
Wayward homemade net red nougat, what you want to eat plus what, sweet but not greasy super chewy

author:Food Commissioner

Nougat is mostly made of nuts and dried fruits, and the taste is crisp, and I believe many people like to eat it. The traditional nougat recipe is more complicated, and now there is a simple version of the recipe that you can easily do at home, and you can choose to add your favorite ingredients to create a unique taste. If you're interested, you might as well give it a try!

Wayward homemade net red nougat, what you want to eat plus what, sweet but not greasy super chewy

Nougat is also known as bird knot sugar (macao area is called knot sugar, folk called brown candy). In ancient China, eating peanuts had the meaning of bringing longevity. Common nougat takes peanuts as the tree nuts in sugar, making it into the shape of sugar.

Wayward homemade net red nougat, what you want to eat plus what, sweet but not greasy super chewy

Start by preparing these ingredients:

Marshmallows 200 g

Milk powder 100 g

Unsalted cream 50 g

Dried lifts 30 g

Dried cranberries 30 g

Pistachios 30 g

Almonds 30 g

Wayward homemade net red nougat, what you want to eat plus what, sweet but not greasy super chewy


1. Pour the marshmallows and cream into a pot and cook over low heat until dissolved, stirring constantly.

2. Then pour in the milk powder and mix quickly.

3. Add the dried pickles, dried cranberries, pistachios and almonds, turn off the heat and mix well.

4. Prepare two pieces of butter paper, place the cooked nougat on the butter paper, and spread another layer of butter paper.

5. Roll out to 1cm thick with a rolling pin and refrigerate in a refrigerator until hard.

6. Remove, cut into strips and finish!

Wayward homemade net red nougat, what you want to eat plus what, sweet but not greasy super chewy

The above is today's gourmet recipe, like friends quickly do it, guaranteed that you are full of praise! o(∩_∩)o~~

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