
In-depth interpretation of "Dream of the Red Chamber" two handmaidens who are not willing to be at the mercy of "slave orders": Mandarin Duck and Xiaohong

author:Wind Art Mountain






In-depth interpretation of "Dream of the Red Chamber" two handmaidens who are not willing to be at the mercy of "slave orders": Mandarin Duck and Xiaohong

In "Dream of the Red Chamber", slaves and servants are also divided into three, six, nine and so on.



Ping'er and the raiders are still the big guys in the room, that is, "would-be aunts and grandmothers". 也是‬“周瑞家‬的”口‬中称‬的‬“副小姐‬”,大观园‬小厨房‬管事媳妇‬柳嫂子‬嘴里‬说的“二层主子‬”。


Therefore, she slowly had some sense of self-esteem and self-love, and when Jia Yu looked at her, she resolutely refused to follow. Her brother-in-law came to beg her, and Mandarin Duck said a famous saying: Song Huizong's eagle, Zhao Ziang's horse, are all good paintings(words)!

This is to ridicule her brother and sister-in-law for saying that there are "good words" to her, and Mandarin Duck knows that Jia Yu wants to marry her as a little wife; the second also shows Mandarin Duck's extraordinary temperament and insight.

In-depth interpretation of "Dream of the Red Chamber" two handmaidens who are not willing to be at the mercy of "slave orders": Mandarin Duck and Xiaohong

故鸳鸯还说:“别说是让‬我当‬小老婆,就是大太太(即邢夫人)这会子死了,三媒六证的娶我做大老婆,我也不能‬去! ”


袭‬、平‬还‬拿‬鸳鸯打趣‬,一会说‬将‬她‬许给贾琏‬,一会又说‬把‬她‬配给‬宝玉‬。 鸳鸯‬义正辞严‬:“你们自以为‬是得了‬结果‬的,将来‬是要‬做姨娘‬的‬。 据我‬看‬‬,这天下的事‬未必都‬遂心如意‬,你们‬且‬收着些‬,别‬忒乐‬‬了过了头‬! ”

等‬她‬嫂子‬来了‬,鸳鸯‬又‬骂‬她嫂子‬为‬“九‬国‬贩‬骆驼‬”的‬。 后来‬,其‬哥嫂‬在‬贾赦‬的‬威逼利诱‬之下‬,不得不‬再去‬求‬鸳鸯。

她‬‬便大胆‬‬闹到‬贾母那里‬,绞头发‬、发毒誓‬明志‬。 贾母‬大发雷霆‬,讲的话‬也很有‬反讽‬的意味‬。 贾赦、‬邢夫人‬最后只得作罢‬。



In-depth interpretation of "Dream of the Red Chamber" two handmaidens who are not willing to be at the mercy of "slave orders": Mandarin Duck and Xiaohong

Similar to the Mandarin Duck, another person who has a great sense of independence and autonomy is Xiaohong, the "third-class girl".

Her real name is Lin Hongyu, she is the daughter of Lin Zhixiao, one of the housekeepers of Jia Province, and the "Lin Zhixiao Family" (that is, Lin Zhixiao's wife) is responsible for the daily management of the Grand View Garden.

Like the Mandarin duck, Xiaohong is also a "family child", that is, a child born of a slave, that is, a "house slave". She also has a famous saying: a long tent is built for thousands of miles, and there is no feast that does not disperse, but in three years and five years, everyone will do their own thing.

This was said after Xia'er complained to her, because Jia Baoyu was cured by Aunt Zhao's aunt Wei Zhen, and the head "waited" to reward the servants in Baoyu's room, and Xiang'er felt unfair, Xiao Hongfang said.

This pendant is also a fourth-class little girl, I mentioned her when I talked about Qingwen before, because she later stole Ping'er's shrimp whisker bracelet and was driven out of the Grand View Garden by Qingwen.

Xiao Hong's words became a proverb, and indeed three or five years later, Jia Fu said, "After the three springs are gone, all the fangs are exhausted, and each must find its own door". Yu read it, and I had to admire Cao Xueqin's painstaking ingenuity.

Because this daigo-inspiring sentence is from the mouth of a third-class servant who does not seem to understand the world, it makes people feel deeply meaningful.

Earlier, Xiaohong only accidentally poured a sip of tea for Baoyu, and was insulted by Qiu Wen and Bi Chen, saying that she was not worthy of pouring water with tea. Xiaohong understood that the place of Yihong Courtyard was "difficult to stand", so she turned her heart sideways and took the initiative to "leave a handkerchief" to boldly pursue Jia Yun, and finally achieved positive results.

In-depth interpretation of "Dream of the Red Chamber" two handmaidens who are not willing to be at the mercy of "slave orders": Mandarin Duck and Xiaohong

Jia Yun is the righteous grandson of Jia Rong's contemporary, but his parents are no longer there, and he is dependent on his uncle for his life. Later, with his own personality and talent, he took over the work of planting flowers and trees in the Grand View Garden.

When Jia Baoyu went out that day, he happened to meet him and Jia Lian begging, and he also recognized him as a dry son. After Jia Yun entered the Grand View Garden, he did not forget to carefully cultivate a few begonia flowers to give to Baoyu, which led to the story of the Begonia Poetry Society.

Xiaohong was later valued by Wang Xifeng for her outstanding eloquence, so she transferred to Sister Feng, and she was also considered to be "climbing a high branch". Since then, the two people have lived their own little lives.

In the end, after Jia Fu was raided, Yun and Hong also went to the prison temple to visit Jia Baoyu, and at this time, Baoyu and Fengjie were already "phoenixes with falling hair are not as good as chickens".

However, Xiaohong still insists on serving Sister Feng in prison, which can be described as affectionate and righteous, and it is also an irony to those who looked down on her in the past. At this time, Qiu Bi did not know what the end was.

Even the raiders only remarried Jiang Yuhan, and her "dream of aunt and grandmother" who "ate and dressed the same as her master" and could also call slaves to make her maids shattered.

Of course, Gao Yan tampered with Cao Gong's original intention, and wrote in the last forty times that Jia Yun, Jia Huan, and Wang Ren colluded to kill Sister Qiao and became a "fierce uncle and adulterous brother", which was completely a fabrication of Cheng Gao's generation.

In-depth interpretation of "Dream of the Red Chamber" two handmaidens who are not willing to be at the mercy of "slave orders": Mandarin Duck and Xiaohong

I think that whether it is Mandarin Duck or Xiaohong, although they are "born in the family", they are not willing to accept the arrangement and manipulation of the fate of slaves, and dare to choose their own life and future, which is very valuable.


Even if the birth cannot be chosen, the environment in which they grew up cannot be chosen, and the cultural shackles of the surrounded humane hierarchical society are even more difficult to break through. However, in the end, everyone's life and future are still their own business.

Rather than saying that individual people can never escape the so-called manipulation of fate, it is better to say that in the face of weakness and bravery, most people consciously or unconsciously choose to compromise first.


From the point of view of human nature, no one is really willing to be a slave. However, in the face of the "law of survival" under the dual role of the hierarchical system and the human society, Chinese "master and slave", and few people can break free.

In-depth interpretation of "Dream of the Red Chamber" two handmaidens who are not willing to be at the mercy of "slave orders": Mandarin Duck and Xiaohong

In the book, not only are they as good as the raiders, who are willing to be slaves for the so-called good life; there are also people like Liu Sister-in-law, who in order to send their daughter Liu Wu'er to Yihong Courtyard, looking for Chunyan and asking for Fangguan, in the end they killed Wu'er.

Another example is the "Wang Shanbao family", because these mother-in-laws were not welcomed by the big ladies in the Grand View Garden, so they entered in front of Lady Wang, although Qingwen was driven out, but at the same time killed his granddaughter Siqi.

After Siqi went out, it was also a tragic death. This is also what I expounded in the previous article, "slave life" is not necessarily a good life, between master and slave, slave and slave inevitable mutual harm, is the core logic of "master-slave society".



I would like to ask: Three hundred years later, how many people have actually cut the braids on their heads? 我的答案是‬:脑袋‬上的‬辫子‬是有形的‬,早就剪去了‬;但心中‬的辫子‬又粗又长者‬,还大有人在‬。


In-depth interpretation of "Dream of the Red Chamber" two handmaidens who are not willing to be at the mercy of "slave orders": Mandarin Duck and Xiaohong

这些人‬在‬刘泽华‬先生‬的论著‬‬中‬,也可谓‬是‬“新儒家‬”们‬的‬代表‬,在这些人‬看来‬,中国‬传统的‬等级‬社会‬亦‬有‬其‬多元性‬和‬流动性‬。 就比如‬平儿‬,她‬在得到了‬主子‬王熙凤‬的认可‬和信任‬之后‬,那‬也是‬“半个主子‬”了‬,也可以‬发号施令‬了。

且‬在‬五儿‬被冤枉偷窃‬之后‬,那些‬素日与‬柳嫂子‬不和‬的人‬就趁机‬在‬平儿‬面前‬给她‬上眼药‬,并‬送礼‬给平儿‬。 也许‬,在‬“新儒家‬”们‬眼里‬,这就是‬“独立自主‬,竞争上岗”了‬。


这种‬主奴‬变换‬,主奴‬交替‬,所谓等级‬的升降‬,人才‬的流动‬不但‬没有导致‬等级‬制度的消亡‬,反而使得‬等级制度‬更趋于‬稳定‬,更具有生命力‬和影响力。 这也‬变相解释了‬中国历史‬能够‬不断改朝换代‬,‬循环往复‬两千余年‬的深刻‬原因‬。


“礼‬”决定了‬人与人‬的等级关系‬,“仁‬”确立了‬人与人‬的相处‬法则‬。 中国人‬从来不是‬具有独立‬人格‬意义上的‬“人‬”,而是‬处在‬由‬“礼‬”和‬“仁‬”所‬维系‬的上下‬、尊卑‬、内外‬等‬各种‬等级、差序‬、利害‬关系‬中的‬“主奴‬综合体‬”,即‬“做人‬”。

In-depth interpretation of "Dream of the Red Chamber" two handmaidens who are not willing to be at the mercy of "slave orders": Mandarin Duck and Xiaohong








In-depth interpretation of "Dream of the Red Chamber" two handmaidens who are not willing to be at the mercy of "slave orders": Mandarin Duck and Xiaohong





然‬今人‬仍有‬娓道孔家‬糟粕‬之‬“人学‬”妙者‬,直‬欲‬以‬“内圣外王‬”引以为‬今日‬之‬中国‬富强‬民主‬自由‬之‬“灵丹妙药‬”,甚而‬大赞特赞‬高鹗之续书‬,完全不解‬甚至就是‬诋毁‬‬曹公‬之‬书‬的‬血与泪‬,这是‬浑然忘却了‬礼教杀人、吃人‬‬的‬那一笔‬笔‬旧账,更不能‬与‬不敢‬揭破‬“圣人‬”“伟人‬” 乃至‬“明星‬”“网红‬”之‬质中的‬主奴‬根性‬文化‬。


张锋‬ 辛丑‬深秋写于大理古城

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