both sides are fried and set to have a slight yellowish color, pour an appropriate amount of cooking wine along the edge of the pot, and take advantage of the hot steam to take away the fishy smell, which is also a small tip for the delicious fish soup;

5. Crucian carp tofu soup is fresh and white as milk, put hot water or cold water is the focus, many people are wrong, knock down the small blackboard here: be sure to pour hot water, the amount of water should be added enough at a time, leaving some evaporation loss;

6. Three more slices of ginger, ginger can go fishy, make a good partner for fish, less no one can be less than this ginger;

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, no matter how troublesome you are, appetizing tonic, improve resistance After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, and then trouble do not feel troublesome, appetizing tonic, improve resistance

7. Cover and simmer over low heat, no need to turn the fish over halfway through;

8. When the fish soup is thick and white, put the chopped tofu into the pot, pour a little vinegar, cover and simmer for 15 minutes;

9. Sprinkle the right amount of salt before starting the pot; if you sprinkle salt at the beginning, the salt will make the protein of the fish shrink, and the soup will not be so fresh; in addition, the salty taste of the salt after sprinkling is more obvious, which can reduce the intake of salt;

10. Sprinkle a little white pepper powder, a good partner for making fish soup in addition to ginger is white pepper; fish live in water, is cold, put ginger and white pepper not only to fishy effect is good, but also use its warm effect to neutralize the coldness of the fish; use a spoon to scoop up the fish soup in different areas of the pot a few times, mix evenly to get out of the pot.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, no matter how troublesome you are, appetizing tonic, improve resistance After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, and then trouble do not feel troublesome, appetizing tonic, improve resistance

【Apple nagging】

1. Want to fry the fish complete and the fish skin is not broken, the choice of the pot is very important, either after many years of oil black shiny iron pot, or heat uniform heat conduction effect of good non-stick pan, I use this pot is Meiya's Anlong frying pan, only with a little oil can fry the fish neatly, the inside and outside of the pot are non-stick, cleaning and maintenance is also very convenient;

2. If you want the fish soup to be fishy and the soup is as white as milk, be sure to fry until it is slightly yellow and boiled in hot water, a few slices of ginger and white pepper can make the fish soup delicious;

3. Although crucian carp is delicious and has high nutritional value, it should not be consumed during colds, during measles in children and hemorrhoids.

【Taro green vegetable soup】

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, no matter how troublesome you are, appetizing tonic, improve resistance After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, and then trouble do not feel troublesome, appetizing tonic, improve resistance

Taro green vegetable soup, slippery, although there is no meat, but there is no lack of nutrition, the soup is thick, slippery, but more delicious than meat, fragrant soft glutinous, smooth in the mouth, often eat taro in autumn can also increase resistance.

Ingredients: 4 small taro (taro), a handful of cabbage, a little oil, salt to taste

1. Brush and wash the four taro, put it into the steamer, steam on high heat, easily penetrate it with chopsticks, and turn off the heat;

2. After the taro is slightly cooled, easily peel off the outer skin;

3. Use a knife directly in the palm of your hand to cut the taro into small pieces, saving the washing board;

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, no matter how troublesome you are, appetizing tonic, improve resistance After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, and then trouble do not feel troublesome, appetizing tonic, improve resistance

4. Pour a little oil into the wok, pour the taro pieces into the pot and stir-fry a few times;

5. Pour in a sufficient amount of hot water, crush the taro with a shovel, how much can be crushed, and the paste and lump are delicious;

6. Bring to a boil with salt and slightly viscous, put the green vegetables into the pot and turn off the heat when the color changes.

1. Taro is steamed first and then cooked, with a short time and a sticky taste;

2. Add some greens to make the color and taste fresher.

【Potato cucumber pork belly soup】

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, no matter how troublesome you are, appetizing tonic, improve resistance After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, and then trouble do not feel troublesome, appetizing tonic, improve resistance

After a summer of intense heat, the body's nutrients have lost a lot, and drinking some pork belly soup at this time can strengthen the spleen and replenish the qi. Especially for mothers, usually they have to work and take care of housework, take care of children, often eat bowls of pork belly soup, can help sleep, sleep enough kidney qi strong will not have dark circles. I made a pot of pork belly soup today with the simplest ingredients.

Ingredients: 1 pork belly, 1 potato, 1 cucumber, 4 cloves of garlic, 4 slices of ginger, a pinch of salt, a little chives

1. Fresh pork belly, choose a fresh pork belly tips: glossy and full of certain elasticity, the color is light yellow, mucus is more, the texture is relatively thick, such a pork belly is a good pork belly, fresh pork belly;

2. Pork belly is repeatedly scrubbed with vinegar and salt, which can effectively remove mucus and odor, rinse with water several times, and remove the mesh white oil on the other side to prevent excessive fat intake;

3. Bring the pork belly to a boil in a pot of cold water to remove the vinegar flavor and pork belly odor left over from the cleaning;

4. Cut the pork belly into long and wide strips;

5. Prepare garlic and ginger slices;

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, no matter how troublesome you are, appetizing tonic, improve resistance After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, and then trouble do not feel troublesome, appetizing tonic, improve resistance

6. Put pork belly strips, ginger slices and garlic into the soup pot, and add enough hot water at one time; if the water in the middle is obviously less, heat the water, otherwise the pork belly is not easy to cook and the soup also lacks a strong umami flavor;

7. Peel the potatoes and cucumbers and cut them into hob pieces for later;

8. When the pork belly is very badly cooked, add the potato pieces to the soup and simmer for about 10 minutes;

9. 3 minutes before the pan, add the cucumber cubes to the soup to maintain the crisp taste and turquoise color, sprinkle a little salt and chopped chives according to the taste.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, no matter how troublesome you are, appetizing tonic, improve resistance After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, and then trouble do not feel troublesome, appetizing tonic, improve resistance

1. Pork belly scrubbed with vinegar and salt removes mucus and odors;

2. The soup does not need too many spices to taste the unique fresh flavor of pork belly, so that the cooked pork belly can also be fried with other ingredients.

【Green vegetable tofu mushroom soup】

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, no matter how troublesome you are, appetizing tonic, improve resistance After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, and then trouble do not feel troublesome, appetizing tonic, improve resistance

Excessive meat consumption in autumn often causes an increase in the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, but causes indigestion, so this vegetarian soup can not be less, they can awaken some inert spleen and stomach. This bowl of soup is filled with mushrooms, mushrooms are rich in a variety of nutrients, have the effect of improving immunity, a variety of ingredients together, nutrition is more comprehensive, vegetarian soup can not be less, they can awaken some inert spleen and stomach.

Ingredients: 1 piece of tofu, 3 chinese cabbage, 6 mushrooms, 1 teaspoon of starch, a little salt, a few drops of sesame oil

1. Wash the tofu, green vegetables and mushrooms;

2. Cut the tofu into pieces, cut the green vegetables into sections, and slice the mushrooms;

3. Add starch and a little water to make a slurry for later;

4. Boil a pot of water, boil the water and cook the tofu in the pot for one minute to remove the fish;

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, no matter how troublesome you are, appetizing tonic, improve resistance After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, and then trouble do not feel troublesome, appetizing tonic, improve resistance

5. Cook the mushroom slices in the soup for one minute to break the raw;

6. Stir the starch syrup again and pour into the soup;

7. When the starch paste is transparent, add the green vegetables to the soup, sprinkle a little salt, mix a few times, turn off the heat and drizzle a few drops of sesame sesame oil.

1. There is no bitter taste of tofu with gypsum, and the taste is tender; green vegetables can choose seasonal, put into the soup before cooking, you can keep it crisp and turquoise;

2. Mushrooms can also be replaced with other mushrooms such as crab mushrooms, chicken thigh mushrooms and other tender mushrooms.

【Sour soup fat beef】

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, no matter how troublesome you are, appetizing tonic, improve resistance After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, and then trouble do not feel troublesome, appetizing tonic, improve resistance

Sour soup fat beef is a very appetizing and rice soup dish, the crisp and tender taste of enoki mushrooms to this ordinary dish to add a lot of value, with fat beef nutrition is also more comprehensive, sprinkle a little chopped chives before the pot, this red, yellow, white and green all have, look festive, eat there are ingredients, after the Mid-Autumn Festival to eat this dish appetizer is not on fire.

Ingredients: 300 g of fat beef, 5 tomatoes, 1 handful of enoki mushrooms, 2 chives, oil, salt, water

1. Wash the mushrooms and divide into small pieces, the tomatoes are determined according to the acceptable acidity, two chives;

2. Fat cattle are thawed at room temperature and then used, and the amount is adjusted with consumption;

3. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces, the finer the better; some people will ask if it is better to beat the paste with a blender? Answer: No, you can't. After beating into a paste, it is filled with gas, and when it is put into the pot, it will not only not fry the red soup, but also come out with a lot of foam, which affects the taste and appearance;

4. Hot pot of cold oil, the tomatoes stir-fried out of the soup, this step is very important, only after the stir-frying soup will become fragrant and flavorful, if it is directly cooked, the soup will be dull and tasteless, and there will be no layer of light yellow oil in the finished product, how to "gold everywhere" Oh; tomatoes stir-fried soup after heating water boiled;

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, no matter how troublesome you are, appetizing tonic, improve resistance After the Mid-Autumn Festival, drink more soup, and then trouble do not feel troublesome, appetizing tonic, improve resistance

5. After the soup is boiled, sprinkle a pinch of enoki mushrooms evenly into the pot;

6. Without waiting for the soup to open, use chopsticks to spread the fat beef rolls evenly in the soup, and cook on high heat to change color;

7. Sprinkle with salt before cooking, or sprinkle a little pepper according to the taste and coldness of the weather, and sprinkle a little chopped chives to add color and flavor.

1. This sour soup fat cow can be understood as tomato fat cow, especially suitable for people who can not eat spicy and the elderly and children, the seasoning is very small, but there is an appetizing taste, eat more and not on fire, this dish can be eaten in all four seasons; if the weather is cold and humid and feels a little cold, you can add some white pepper, drink two bowls can drive away the cold;

2. Fat beef can be replaced by hand-cut pork, chicken breast, slices of meat should not be cooked for a long time, change color can be turned off.

"Make a good meal with love, record the beauty with your heart, and use a simple method to present the mellow taste of the ingredients." I'm Meggy Dancing Apple, a national level health manager and a stay-at-home mom. Here, there are both fast and nutritious home-cooked meals and simple and practical home baking. Your attention, likes, forwards, favorites, and messages will give me endless sources of creation and motivation to share! Happy to know you, may happiness and deliciousness always accompany you and me!