
Simple and convenient, teach you to recognize the whole mung bean field disease mung bean virus disease mung bean leaf spot disease mung bean rot mung bean root rot mung bean standing blight bean wild aphid cricket cricket mung bean curly leaf borer

author:No Wusong no tiger

Mung beans are one of the traditional legumes in China. There are many vitamins and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and iron in mung beans than japonica rice. It not only has good edible value, but also has very good medicinal value. Doing a good job in the prevention and control of mung bean diseases and insect pests is one of the important means to improve the yield of mung bean.

Simple and convenient, teach you to recognize the whole mung bean field disease mung bean virus disease mung bean leaf spot disease mung bean rot mung bean root rot mung bean standing blight bean wild aphid cricket cricket mung bean curly leaf borer

<h1>Mung bean virus disease</h1>

Harmful symptoms: Mung bean can occur from seedling emergence to adult plant stage. The leaves appear mottled or green in parts of the leaf, and the leaves are wrinkled. Some varieties have distorted leaves or bright veins, and the diseased plants are dwarfed and flower late; the symptoms on the pods are not obvious.

Pathogenesis conditions: the onset temperature is 20 °C. The occurrence of the virus is closely related to the occurrence of aphids, especially in high temperature and dry weather, which not only benefits aphid activity, but also reduces the resistance of the host to diseases.

Control methods: selection of disease-resistant varieties, selection of disease-free seeds, implementation of rotation or intercropping with grasses, strengthen field management, timely removal of water. Pharmaceutical control: 50% carbendazim or 80% wettable zinc 400 times liquid is sprayed at the bud stage of mung beans. Spray once every 7 to 10 days, and spray 2 to 3 times continuously, which can effectively control the epidemic of disease.

Simple and convenient, teach you to recognize the whole mung bean field disease mung bean virus disease mung bean leaf spot disease mung bean rot mung bean root rot mung bean standing blight bean wild aphid cricket cricket mung bean curly leaf borer

<h1>Mung bean leaf spot disease</h1>

Harmful symptoms: mainly harmful to leaves, to the flowering and pod stage of the victimization. At the beginning of the disease, small water-stained brown dots appear on the leaves, which form reddish-brown to reddish-brown edges and nearly round spots with light gray to light brown in the middle. When the humidity is high, the lesion is densely covered with gray mold. When the condition is severe, the spots merge into flakes and quickly dry up. The light ones reduce production by 20% to 50%, and the serious ones are as high as 90%.

Pathogenesis conditions: under hot and humid conditions, after repeated re-infection of conidia, pathogenic bacteria accumulate in large quantities, and epidemics occur when suitable conditions are met. High temperature and high humidity are conducive to the occurrence and prevalence of the disease, especially in autumn rainy, continuous cropping or anti-seasonal cultivation.

Prevention and control methods: select disease-free strains to keep seeds, soak seeds with 45 °C warm water for 10 min disinfection before sowing; deep ploughing after harvesting in the place of occurrence, conditionally implement rotation; spray 50% polymycovir (carbendazim plus ethyl mold) wettable powder 1000-1500 times liquid at the beginning of the disease, or 75% Bacillus Clear wettable powder 600 times liquid, 12% green emulsion copper emulsion 600 times liquid, 80% Dasheng M-45 wettable powder 600 times liquid, 47% ~ H Renon wettable powder 800 times liquid, 50% mixed sulfur suspension 500-600 times liquid, 30% basic copper sulfate suspension 400 times liquid, 1:1:200 times Bordeaux liquid, sprayed once every 7 to 10 days, continuous control 2-3 times

Simple and convenient, teach you to recognize the whole mung bean field disease mung bean virus disease mung bean leaf spot disease mung bean rot mung bean root rot mung bean standing blight bean wild aphid cricket cricket mung bean curly leaf borer

<h1>Mung bean rotisserie spot disease</h1>

Symptoms: Purple spots appear on the lower leaves of the susceptible plant, and then the upper leaves gradually appear spots, 3-15 nlm in diameter, and the center becomes gray-brown, with slight concentric rings. There are countless small black spots on it, and the disease can also harm stalks, pods and bean kernels.

Pathogenesis conditions: During the growing season, such as warm weather and high humidity, or excessively dense plants with high humidity, it is conducive to the occurrence of this disease. In addition, the excessive growth of partial nitrogen fertilizer plants, or the weak growth of plants with insufficient fertilizer, led to a decrease in the host's disease resistance and severe disease.

Prevention and control methods: early spraying at the beginning of the disease 33. 5% Bilu No. 2 suspension 1500-2000 times liquid, or 77% killable moisturizing particulate powder 500 times liquid, 30% basic copper acid suspension 400 to 500 times liquid, 47% Garrinon wettable powder 800-900 times liquid, 20% methylthioxam wettable powder 1000 times liquid + 75% Bacillus Qing wettable powder 1000 times liquid, 40% more · Sulfur suspension 500 times liquid, sprayed once every 7 to 10 days, a total of 2 to 3 times.

Simple and convenient, teach you to recognize the whole mung bean field disease mung bean virus disease mung bean leaf spot disease mung bean rot mung bean root rot mung bean standing blight bean wild aphid cricket cricket mung bean curly leaf borer

<h1>Mung bean root rot</h1>

Symptoms: The hypocotyl of the seedlings in the early stage of the disease produces reddish-brown to dark brown spots, and the cortex is cracked and ulcerated. In severe cases, the spots gradually expand and surround the whole stem, causing the base of the stem to become brown, sunken, and folded; the leaves wither, and the plant wilts and dies. When the disease is mild, the plant turns yellow and grows slowly. Seedlings of 4-8 days are most susceptible to infection at 22-30 °C.

Pathogenesis conditions: low-lying terrain, large soil moisture, low ground temperature, root dysplasia is susceptible to disease. Wind and rainy weather helps the spread of germs.

Control method: use healthy seeds or use seed amount 0. 3% of 50% carbendazim wettable powder or 50% Fumei double wettable powder seed mixing; stubble rotation with grass plants; deep ploughing of the land, removal of diseased plants in the field; pharmaceutical control: spraying with 75% bacillus clear wettable powder 600 times liquid or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 600 times liquid in the early stage of the disease, and can also be sprinkled with 75% pentaoxynitrobenzene plus dry fine soil next to mung bean roots.

Simple and convenient, teach you to recognize the whole mung bean field disease mung bean virus disease mung bean leaf spot disease mung bean rot mung bean root rot mung bean standing blight bean wild aphid cricket cricket mung bean curly leaf borer

<h1>Mung bean blight</h1>

Symptoms of harm: Yellow-brown spots are produced at the base of the stem of the affected plant, which gradually expand to the base of the entire stem, and the diseased part is obviously shrunk, resulting in the wilting and death of the seedlings. When the humidity is high, the disease develops spider silky brown mold.

Pathogenesis conditions: poor plant growth or long-term low temperature and rainy weather is prone to disease, many years of continuous cropping blocks, low-lying terrain, high groundwater level, poor drainage of the disease.

Prevention and control methods: the implementation of more than 2-3 years of rotation, can not rotate the serious disease of the land should be deep ploughing soil to reduce the occurrence of the disease; planting density is appropriate, pay attention to ventilation and light transmission, low-lying land should be implemented high furrow cultivation, timely drainage after rain, timely clearance after harvesting; the beginning of the initial stage of the disease began to spray 3. 2% methylmethic aqueous agent (gram) 300 times liquid or 20% methyl liquatine emulsion 1200 times liquid, 36% methylthioxine suspension 600 times liquid. In addition, the use of 30% epiphytic emulsion oil 200 ~ 375 mg / kg to irrigate the roots, there is also a certain control effect.

Simple and convenient, teach you to recognize the whole mung bean field disease mung bean virus disease mung bean leaf spot disease mung bean rot mung bean root rot mung bean standing blight bean wild aphid cricket cricket mung bean curly leaf borer

<h1>Mameno Tei</h1>

Morphological characteristics: Adults are 13 mm long, with a wingspan of 24 to 26 mm, dark yellowish brown, two white transparent spots in the center of the forewing, white translucent hindwings, and dark brown ripples on the inside. The eggs are flattened and oval, pale green, and have hexagonal reticulates. The mature larvae are 18 mm long, with a brown head and thorax, and a yellowish-green body.

Hazard status: Larvae eat the host flower, causing falling flowers; moths eat pods, causing fallen pods in the early stages, and rotting the pods and seeds in the later stages. In addition, it can also be twisted and rolled together by several leaves, in which the larvae cannibalize the leaf flesh, or moth the young stems, resulting in dead shoots, which has a great impact on yield and quality.

Control methods: timely removal of fallen flowers and pods in the field, and removal of damaged leaves and pods to reduce the source of insects; set up black lights in the field to trap adult insects; spray insecticides, such as 50% dichlorvos emulsion 800 times liquid, or 25% chrysanthemum mixture 3000 times liquid, or 10% insecticide, 2. 5% cypermethrin, 10% cypermethrin, etc. each 3000-4000 times liquid. Starting from the buds, spray the buds and flowers every 10 days.

Simple and convenient, teach you to recognize the whole mung bean field disease mung bean virus disease mung bean leaf spot disease mung bean rot mung bean root rot mung bean standing blight bean wild aphid cricket cricket mung bean curly leaf borer


Morphological characteristics: winged fetal aphids into aphids black-green, shiny, yellow-white antennae; wingless fetal aphid adults black or purple-black, shiny, body wax powder. Antennae 6 segments with a large gray ossified spot on the back. Nymphs are small, greyish-purple or black-brown. The eggs are oblong and oval, yellowish in the first place, then grassy green, and finally black.

Hazard status: When aphids are harmful to mung beans, adult and aphids gather in the young stems, young shoots, apical heart leaves and young leaf backs of mung beans, flower utensils and young pods to suck up sap. After the mung bean is damaged, the leaves shrink and the plant is short, which affects the flowering and fruiting.

Prevention and control method: use poisonous soil, poisonous sand or poisonous ash to eliminate. With 2. 5% Dimethodium powder 0. 5 kg, mix fine sand (soil, ash) 10-15 kg, every 667 m sprinkled 50 kg, to sprinkle the medicine on the stem and leaves of the mung bean plant, so that the medicine and aphids in contact, the effect is good; spray powder. With 1. 5% logo powder, or 2. 5% of the insect powder, or 2. 5% borer pine, spray 1 per 667 m. Spray solution 5 to 2 kg. Spray with 40% Lego Emulsion 1000 to 1500 times liquid, or 50% Malathion (Marathon 4049), or 50% Boraxone 1000 times liquid, spray, the effect is very good, spray with Oxidized Lego 2000 times liquid, the effect is better.

Simple and convenient, teach you to recognize the whole mung bean field disease mung bean virus disease mung bean leaf spot disease mung bean rot mung bean root rot mung bean standing blight bean wild aphid cricket cricket mung bean curly leaf borer


Morphological features: Adults are 30–40 mm long, dark brown, inverted "Y"-shaped shallow grooves between the compound eyes of the head, antennae are filamentous, slightly longer than the body, the foot is thick and short, the hind leg segment is large, the ventral end has a pair of tail whiskers, and the female worms are spear-like in the oviduct, shorter than the tail whiskers.

Hazard status: Nibble on plant stems, leaves, seeds and roots, adults and nymphs bite off the young stems of saplings near the ground, make neat incisions, and also bite off the young stems and stems of autumn shoots.

Control methods: use insecticidal lamps or black light lamps to trap adult insects; cricket nymphs and adults have hidden habits during the day, set up a certain number of 5-15 cm thick grass piles in the field or on the ground, which can trap a large number of adult insects and concentrate on killing, with good control effect; 48% chlorpyrifos emulsion 75 mL/667 m, 40% octylthion 200 mL/667 m choose any one, mix with water 2 to 3 kg of fine soil 25-30 kg to make poisonous soil, evenly spread in the field. If the crickets occur at a high density, they can be sprayed with 2% avermectin 35 mL/667 m plus 48% chlorpyrifos 50 m 667 m with water.

Simple and convenient, teach you to recognize the whole mung bean field disease mung bean virus disease mung bean leaf spot disease mung bean rot mung bean root rot mung bean standing blight bean wild aphid cricket cricket mung bean curly leaf borer

<h1>Mung bean curly leaf borer</h1>

Morphological characteristics: larval green, two rows of hair on the back of the abdomen, 4 in the front row, slightly larger in the central two, and slightly smaller in the back row. Adults are yellowish brown , with a body length of about 12 mm , a wingspan of 25–26 mm , yellowish white forewings , a slightly serrated grayish-black streak on the outer transverse line , black ripples on the inner transverse line , and a dark spot on the middle to outer edges.

Hazard status: Curl leaf borer infested with larvae. The larvae fold the bean leaves and lurk in them to eat the leaf flesh, affecting photosynthesis, and the plant cannot grow normally after the tissue is damaged and the yield is reduced.

Control methods: remove the dead branches and leaves in the field in time after crop harvesting; manually remove the curly leaves in combination with agricultural operations during the larval occurrence stage; and start the control at the peak of each generation of egg incubation (it is found that there are l%-2% of the plants in the field with leaf curl hazards), and control once every 7-10 days, and control twice consecutively. The agents that can be used are cypermethrin, high-efficiency cypermethrin, cypermethrin, chlorpyrifospyrifos, indate, fipronitrile, hydrazine, avermectin and the like.

Simple and convenient, teach you to recognize the whole mung bean field disease mung bean virus disease mung bean leaf spot disease mung bean rot mung bean root rot mung bean standing blight bean wild aphid cricket cricket mung bean curly leaf borer

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