
Heluo Geography: Into Lu's

author:Henan Community Network

2021.05.25 09:49 Source: Luoyang Net-Luoyang Evening News

  "Lu's Doling Mountain, Mountain Douqimei." During the Reign of Qing Yongzheng, Zhang Han, the prefect of Henan, traveled from Luoyang to Lu and wrote such a poem in the Lu Family's Mountain Journey.

  Located at the junction of the three provinces of Henan, Hubei and Shaanxi, Lushi enjoys the reputation of "the back garden of western Henan". The Qinling Mountains are divided into three branches, from north to south, kunshan, bears ears and funiu. Today, in the territory of Lushi, which covers an area of more than 4,000 square kilometers, there are more than 4,000 large and small peaks.

  The Lu clan, which is high and densely forested, was once the world of dinosaurs. Tens of millions of years ago, Lu's tarsal monkeys multiplied here, and later evolved into the upright walking Lu's Homo sapiens. The paleontological fossils and ancient cultural sites here are dotted with people who have attracted much attention from the world.

  The Lu clan has a long history, as early as the ancient times, there lived the Zun Lu tribe here, and later established the Lu clan ancient country. During the Spring and Autumn Period, the Lu clan belonged to the "Western Yi", which was once occupied by Yin Rong, also known as the Lu Rong Kingdom.

  In 456 BC, the Jin state sent Han Pang to "take the city of Lu" and annexed the ancient state of Lu. Lushi County began in the fourth year of the Han Wu Emperor Yuanding (113 BC) and has a history of more than 2100 years.

  Regarding the origin of Lushi County, Gu Zuyu of the Qing Dynasty said in the "Minutes of Reading the History of Fang Public Opinion": "Han began with Lushi County because of Lu Ao's immortality. ”

  Lu Ao was a Qin Dynasty alchemist, and according to legend, he was ordered by Qin Shi Huang to find the elixir of immortality, but he never returned, and later cultivated into an immortal in the Lu clan. Today, there is Lu Ao Cave on the south bank of the Luo River in Lushi County, and people commemorate him.

  The county seat of Lushi is located between Kunshan And Bears Ears Mountain, through which the Luo River runs, leaving behind many ancient legends. For example, in the "Shang Shu Yu Gong", there is a record of Dayu "Guiding Luo from Bear's Ears", and the literati of all generations came here and wrote more inscriptions on it.

Heluo Geography: Into Lu's

The Lo River meanders through the mountains

  The Luo River is the most important river in Lu's territory, it originates in Shangluo, Shaanxi, passes through Lushi, Luoning, Yiyang into Luoyang City, and continues to flow east after confluence with the Yi River, joining the Yellow River. Now, let's go up the Luo River and wander among the landscapes of Lu's!

  Shen Yu Daoluo

  Lu's terrain is high in the west and low in the east, with the lowest point being more than 480 meters above sea level, at the mouth of the Fanli Town Mountain river about 16 kilometers east of the county seat. Legend has it that Dayu "Guided Luo from Bears Ears" is in this area.

  During the Qing Dynasty, Li Xuanyi, a lu man, had a poem called "Slogan of Boats, Mountains and Rivers", which said: "The two mountains are surrounded like a lock, and Luo Shui runs straight from it." ...... There are traces of Yu on the cliff, and the tadpole imitates the sharp edge of the sword. ”

Heluo Geography: Into Lu's

Mountain estuary

  The "Yu Trace" he mentioned is located 2 kilometers downstream of the mountain and river mouth, and is a cliff inscription left by the ancients such as "Luo" and "Shenyu Daoluo Place", which is a major scenic spot of LuShi. Later, Luoning built the Guxian Reservoir, and the mountain and river mouths were located in the submerged area of the reservoir, and these "Yu traces" also disappeared under the water.

  However, we don't have to be too sorry. Today, there is a single-hole stone arch bridge across the Luo River at the mouth of the mountain and river, and the original "Yu Trace" has also been copied on the cliff wall of the bridge head. It's just that the wind and sun have been blowing for a long time, and the word "Luo" has been a bit unclear. The handwriting of the Moya inscription of "Shenyu Daoluo" is relatively clear, and it was originally carved by Liu Yingyuan of Lu Zhi County in the Qing Dynasty.

Heluo Geography: Into Lu's

Lu's Double Dragon Bay

  Lee Zi-shing and SsangYong Bay

  From the county seat of Lushi along the Luo River for more than 20 kilometers, it is the town of Shuanglongwan.

  Shuanglong Bay Town has Shuanglong Bay Scenic Area, the scenic area of the Luo River meandering, as well as caves, waterfalls, beautiful scenery. Legend has it that Li Zicheng once fought here, and his subordinates rested here.

  The "History of Ming" records that in the sixth year of Chongzhen (1633 AD), Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng and other rebels led a rebel army from Shanxi into Henan, and the three counties of Lianke shichi, Yiyang and Lushi were linked. Lushi County ordered the abandonment of the city and fled, and the rebels were stationed in the Lushi Mountains to rest.

  Two years later, Lee zicheng re-Klu.

  At that time, Lu Shi raised a man, Niu Jinxing, to be dissatisfied with the government and planned to join Li Zicheng's rebel army. Unexpectedly, the news leaked, he was ordered by the county to be beheaded, and Li Zicheng sent the general Li Guo to rescue him.

  Li Guo led his troops to infiltrate the Lu clan through Lancao Village, rescued the cow Venus, and then set fire to the county court. That is to say, Li Zicheng's rebel army conquered the Lu clan three times, and his wife Gao Shi also went from Lingbao to the Lu clan mountain.

  Shuanglong Bay is named after the two mountains of the big dragon head and the small dragon head. On Dalongtou Mountain, there is a temple built to commemorate Li Zicheng, which also provides evidence for this history and related legends.

  Ruins of the Lu's Tarsal Monkey

  On the south bank of the Luo River in Lushi County, there are many paleontological fossils and ancient cultural sites, including the famous Lu's tarsal monkey site.

  According to Niu Aiguo, it was 1956, and Niu Shusen, who was working at the county cultural center, selected a batch of keel specimens and sent them to the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The following year, Professor Zhou Mingzhen of the Chinese Academy of Sciences personally led a team to Lu's to investigate and excavate the fossil points in the Luohe Basin, so that the fossils of Lu's tarsal monkeys buried for more than 40 million years could be released.

  "The Luii tarsouri is a precious physical specimen for studying human evolution." Niu Aiguo said that later, the local discovery of 100,000 to 150,000 years old Lu's Homo sapiens, as well as batches of dinosaur egg fossils.

  As early as 1.8 billion years ago, he said, Lushi, located in western Henan, was still a deep sea, and later, it rose from the ocean to land and then rose to mountainous. In the Mesozoic Jurassic Period more than 100 million years ago, this was the world of dinosaurs; more than 40 million years ago, Lu's tarsal monkeys bred here; 100,000 to 150,000 years ago, Lu's tarsal monkeys have completed the qualitative transformation from apes to ape-like humans and become Lu's Homo sapiens. Lu's Ridge, Lu's Ditch and nearby natural caves in present-day Panhe Township were once the core areas of the life of Lu's Homo sapiens.

Heluo Geography: Into Lu's

Lu's City God Temple

  Lu's City God Temple

  Located in the center of the county seat, on the north side of Chinatown, Lu's City God Temple is a national key cultural relics protection unit.

  Turning from the lively street into a narrow alley, walking up a hundred and ten meters, the antique City God Temple appeared in front of people's eyes. It was built in the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties, and has been repeatedly destroyed. The restoration and expansion in the ninth year of the Ming Dynasty (1581 AD) laid the foundation for its current size.

  Folk believe that the city god is the god who guards the city. Historical records record that the belief in the city god has arisen during the Southern and Northern Dynasties. In the early years of Ming Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered "sealing the gods of Kyoto and the city gods of the world", such as sealing the city god of the capital as the Duke of Weiling, Zheng Erpin, and the county god as Xianyou Bo and Zheng Si pin .

  In ancient times, when a new official took office in a place, he usually first went to the City God Temple to worship in order to ask the City God to help him handle government affairs. For example, the Northern Song Dynasty great scholar Ouyang Xiu had the "Sacrifice of the City God Text", which said: "Officials exert their strength, and the gods are spirits." Each of them should do his or her duty and deserve the people. ”

  Since the Ming Dynasty, the Lushi City God Temple has undergone many renovations, and the existing buildings are simple and exquisite, and it is also the office of the county cultural center and other units.

Heluo Geography: Into Lu's

Qinghe Cliff Carving

  Qinghe Cliff Carving

  Panhe Township is located in the deep mountainous area northwest of Lu's family, and can be channeled to the north. In ancient times, it was also an official road.

  "There is a cliff carving in Qinghe Village in Panhe Township, just on the cliff next to the highway, which was from the Song Huizong Grand View period, and you can go and look for it." Niu Aiguo said.

  "There's a big bend in the road, and there's water flowing down the mountain." Locals say.

  Sure enough, at the bend of the road in the south of Qinghe Village, we found the square cliff carving.

  After identification, the handwriting on it reads: "On February 14, the first year of the Great View, the □□ from Qingshui County, took the road here, sent the wisdom □, loved the landscape together, and then asked the cliff." The payment is "The stone of Li Shunchen was mined, and the publisher Li Ming".

  The first year of the Northern Song Dynasty was 1107 AD. It can be seen that more than 900 years ago, people greeted and sent on this official road to feel the beauty of the landscape.

Heluo Geography: Into Lu's

Ruins of the ancient city of Lushi

  Ruins of the ancient city of Lushi

  About 9 kilometers west from the mouth of the mountain and river, you will reach the village of Qi Cunwan in Dongming Town, which is the seat of the ancient kingdom of Lu in history.

  The ancient country of Lushi, also known as the ancient city of Lushi, still has a section of earthen city wall. According to the local scholar Niu Aiguo, when the Yandi Shennong clan was active in the bears ears mountain area, when it was transmitted to the later Yu Yi, Yu Yi ceded the imperial throne to the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan clan, and himself was relegated to Qi Inch Bay on the shore of Luoshui, where he established the ancient state of lu.

  The ancient kingdom of Lu was once very powerful, with an army and coins. Archaeologists have excavated a large number of stone tools, pottery, etc. here, of which the pottery is mainly clay red pottery, mostly pots, bowls, small-mouth pointed bottom bottles in the Yangshao period.

  During the Tang Dynasty, Yanshiren Fang Zhen served as the commander of Lu County. One year when the people were affected by the disaster, he did not wait for the approval of the imperial court, so he risked his life to open a warehouse and release grain. The people thanked him for his kindness and built a shrine for him in the village of Qi Cunwan, but unfortunately it no longer exists.