
Public institution recruitment must not restrict the graduation institution: remove the threshold, can you enter the room?

author:Qilu one point

Good news.

At least it looks good —

The "Notice on Issues Related to the Participation of Graduates of Vocational Colleges in Public Institutions in Public Recruitment" was recently issued.

The circular said that the public recruitment of public institutions should establish a correct concept of selecting and employing people, break the employment orientation of only famous schools and academic qualifications, and establish a talent use mechanism that is oriented by morality and ability and takes the job demand as the goal. It is necessary to reasonably formulate requirements for open recruitment qualifications, and must not take the study experience or learning methods of graduate schools, foreign countries (territories) as restrictive conditions, and truly safeguard and protect the lawful rights and interests of graduates of vocational colleges and universities in participating in public institutions' open recruitment and equal opportunities for competition. (According to the China Youth Daily client)
Public institution recruitment must not restrict the graduation institution: remove the threshold, can you enter the room?

On a TELEVISION program, Zhang Zhaozhong ,Bureau Member Zhang Zhaozhong "questioned" Zhang Xuefeng, an expert in the examination and research institute and an Internet celebrity teacher:

Is education really that important? Ma Yun's college was not so good, zuckerberg and Jobs dropped out before graduation.

He forgot to add another person, Bill Gates, who also dropped out of school before graduation.

Zhang Xuefeng politely retorted.

The gist is that Ma Yun was admitted to the Hangzhou Normal School, but what era was that?

I Baidu for Zhang Xuefeng, Ma Yun graduated from Hangzhou Normal University in 1988, so the enrollment should be around 1984.

You must know that China implemented a market economy in 1992. In 1984, meal tickets were still very expensive things, and money alone could not buy meals!

At that time, although the reform and opening up had been carried out, in the countryside, illiterate old gentlemen grabbed a lot of money, and the high school education definitely belonged to the "high-level intellectuals" . If you had been in high school in the 1980s, you would have been less likely to work directly in agriculture, or at least you would have become a working class.

At that time, there was also a word - package distribution. Don't say Hangzhou Normal, even if it is a worse university, even if it is a secondary school, it is an iron rice bowl.

That's right, the iron rice bowl. This word is not common later.

Public institution recruitment must not restrict the graduation institution: remove the threshold, can you enter the room?

As for Zuckerberg, Jobs, Bill Gates, it's even simpler, they didn't graduate, but what university did they get into?

Zuckerberg, Bill Gates – Harvard University;

Jobs – Reed College, slightly inferior, ranked around 100 in U.S. colleges and universities.

They all get into elite schools first and then give up; not to say that they don't want to get into elite schools.

The fundamental reason for dropping out of school is twofold:

First, their professionalism in a certain area has far exceeded the level of the university's graduates, and there is no need to learn again, such as Bill Gates, Jobs's computer technology, zuckerberg's social software design.

Second, they found good opportunities to start a business, and the opportunities were not waiting for anyone.

Without these two prerequisites, they would not easily give up their diplomas.

The importance of prestigious schools, need not be emphasized, right?

The purpose of recruiting institutions must not restrict graduation institutions, the purpose is to ensure fairness and justice, but it does not mean that poor schools can sit on an equal footing with famous schools when graduates apply.


Public institution recruitment must not restrict the graduation institution: remove the threshold, can you enter the room?

This does happen:

Suppose, Yu Minhong, a graduate of Peking University, and Ma Yun of Hangzhou Normal University come to you for a job (oh my God, what would it feel like), who would you choose? It must be Yu Minhong.

Not only is the school where Yu Minhong graduated better, but at least in appearance, he is a little more generous.

Unless you know the art of crossing, you won't choose Jack Ma either. Ma Yun's English is good, and Min Hong's classmates are not bad.

After 30 years, if you are still the boss, or Yu Minhong gives you a job, you will be dumbfounded: Oh my God, who would have thought that there would be a "double reduction"!

I don't blame you. Because when recruiting, schools and academic qualifications are the most deterministic, clearest, and most quantifiable benchmarks.

Otherwise, it's hard to quantify. Looks can also be quantified, Ma Yun 60 points, Yu Minhong 65 points, out of 10,000 points, do you say that there is a difference between the two of them?

Under the premise that other factors are uncertain and difficult to quantify, academic qualifications and schools have become the best means of assessment - especially in the case of similar results in written tests and interviews.

In general, this policy was introduced (in fact, it should have been so) just to prevent the "regret of the pearl" in the selection of talents - if you are very capable, but unlucky, not admitted to a prestigious school, then you still have the possibility of entering a good unit.

Public institution recruitment must not restrict the graduation institution: remove the threshold, can you enter the room?

However, this precaution is only reflected in the "registration threshold" stage.

What if you are eligible?

There is only one way to win: let your written test and interview scores far exceed those of famous students, so that the examiner has to pay attention to your ability and ignore your academic qualifications; once the score is close, I am afraid there will be no chance.

How easy is it to talk about? Graduates of prestigious schools eat dry food?

At this stage, academic qualifications, schools, or the best means to quantify a person's ability. Before the advent of other quantitative means, there was no other way but to fight on the college entrance examination.

<b>Gao Jinguo, the net name is high. Winner of the primary school diploma, published 26 books. Take "fun" as the first priority, focus on family education. </b>

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Public institution recruitment must not restrict the graduation institution: remove the threshold, can you enter the room?

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