
Illegal transit fell by 208%! The police in Jingxi, Guangxi Province, sheathed their swords and struck hard at the "three nons."

author:The rule of law of the people
Illegal transit fell by 208%! The police in Jingxi, Guangxi Province, sheathed their swords and struck hard at the "three nons."

Since October this year, the Public Security Bureau of Jingxi City, Guangxi Province, has conscientiously implemented the deployment of border epidemic prevention and control work, adhered to the overall prevention and control strategy of "external prevention of imports, internal prevention and rebound", deeply promoted the "Bright Sword and Jingbian" special action to crack down on crimes that hinder the management of national (border) borders, and severely cracked down on the rectification of "three Nons" foreigners. From October 11 to October 30, a total of 18 batches of 129 "three non- personnel" were seized, compared with 48 batches of 398 people seized from October 1 to October 10, showing a cliff-like decline, with a decline rate of 208%, and the crackdown work achieved remarkable results.

The Special Action Work Conference of the Party Committee of the Economic Bureau on the Special Study of "Bright Sword And Jingbian" was held, and the launching ceremony of the "Bright Sword and Jingbian" special action to crack down on crimes of sneaking across the national (border) border was held, and the border prevention and control mode was adjusted and optimized, forming a three-dimensional prevention and control system of "dots and lines". On the basis of the original duty points, 13 party and government cadres from townships and towns in the interior were dispatched to reinforce the border to participate in the work of card point duty, replaced the police force originally on duty at the card point, and formed an emergency special service team of nearly 300 people to be responsible for patrolling the border and cracking down on rectification work. The Guangxi Public Security Department and the Baise City Public Security Bureau Aid Jing Task Force 110 police forces were enriched to the front line of the border, an armed border patrol team was formed, and 28 patrol vehicles were arranged to carry out "all-weather" patrol prevention and control on the first line of the border and on the highway, so that border control changed from "fixed-point duty" to "fixed-point + mobile" duty mode, forming a prevention and control mode of "point blockage, online inspection, and surface control", and weaving a tightly woven border epidemic prevention and control network.

Illegal transit fell by 208%! The police in Jingxi, Guangxi Province, sheathed their swords and struck hard at the "three nons."

Widely publicize the "Ten Uniforms" punitive measures and the circular on severely cracking down on illegal and criminal acts that obstruct the management of national (border) borders through online media, hanging banners, posting notices, and other means. Organize and carry out centralized circuit courts for border-related cases, conduct public trials of 19 border-related violations and crimes; hold warning education conferences, and successively implement punitive measures on the spot for 56 people who violated the "Ten Uniforms"; continue to implement the policy of rewarding the "three nons" for reporting, encouraging border residents to provide clues and actively participate in border epidemic prevention and control work.

Illegal transit fell by 208%! The police in Jingxi, Guangxi Province, sheathed their swords and struck hard at the "three nons."

Carry out warning activities in centralized circuit courts for border-related cases and violations of border epidemic prevention and control management regulations, increase the punishment of "three nons" personnel, and form a strong deterrent. Since the reopening of the Jingxi City Detention Center on October 1, all the "three Nons" found have been isolated in accordance with the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, and have been detained for examination for 30 days and fined 10,000 yuan; all illegal and criminal personnel who organize and transport others to illegally cross the national (border) border will be punished with "ten uniforms", and criminal responsibility will be strictly and severely investigated, and all the "three non" personnel found will be detained and examined. (Liang Dingwan)

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