
Teach you not to use puff pastry, no fermentation, you can make a big bubble hollow cake, you will learn it

author:A high food world
Teach you not to use puff pastry, no fermentation, you can make a big bubble hollow cake, you will learn it

Teach you not to use puff pastry, no fermentation, you can make a big bubble hollow cake, you will learn it. Go out to eat, sometimes see the hollow cake in the restaurant, always feel good and magical, bulging, empty inside, can be sandwiched, sweet can be eaten directly, fragrant, try to operate at home, it was successful, and then never have to go out to buy and eat.

Teach you not to use puff pastry, no fermentation, you can make a big bubble hollow cake, you will learn it

Let's share with you the specific production method of this hollow cake, like the small partners can work together to make it for the family, they make no additives, eat it with confidence and hygiene.

【Hollow Cake】

Ingredients: 300 grams of ordinary flour (also called medium gluten flour), 140 grams of warm water, 20 grams of cooking oil, sugar, 1 gram of salt, sesame seeds

Production process:

1. First of all, we first use flour to add salt and stir well, pour 20 grams of cooking oil and 140 grams of warm water to stir it into a flocculent shape, as shown in the picture.

Teach you not to use puff pastry, no fermentation, you can make a big bubble hollow cake, you will learn it

2: Then knead it into a smooth dough, cover with plastic wrap and let it rise for 30 minutes.

Teach you not to use puff pastry, no fermentation, you can make a big bubble hollow cake, you will learn it

3: Roll the dough into a thick strip and divide it into 9 equal parts, as shown in the picture.

Teach you not to use puff pastry, no fermentation, you can make a big bubble hollow cake, you will learn it

4, take a cut good dough, it is directly by hand first pressed flat, and then the surrounding areas are pinched by hand, forming a small bowl of appearance, I tried to do two operations, one is to knead the surface of the small bowl smeared with a thin layer of cooking oil, one is directly kneaded, nothing is used to wipe, the effect of the finished product is the same, so everyone can feel free to ha in the operation.

Teach you not to use puff pastry, no fermentation, you can make a big bubble hollow cake, you will learn it

5: Add an appropriate amount of sugar, as shown in the picture.

Teach you not to use puff pastry, no fermentation, you can make a big bubble hollow cake, you will learn it

6. Pinch it tightly and wrap it up as shown in the figure.

Teach you not to use puff pastry, no fermentation, you can make a big bubble hollow cake, you will learn it

7. Continue the operation, put it with the mouth facing up, and roll it into an oval pancake with a rolling pin, as shown in the picture.

Teach you not to use puff pastry, no fermentation, you can make a big bubble hollow cake, you will learn it

8, after the operation is made in turn, placed in the baking pan, the surface brushed with a layer of water, and then sprinkled with an appropriate amount of black sesame seeds, if you like the golden surface, you can brush its surface with a layer of egg liquid, and then sprinkle sesame seeds, sprinkle the sesame seeds slightly.

Teach you not to use puff pastry, no fermentation, you can make a big bubble hollow cake, you will learn it

9. Preheat the oven in advance and set the temperature to 230 degrees for 5-8 minutes.

Teach you not to use puff pastry, no fermentation, you can make a big bubble hollow cake, you will learn it

9, the baking process, see its one by one all bulging up, haha, quite fun yo.

Teach you not to use puff pastry, no fermentation, you can make a big bubble hollow cake, you will learn it

10, baked well, bulging, too tempting.

Teach you not to use puff pastry, no fermentation, you can make a big bubble hollow cake, you will learn it

12, out of the oven, fragrant, the operation is very simple, but it is very magical cake Ha.

Teach you not to use puff pastry, no fermentation, you can make a big bubble hollow cake, you will learn it

13, cut open, empty, today's cooking is sweet, can also be made into the original taste, or there is a light salty taste, so that you can put the favorite dish Ha.

Teach you not to use puff pastry, no fermentation, you can make a big bubble hollow cake, you will learn it


1, like to eat the original taste or light salty taste, you can remove the sugar in its ingredients, the amount of salt can be increased in an appropriate amount.

2, if you like to eat a softer taste, the baking time is controlled at about five minutes, like the taste is crisp, the time can be appropriately extended.

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