
What if you owe a lot of debt and can't afford to pay it back?

author:Magic is my brother

A few days ago, my mother said one thing, in my hometown, there is a neighbor's son, because of the debt of more than 800,000, banks, suppliers, creditors, every day to call, door-to-door debt collection, really can't stand it, so open the gas canister, suicide.

Before committing suicide, he wrote a suicide note to let his wife remarry with his son, and as for his parents, he could only give it to his brothers and sisters.

Fortunately, this neighbor has many children, and if there is such a son, it is estimated that no one will send him to the end. (So, having one more child is still useful)

In another example, my aunt's son, my old cousin, is 38 years old, who owed more than 3 million yuan in the previous years, paid 1.8 million yuan to the family, and has more than 1 million left, which is really no way, but he is still alive and well, and he is still very happy.

In the beginning, the bank, the creditor, either called every day, or came to the door, lived in his house, ate in his house, and was arrested and detained by the court's enforcement court (half a month came out, really no money)

At first, he also had the idea of taking his own life, which brought a heavy burden to his family, and it was better to die than to die, but later, he slowly got used to it.

Every time I urge him to return the money, there are two words, no money.

In order not to involve his wife, the two divorced directly, and the wife took the child and returned to the city where her mother's family lived, and he also went back to see it from time to time.

At the beginning, his parents-in-law scolded him for not being useful, and his uncles often taunted him and looked down on him, and he just smiled and did not speak, and later, his parents-in-law saw that he came back with money every month and did not say anything.

In order to pay off the debt, he went to the construction site to do some work, a month down, five or six thousand yuan, deducting the rent, life, and the money sent home to his wife and children, the rest of all the debts, first pay off the friend's money, as for the bank's money, so far there is no repayment, it is not not not repaid, but it is said that friends are more important.

He used to do dry goods wholesale, also rich, generous, and then had an accident, lost a lot of money, in order to save the business, borrowed a lot of money, but still did not ease up.

Last year's Spring Festival, he came to my house as a guest, to see his mental state, it is also very good, he means, the money owed to personal friends, there are 500,000, is necessary to pay back, as for the rest, can pay back a little.

The people who used to drive a BMW are now doing odd jobs at the construction site, and he doesn't feel faceless, in his opinion, face has long been worthless, and surviving is the most important thing.

Although he owed a lot of money, no relative looked down on him, because he was indeed paying back, but it was not enough for a while and a half.

He was in my family, he owed 80,000, the first two or three years, successively repaid 50,000, there are still 30,000, my parents do not urge him, just say, when there is, when to pay.

Since he was in debt, he also saw a lot of people, who used to be called brothers and brothers, now even the shadows can't be seen, but his next-door neighbors have helped him a lot, and sometimes think, "distant relatives are not as strong as close neighbors", or a little reasonable.

As for his wife, my cousin, she's a really nice woman, divorced, but also helping him pay him back.

Take my cousin's words, divorce is also forced, although there is no name of husband and wife, but there is a fact of husband and wife, children are in junior high school, is it difficult to find another man? Moreover, my old watch still takes money back every month, and it is not indifferent.

Through the example of my old watch, I just want to say that no matter how much debt you owe, don't take your life lightly, and don't feel that the sky is going to fall, this day, can't fall.

Lose your face, what work to make money, do what, have a plan for your income, which to pay back first, which to pay back later.

As for whether you can turn over in the future, that is the last word, first survive and then say.

Not only to survive, but also to live happily, without bank cards, without WeChat, without Alipay, without flying, without golf, without going to high-end clubs, without buying high-value insurance, without buying a house, without your children attending private schools.

Correcting the mentality and changing the habits of life is the top priority.

When you have the courage to call relatives and friends and apologize one by one, it means that you have got rid of the negative emotions brought to you by debt, and at the same time, it proves that you are a responsible person, and this moment is also the first step for you to start over.

Don't treat your body badly because you are in debt, exercise more, the body is your own, if the body collapses, it is a hundred times more painful than the debt.

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