
Flowing hormonal fragrance

author:Qilu one point
Flowing hormonal fragrance

<b>Wen | Yumao</b>

I have always been obsessed with the atmosphere of sports, but I don't know how to show my talents and can't write a literary work. Just like the young man has a crush on the little sister for many years, and has been clumsy in expressing his love and hatred. It wasn't until one day, when I read a poem written by a student, that I was slightly relieved of my regrets.

When teaching poetry to students, each person is asked to write a poem. A female classmate's work is quite innovative, the title is "Walking", three of which are particularly brilliant: the aroma of three young yellow guizi, the flowing hormone fragrance of two money, and cooking a pot of night like water. The poem was composed after returning home on National Day, when the author was exercising in the park, the osmanthus flowers in the park were fragrant, and the people who were exercising were sweating like rain and full of vitality, so they triggered the creative inspiration.

People often use sweat or sweat to describe people who exercise, and some people use "flowing hormones" to describe, but few people use smell to describe. The "flowing hormonal fragrance" is indeed refreshing, because there are elements of identity, appreciation and pleasure, and it is precisely sports that can bring people an experience.

Recognizing this, I went through a fairly long process.

My mother gave birth to me when she was 19 years old, after she had already given birth to a child, and her health was very bad and she was still recovering. I was frail and sickly since I was born, hovering on the brink of dying several times, but my parents didn't give up. They were all good face-saving people, and decided to treat me secretly, not wanting people to know about my physical condition. Our family was more than ten miles from the hospital, and in order to avoid acquaintances, my father even carried me into a ravine and took a secluded path. With the joint efforts of a conscientious doctor and a dedicated parent, I saved my life and grew up day by day in the wind and rain. But I still have many disasters, often diarrhea, nosebleeds, often colds, headaches and dizziness from time to time to come to the door. The things I remember vividly are always related to disasters, when playing with my friends, my left elbow joint was dislocated twice, the thumb nail of my left foot was lifted in half when climbing a tree, once rolled down the hillside and almost fell to my death, and twice drowned on the verge of death, and finally it was a murder.

Flowing hormonal fragrance

After going to school, because of my weak health, I could not participate in strenuous sports, but I especially envied my classmates with excellent athletic ability, especially love to watch sports competitions. When I was in elementary school, I often watched the teachers play basketball and table tennis, and after middle school, I liked to watch basketball games between classes and grades, and every spring in the athletics competition, I was the most devoted cheerleader. I pay attention to sports events through newspapers, the women's volleyball team's five consecutive championships, Nie Weiping's 11 consecutive victories in the Sino-Japanese Go Tournament, all of which are known through newspapers. I went out every day to exercise, run, almost did not sleep, tried to play basketball, volleyball, table tennis, playing table tennis has become a hobby I have always insisted on, my body got better day by day, gradually put aside the name of the medicine jar, and even had few colds after college.

The first time I watched football on TV was at the 1994 World Cup in Italy, when I was still in college. Soon fell in love with this comprehensive sport that integrates speed, strength, flexibility and explosiveness, and the competitive beauty of the football game and the spirit of the players striving to go upstream are fascinating, and the colorful, ups and downs, big openings, tragedies and joys of the game scene are addictive. The cheers of the victors and the sadness of the losers are like beautiful pictures, which are tasted and evocative. The final took place between soccer powerhouses Brazil and Italy, with the melancholy Italian prince Roberto Baggio kicking off a key penalty. Baggio, with his pigtails, stood cross-legged at twelve yards, his head hanging low, tears flickering in his blue eyes, and his lonely expression seemed to freeze the Aegean Sea. Since then, I have fallen in love with football games, watched every World Cup since then, and influenced my son's hobbies, he has been the main striker of the school football team in high school and college.

Flowing hormonal fragrance

The first time I watched the Olympic games in relative completeness was in 2000, and I have persevered ever since. In addition to watching the basketball, football, volleyball, and table tennis competitions that the public loves, I also watch some sports that are niche but have obvious advantages of the Chinese team, such as diving, gymnastics, weightlifting, etc. I have always had a prejudice against weightlifting competitions, thinking that it is only about strength, as long as the strength is large, it does not require any skill and wisdom, and after really understanding weightlifting, I know how ignorant I am. Athletes who want to lift two to three times their weight in one minute must mobilize more than 90% of the muscles of the whole body in an orderly manner, and ordinary people must mobilize 20%-30% of the muscles. Weightlifting requires great wisdom, as do other projects.

In the past two decades, more people like to watch sports competitions. In order to watch the favorite event, some people travel thousands of miles, some people do not sleep, many people enjoy it, like crazy... What do people really love? The understanding of this issue is a matter of opinion. I think that maybe because the person is also engaged in a certain sport, or chasing a certain star, or it may simply appreciate the beauty of a certain sport... The beauty that people feel from sports is common, such as the beauty of lines, muscles, strength, speed, and rhythm, as well as the beauty of rhythm and rhythm, as for the beauty of health and vitality, it is the goal that everyone loves. "Flowing hormonal fragrance", the meaning may be here!

Flowing hormonal fragrance

I am pleased to see that the state has begun to attach importance to school sports, encourage the fitness of the whole people, and more people like sports, from yellow-mouthed children to crane-haired old people, from young and beautiful girls to cute old women, almost everyone has their favorite projects. In the past few years, some people worried that although China has won many world championships, school sports and mass sports are not good, and they can only become a sports power, not a sports power. These concerns are certainly positive and insightful, but I would like to say that people's understanding of sports has also progressed with the comprehensive development of the economy, culture, education and society, and in the era of striving for survival and pursuing food and clothing, sports is not an option. Only when people no longer worry about full warmth and society enters a stage of high-quality development, can sports become a way of life that people respect, and then become a habit.

People have gradually realized that if a person does not develop socially and economically, is not politically clear, does not flourish in culture, and does not progress in education, Olympic medals will not only fail to win glory, but also cannot even hide shame. I am very happy to see that although Chinese people are looking forward to Olympic medals, they are not only medals, athletes are less affected by off-site factors, and the results of the competition have steadily improved. Sports that are separated from utilitarianism return to the original intention of strengthening the body, and sports competitions also return to the realm of pursuing higher, faster, stronger and more united, which is the real sports.

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Flowing hormonal fragrance

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