
Are cancer cells really "afraid" of dandelions? What are the benefits of cancer patients drinking? Is there a benefit to cancer patients drinking dandelion soaking water? What are the benefits of dandelion soaking water? What should I pay attention to when drinking dandelion soaking water?

author:Family Doctor Famous Doctor Online

Dandelions can be found everywhere in the countryside, and this is the dandelion growing season. In the eyes of traditional Chinese medicine, dandelion has high medicinal value, attributed to the stomach meridian and liver meridian, can play a diuretic and detoxification effect, auxiliary treatment of a variety of diseases, such as mastitis, conjunctivitis, lymphadenitis and tonsillitis, etc., but also can improve cholecystitis, hepatitis, gastritis and urinary tract infections and other symptoms. Some cancer patients have a disorderly medical treatment, credulous belief in the so-called folk remedies and earthworks, try to use dandelion soaking water to treat cancer, then cancer patients can not drink dandelion soaking water, whether there is a benefit.

Are cancer cells really "afraid" of dandelions? What are the benefits of cancer patients drinking? Is there a benefit to cancer patients drinking dandelion soaking water? What are the benefits of dandelion soaking water? What should I pay attention to when drinking dandelion soaking water?

First of all, it is clear that dandelion soaking water cannot treat any cancer, and cancer patients must choose the scientific and standardized treatment of regular hospitals, and cannot listen to folk remedies and earth remedies at will. Indeed, drinking dandelion soaking water properly has nutritional benefits, can play a role in detoxification and diuretic effect, and can also reduce inflammation, but also control the amount.

1. Detoxify and detoxify

Dandelion cold, return to the stomach meridian and liver meridian, can play a role in detoxification and liver fire effect, can alleviate the emotional instability caused by the fire, redness and dizziness and other symptoms.

2. Sterilization and anti-inflammatory

Dandelion, known as natural penicillin, has an anti-infective effect and can relieve a variety of inflammations, such as acute pharyngitis, gastritis and tonsillitis, as well as acute mumps and mastitis and conjunctivitis, etc., and its effect can be comparable to antibiotics.

3. Help lower blood pressure

According to the study, the small dandelion has 17 kinds of amino acids, and the content of essential amino acids is very rich, which plays an important role in energy metabolism. Drinking dandelion soaking water properly can speed up acetylcholine synthesis and help lower blood pressure.

Are cancer cells really "afraid" of dandelions? What are the benefits of cancer patients drinking? Is there a benefit to cancer patients drinking dandelion soaking water? What are the benefits of dandelion soaking water? What should I pay attention to when drinking dandelion soaking water?

4. Improve resistance

Dandelion contains glucose and inulin and other ingredients, which can provide the body with the energy it needs, promote detoxification of the body, enhance the ability to resist poison, and thus improve resistance and immunity.

5. Diuretic

Dandelion has the reputation of bedwetting grass, which can play a diuretic effect, assist in the treatment of urinary tract infections, alleviate symptoms such as frequent urinary urgency and painful urination.

6, Prevention thrombus generation

Dandelion contains a large amount of carotene, which is an antioxidant substance that protects blood vessels and cells from oxidation reactions and prevents thrombosis.

1. Control the dosage

If you drink dandelion soaking water in large doses for a long time, it may cause gastrointestinal discomfort, cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, etc., and in severe cases, it will cause hepatocytes and kidney cells to become edematous, which in turn will narrow the renal tubules.

Are cancer cells really "afraid" of dandelions? What are the benefits of cancer patients drinking? Is there a benefit to cancer patients drinking dandelion soaking water? What are the benefits of dandelion soaking water? What should I pay attention to when drinking dandelion soaking water?

2. Pay attention to allergic reactions

Some people with allergies may experience urticaria or itchy skin after drinking dandelion soaking water, which indicates that they are allergic to dandelions. There are also some people who use dandelion injection, can appear pale and cold, should be stopped immediately, so as not to threaten life.


I didn't expect that dandelion soaking water drinking actually has so many benefits, in addition to soaking water to drink, you can also take ordinary cooking methods, such as scrambled eggs or scrambled meat, etc., cooked dandelion heat and detoxification effect doubled. But not all people are suitable for drinking dandelion water, because dandelions are bitterly cold, so people with weak spleen and stomach and yang deficiency cannot use dandelions, otherwise it will aggravate diarrhea or cause more weakness. In addition, control the amount of dandelion, 2 to 5 grams at a time.

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