
Wang Zhaojun has successively married Hu Han evil Shan Yu father and son brothers, why can his name remain for thousands of years?

author:Tomato salad

Recently chose a short-term update, Ah Chen has begun to change the style, of course, we want to update with high quality, today we talk about Wang Zhaojun, one of the four beauties of ancient times.

"Zhaojun out of the plug" is the most famous historical allusion in history, and it is also a true historical story.

During the reign of Emperor Xuan of Han, the Xiongnu nobles of the Nahui were in serious competition for power and were balanced by five Shan Yu divisions, among which Hu Han evil Shan Yu was defeated by his brother Zhi Zhi Shan Yu. Hu Han was determined to reconcile with the Han Dynasty and personally went to see Emperor Xuan of Han.

When meeting Emperor Xuan of Han, this Hu Han evil Shan Yu asked Emperor Xuan of Han to help him consolidate his position, and after Emperor Xuan of Han agreed, he sent 10,000 cavalry and two generals to return to the Xiongnu with him.

Wang Zhaojun has successively married Hu Han evil Shan Yu father and son brothers, why can his name remain for thousands of years?

Among them, the other countries in the western region heard that the Xiongnu and the Han Dynasty were good friends, and one by one they all wanted to make friends with the Han Dynasty, and after the death of Emperor Xuan of Han, his son Emperor Han Yuan succeeded to the throne, and after Emperor Han Yuan succeeded to the throne, the Xiongnu zhi Shan Yu killed the envoys of the Han Dynasty, which angered the Han Yuan Emperor, and the soldiers of the Han Dynasty directly killed Zhi Zhi Shan Yu, at this time the position of Hu Han Evil Shan Yu was consolidated.

And the story about Zhaojun's outflow has just begun.

Wang Zhaojun has successively married Hu Han evil Shan Yu father and son brothers, why can his name remain for thousands of years?

In 33 BC, Hu Han Evil Shan Yu once again came to Chang'an of the Han Dynasty, this time he came with a purpose, he wanted to make friends with the Han Dynasty, he came to make peace, Emperor Han Yuan agreed, and said that the princess Xu was assigned to him, but in this palace, the princess was not willing to marry far away, they did not want to marry so far away, Emperor Han Yuan had no way, only let people choose a dignified palace girl from the palace, Xu as a princess, let her marry Hu Han Evil Shan Yu, and marry Hu Han Evil Shan Yu with the etiquette of a princess. But where are there so many beautiful palace women in the harem?

Wang Zhaojun has successively married Hu Han evil Shan Yu father and son brothers, why can his name remain for thousands of years?

Even so, there are still many palace women who are very reluctant, because they think of marrying the Xiongnu far away, and they will not see their families later, there is a palace maid named Wang Yan, the word Zhaojun, she voluntarily married to the Xiongnu, she has a beautiful insight, voluntarily married to the Xiongnu, soon after, Wang Zhaojun and Hu Han Evil Shan Yu became relatives in Chang'an, the next day when the two were thankful, the Han Yuan Emperor saw the beautiful and generous Wang Zhaojun who made the entire harem lose its color, then there was no regret.

Wang Zhaojun had been in the harem since she entered the palace, and she thought that if she could leave this place, it would be a good thing for her.

Wang Zhaojun has successively married Hu Han evil Shan Yu father and son brothers, why can his name remain for thousands of years?

Back in the inner palace, The Han Yuan Emperor was very regretful, but unfortunately this time it was too late, it is said that the painter lit a mole on Wang Zhaojun's portrait, and as a result, he missed Wang Zhaojun's beauty, and the Han Yuan Emperor regretted it very much.

In fact, the prototype of Wang Zhaojun is also real in history, in history Wang Zhaojun is a strange woman who gathers wisdom and beauty, she has her own insight and wisdom, after marrying Hu Han Evil Shan Yu, she has also married Han Evil Shan Yu father and son brothers, has not been criticized, but also widely loved.

Wang Zhaojun has successively married Hu Han evil Shan Yu father and son brothers, why can his name remain for thousands of years?

In the hundreds of thousands of years that she has been widely circulated, there have been many poets who have written poems about her, and here are some of them.

"Yonghuai Ancient Monuments , Part III" Du Fu

The mountains and mountains went to Jingmen, and the village of MingFei still had a village.

Once you go to Zitai Lianshuo Desert, leave Aozuka alone towards dusk.

Draw a picture to recognize the spring wind surface, and return to the night moon soul in the air.

Senzai pipa as nonsense, clear resentment in the middle of the song.

And Li Bai's: "Picking Flowers in Khotan"

Khotanese flower pickers said that the flowers were similar.

As soon as Concubine Ming went west into Hu, Hu Zhongmei was ashamed to die.

It is known that there are many sisters in the Han Dynasty, and there is no flower in Huzhong to compare.

Dan Qing can make the ugly person Yan, no salt turned in the deep palace.

Since ancient times, the eyebrows of the moth are jealous, and the husha buries the teeth.

Do you still know the more famous historical allusions? You can leave a message in the comment area.

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