
Why do ornamental fish jump out of the fish tank to seek short-sightedness? Understand the genetic code of fish to avoid losing fish Why jump? Why do some fish jump out with all their might, while others are very peaceful? Protection mainly depends on the variety.

author:Fish farming said

The grass tanks that we can basically see are full of water and almost overflowing. Moreover, these grass tanks do not have lids, cover anti-jump nets and other measures to prevent ornamental fish from jumping into the tank. However, the fish in the tank, even if they do not have the shelter of the lid or anti-jump net, will not jump out of the tank. But their own fish don't seem to be so cautious and always like to jump out. What is the magical "magic" that restricts the impulse of other people's fish to jump out and dispels the idea of jumping the tank? Or what kind of evil "power" prompts the fish they raise to jump out of the tank one after another?

< h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > why do fish jump? </h1>

First of all, we must first know why fish jump. Is it because the space in the water is too small to satisfy them? Or do you just want to practice this skill in order to go to the Olympics? Neither. Creatures living in the wild, the only thought is: live! In other words, perhaps all the skills of a wild fish are nothing more than to help it survive in the wild better. Jumping, this skill, is actually a survival skill. Fish themselves live in water, and the skill of jumping was forced to evolve later.

Why do ornamental fish jump out of the fish tank to seek short-sightedness? Understand the genetic code of fish to avoid losing fish Why jump? Why do some fish jump out with all their might, while others are very peaceful? Protection mainly depends on the variety.

In general, fish jump either to avoid predators or to forage. If the stronger side attacks the weaker side, the weaker side will flee, and in a desperate situation, it will jump out of the water and escape for a short time. It is also possible that they were forced to be anxious, too emotionally excited, and then jumped out of the water.

There are also many fish that can jump out of the water for food. Let's take the most representative Hindsea carp as an example. The well-sighted Heathstone Carp observes from the water the berries of the red pengpeng that ripen above the water surface. They will find a good position, determine the direction, jump up, bite the berries, and then swing from side to side to tear them off and get down. Arowana, which also has good vision, can find insects that inhabit the branches above, and then jump up and eat them.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > why do some fish jump out and some fish are very peaceful? </h1>

Fish that like to jump out, combined with the above two main reasons, generally speaking, either they are too hungry, see insects on the surface of the water or mistakenly think that the things put on it are food, want to jump up and eat it, but because the technology is too rusty and "cross the line", fall out of the fish tank, and then become a dry corpse. Or if there is a tank bully in the tank to attack, the instinctive reaction will cause the fish to flee around, and in the case of desperation, they will be directly forced to jump the tank.

Why do ornamental fish jump out of the fish tank to seek short-sightedness? Understand the genetic code of fish to avoid losing fish Why jump? Why do some fish jump out with all their might, while others are very peaceful? Protection mainly depends on the variety.

Fish that do not jump out of the tank are, on the one hand, the reason for the breed, on the other hand, are properly managed. Some species of fish are less likely to jump because they don't have to jump in primitive environments. But that doesn't mean they can't jump, it's just that the cylinder jumping rate is relatively low. On the other hand, when properly managed, the probability of fish jumping cylinders will be greatly reduced. Ensure that there is enough food, and there is no conflict between the two fish fighting each other, as long as they get along harmoniously, have enough food, and are emotionally stable, the probability of jumping cylinders will become very low. However, the probability of not jumping cylinders cannot be completely ruled out. Because all kinds of factors may be triggered.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > protection mainly depends on the variety. </h1>

Do I want to put a lid on it? Do you want to go on the anti-jump net? Do you want to use measures to prevent jumping? All I can say is to try to protect yourself. It mainly depends on the variety. Lamp fish, medaka fish, these fish basically have no habit of jumping into the tank. But the fish of the family Fish, the Climbing Perch, these carnivorous fish need to add protective measures. Some fish are easy to jump, some are not easy, the most important thing is to rely on yourself to find out the nature of ornamental fish and make rational choices.

Why do ornamental fish jump out of the fish tank to seek short-sightedness? Understand the genetic code of fish to avoid losing fish Why jump? Why do some fish jump out with all their might, while others are very peaceful? Protection mainly depends on the variety.

If you also like to raise ornamental fish, you may wish to start pointing out a point of attention, all you need to know about fish farming is here.

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