
Sour and spicy beef soba noodles

author:Sour, sweet and bitter ordinari

Sour and spicy beef soba noodles

Sour and spicy beef soba noodles

Ingredients: 80 g of soba noodles, 15 g of cooked shredded beef

Accessories: 12 grams of shredded cucumber, 8 grams of shredded carrots, 10 grams of Korean kimchi

Seasoning: 35 grams of Tammy sour and spicy sauce, 0.2 grams of rattan pepper oil, 2 grams of green onion and ginger oil

Preparation Method:

1, the buckwheat noodles into floating water boiled, scooped up, cold water cool drain water for later;

2: Put buckwheat noodles in a bowl, add shredded beef, cucumber shredded, Korean kimchi shredded, carrot shredded poured and mixed sour and spicy sauce.