
Gender interactions, women expressing your thoughts about him in these three ways, will make him "hormone soar"

author:Marriage and love expert Wei Tingting

Communication between people requires some skills, and two lovers also need some skills to communicate together.

Don't always think, as long as you are good to others, everything can be solved, in this world, you are good to others, you think good in your mind, in the eyes of others is not necessarily a good thing.

On the other hand, women must not use their own female thinking to think about men, men are more rational, so in the feelings will actually care about some things, women often do not care too much, so women should stand in the man's point of view to think about the problem.

In the process of interpersonal communication, women use the following three ways to express their miss for men, which will make men's hormones soar.

Gender interactions, women expressing your thoughts about him in these three ways, will make him "hormone soar"

01. Look at each other affectionately across the screen

When you miss men very much, sometimes don't pretend that you don't miss them, and when you look at men, you pretend that you don't have any situation.

When you pretend like this, men often only look at some surfaces, unlike when we women see the surface, we also have to guess some things in the depths of our hearts, but men are often more careless, so they never know how to observe the color, and the things that men see are often more direct expressions of some phenomena.

Therefore, when a woman misses a man, she must look at each other affectionately, and when you look at each other affectionately, the other party will realize your love for herself and can also appreciate your thoughts about herself.

Gender interactions, women expressing your thoughts about him in these three ways, will make him "hormone soar"

And when a woman looks at a man affectionately, the man will also feel that the woman is also attractive, looking at the woman's eyes with a pulse, some of the attraction that women sometimes give to men is immeasurable, and the man's heart may flutter and jump non-stop.

Just like when we watch TV series, if a heroine is emotional, then many men will feel that this woman is very feminine, and many male compatriots will also fall deeply in love with the protagonist in the film and television works.

So this is a common problem for most men, and many men will like people who seem to have a love vein on the surface.

Gender interactions, women expressing your thoughts about him in these three ways, will make him "hormone soar"

02. Proper crying, let the man feel pain

When women miss men, sometimes you can boldly tell men that you miss each other and cry appropriately, in fact, when you are a woman who occasionally cries for a while, men will be helpless, because this woman does not often cry, so when women cry, men feel that things are very serious.

Just like having a friend, every time he misses his boyfriend, he will quietly shed tears in front of the screen to the man, and it also makes the man particularly distressed, sometimes the man will put down the work at hand and run to my friend's city to see my friend.

Friends and their boyfriends have been in love for four years, and two people have been in different places for more than three years, but my friends have never been to their boyfriend's city and have always been their boyfriends who come to find themselves.

Gender interactions, women expressing your thoughts about him in these three ways, will make him "hormone soar"

The relationship between the two people is also particularly good, and the most powerful weapon of my friend is tears, every time I miss my boyfriend, I always cry and cry, so that my boyfriend feels that the other party misses himself, so the boyfriend will not go far to see this friend.

When some women miss men, they will blame men, and be angry with men, always feel that men are not with their own side, so they are particularly wronged in their hearts, at this time, even if you shed tears, men also feel that you are blaming themselves, so they feel that you are angry, you are angry and crying.

But if your tears are because you miss each other very much, and your heart is very missive, so you leave the tears of longing, then, in the minds of men, such tears are not the same, men will have some debt to you, men will hurt you, men will fall under your pomegranate skirt.

Gender interactions, women expressing your thoughts about him in these three ways, will make him "hormone soar"

Even if one day the two of you are separated because of a different place, but the man thinks of you, misses himself, and when he sheds tears, the man will also blame himself, and the man will feel that he failed you in the first place, let you go so far, so bitterly miss yourself, so the two are separated.

Instead of being a man, when recalling the past, he always feels that because of a different place, so the two of you blame each other, this relationship is also hit by this reproachful voice.

Gender interactions, women expressing your thoughts about him in these three ways, will make him "hormone soar"

03. Stay sexy and evoke male desire

If the man and the woman are not in the same place, or if the two people are going to leave once every two or three days.

So at this time, men are likely to go to other women, after all, men are animals that think in the lower body, but if women play their charm, they give men some temptations.

Then men will also feel that this woman is a woman with her own highlights, so even if the women on the outside are beautiful, men will always remember the women inside the home.

Of course, this is not to say that women must use their bodies to seduce this man, but to tell women that they must make themselves more and more beautiful, and women must know how to exercise their bodies, make their bodies more and more beautiful, and also let their own temperament keep up.

Gender interactions, women expressing your thoughts about him in these three ways, will make him "hormone soar"

Everyone likes beautiful things, men are the same, women like handsome men, men like beautiful women This is an eternal truth, although some people say that they do not judge people by their appearance, but when they choose their objects, they will still choose those who are beautiful or handsome.

So women must let their appearance attract to this man, women should give extra points to their appearance, when you become more and more beautiful, better and better, if you bloom, butterflies come, you are a grassland, so you will attract more people, including this person you like.

In our side, there are many women and men in the process of getting along, did not pay too much for men, but let men love it; in real life, there are some women and men after being together, for men to dig out their lungs, but in the end they are abandoned by men.

Gender interactions, women expressing your thoughts about him in these three ways, will make him "hormone soar"

Always keep this sentence in mind:

"Affection cannot be retained since ancient times, only routines win people's hearts."

Sometimes don't think of the other party as good, sometimes don't think of the other party as bad, what we have to do is to use some of the routines we should have to win the love of this man for us.

Of course, there must be some bottom line in everything you do, if you break through, this bottom line has done something particularly excessive, then this will also make the relationship full of crisis, and it will also make men bored with you.

So as a woman, you have to make proper use of some tricks to make men soar in your hormones, so that men feel that you both love yourself and think that you are a smart person.

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