
Aspirin, eat before or after a meal? Eat in the morning or in the evening? Cardiovascular doctor speaks

author:Confidant Blue Doctor

Regarding whether aspirin is eaten before or after meals, this question has been used many times in popular science, and the answer is ok, but there are still many patients to ask, indicating that the effect of science popularization done before is not good enough. Regarding whether to eat in the morning or at night, this question does have a certain debate in the medical community, so let's take a look at it together.

Aspirin, eat before or after a meal? Eat in the morning or in the evening? Cardiovascular doctor speaks

First of all, let's talk about whether aspirin is eaten before or after a meal. Discuss this problem, study this problem is nothing more than to reduce the gastrointestinal side effects caused by aspirin, gastric irritation. It is easy to understand that the longer aspirin stays in the stomach and the closer it comes into contact with the gastric mucosa, the more likely it is to cause stomach damage. As long as you understand this truth, then the rest will be easy to understand. There are two types of aspirin, one is aspirin tablets (there is no word "enteric-coated") and the other is aspirin enteric-coated tablets, which are different.

Aspirin, eat before or after a meal? Eat in the morning or in the evening? Cardiovascular doctor speaks

After taking aspirin tablets, they are quickly broken down in the stomach, so it will cause stomach irritation. If you eat aspirin before a meal, that is to say, there is no food in the stomach, and aspirin is in direct contact with the gastric mucosa, then it is easier to aggravate the stimulation of the stomach at this time. If you eat aspirin after eating food, although aspirin will still decompose, but aspirin will be mixed with food, food and then contact the gastric mucosa, the concentration is naturally relatively low, the stimulation is relatively small. So aspirin tablets are recommended to be taken after meals, which is the truth.

Aspirin, eat before or after a meal? Eat in the morning or in the evening? Cardiovascular doctor speaks

Aspirin enteric-coated tablets are manufactured by a special process, and it also has a thin "coat" on the surface. He will not decompose immediately after eating into the stomach, especially there are some brands of aspirin enteric-coated tablets, the amount of decomposition in the stomach is very small, close to 0. It is not until the aspirin enteric-coated tablets are in the small intestine that they begin to decompose, so that they do not cause irritation to the stomach. Especially when taking aspirin before meals, there is only one pill in the stomach, which is quickly transported to the small intestine, and it is safer to stay in the stomach for a short time. If you change it to take it after a meal, it is also mixed with food, and it usually takes 2 to 4 hours for our food to be completely emptyed into the small intestine, and the time that aspirin stays in the stomach is correspondingly increased. Therefore, it is generally recommended that aspirin enteric-coated tablets be taken before meals, which can further play its advantages.

Aspirin, eat before or after a meal? Eat in the morning or in the evening? Cardiovascular doctor speaks

There is still some debate in the medical community about whether aspirin is taken in the morning or at night. Some people advocate taking it in the morning, what is his theoretical basis? They believe that after taking aspirin in the morning, aspirin gradually works over a few hours, which can effectively reduce the risk of thrombosis caused by slow blood flow during nighttime rest. People who advocate taking aspirin at night are because many episodes of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are in the early morning, and taking it at night can reduce the probability of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease attacks in the early morning of day 2. In fact, both of these statements have a certain truth. So I think it's okay to take it in the morning and in the evening, and the most important thing is not to forget to eat, which is more important than anything.

Aspirin, eat before or after a meal? Eat in the morning or in the evening? Cardiovascular doctor speaks

To summarize, aspirin tablets are recommended to be taken after meals, and aspirin enteric-coated tablets are recommended to be taken before meals. As for whether to take it in the morning or in the evening, you don't have to think too much about it, just follow your own habits. I hope to help you, your likes are my motivation to continue to popularize science, forwarding to let more people around me know.

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