
Grasping environmental protection is to promote development! Ma Shengli supervises the work of ecological environmental protection, emphasizing these...

author:Treasure land and precious pool

On the morning of November 4, Ma Shengli, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the District Party Committee, went to Juanqiao Town, Niutoushan Town and other places to supervise the ecological environmental protection work. Deputy District Governor Wang Yuping supervised together.

Grasping environmental protection is to promote development! Ma Shengli supervises the work of ecological environmental protection, emphasizing these...

Ma Shengli and his party successively went to the 507 wharf, the straw collection and storage center of Juanqiao Town, Guichi District Jiaotong New Materials Co., Ltd., Chizhou Huicheng Waste Resources Comprehensive Utilization Co., Ltd. and Chizhou Conch Cement Co., Ltd. to conduct field research, check the operation and maintenance of the 507 wharf air automatic monitoring site, the comprehensive utilization of straw, the rectification of the enterprise ecological environment warning film problem, and the greening, environmental sanitation, pollution prevention and control of enterprises, etc. Ma Shengli inspected the scene in detail and asked about improvement measures. Put forward suggestions for improvement in rectification.

Grasping environmental protection is to promote development! Ma Shengli supervises the work of ecological environmental protection, emphasizing these...

In Guichi District Jiaotong New Materials Co., Ltd., Ma Shengli asked the enterprise to rectify the problems disclosed in accordance with the warning film within the time limit, carry out closed management of on-site materials, clear and transport materials in the open air in a timely manner, and take effective coverage of materials before the completion of clearance to eliminate dust pollution. In addition, it is necessary to set up dust removal and cleaning vehicles, regularly sprinkle dust to keep the transport road clean.

Ma Shengli pointed out

If enterprises want to develop sustainably, they must do a solid job in environmental protection and achieve a win-win situation between ecological environmental protection and enterprise development. While developing, enterprises should clearly understand the severe situation facing the current ecological environmental protection work, take the initiative to adapt to the new normal, and unswervingly take the road of green development through continuous scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation.

Horse victory demanded

All units and enterprises at all levels should earnestly strengthen their ideological understanding, consolidate their work responsibilities, strictly implement various environmental protection measures in strict accordance with requirements, comprehensively strengthen ecological environmental protection with the most resolute attitude, the most powerful measures, and the most solid style, and resolutely fight the battle against pollution. All enterprises should increase the frequency of road cleaning and cleaning in the factory area, do a good job in sealing and dustproofing of vehicles entering and leaving, washing in time, etc., and strictly prohibit problems such as bringing mud to the road. Enterprises should adhere to the bottom line of environmental protection, improve procedures, optimize industrial layout, and guide standardization and upgrading in accordance with the law; all levels and departments should strictly implement their responsibilities, strengthen supervision and accountability, actively perform their duties, continuously improve long-term mechanisms, and promote the continuous achievement of new results in environmental protection work in the whole region.

Ma Shengli stressed

Autumn and winter are a critical period for the prevention and control of air pollution, with an increase in adverse meteorological conditions and an increase in environmental pressure. All levels and departments should strengthen the awareness of the overall situation and responsibility, enhance the sense of urgency, strictly follow the division of duties, earnestly perform work responsibilities, pay close attention to various prevention and control measures, scientifically study and judge, identify shortcomings in governance, vigorously grasp problems, accurately control and control, and continue to improve scientific pollution control capabilities.

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