
Stay up late with a big fire, drink this soup, "pot" to cure all diseases 丨 Bawang flower lean broth

author:Fan shadow bb

Staying up late in the summer is easy to catch fire

Cantonese people know health the best

Cook some soup

"Pot" cures all diseases

Today I recommend a sweet and delicious soup recipe

I hope you like it

Overlord flower lean meat

Stay up late with a big fire, drink this soup, "pot" to cure all diseases 丨 Bawang flower lean broth

Bawang flower lean broth, the main ingredients are lean meat, bawang flower, lily, lotus seed, honey dates, jade bamboo, undersea coconut stewed soup, very sweet, with the role of clear heat to remove fire, cough and phlegm.

Pick the pork

1, look at the appearance, the color of fresh pork is light red and uniform, the color is too bright and too dark, it is recommended not to buy.

2, smell the taste, fresh pork without sour odor, there is a pig's cheek smell.

3, the touch feel, touch the hand is not sticky, the hand can be quickly restored, elastic.

【Ingredients】Ingredients: Pork lean meat 250g Ingredients: 1 bawang flower, 20g lotus seeds, 10g lilies, 5g jade bamboo, 10g seabed coconut Seasoning: salt

The production step is rapid

01Preparent the ingredients

Soak the Bawang flower in cold water for 30 minutes, wash the lilies, lotus seeds, dates, seabed coconuts and other ingredients for later.

Note: Fresh overlord flowers can also be used.

Stay up late with a big fire, drink this soup, "pot" to cure all diseases 丨 Bawang flower lean broth

02 Prepare the ingredients

The lean pork is washed and cut into large pieces, boiled in cold water, blanched in bloody water, fished out and rinsed, soaked in the overlord flowers washed, poured into the pot, and finally added an appropriate amount of boiling water without passing the ingredients.


Simmer to taste

Place in a saucepan and set the simmering time to 3 hours. Finally, open the lid and add the appropriate amount of salt to taste.

Note: Without a casserole pot, you can also cook in a casserole for 2 hours.

Review of the production process

1, prepare ingredients: soak the bawang flower in cold water for 30 minutes to wash the lilies, lotus seeds, dates, undersea coconut and other ingredients 2, prepare the ingredients: pork lean meat washed and cut into large pieces, blanched the bloody water under the cold water pot, fished out and rinsed and soaked bawang flowers washed, poured into the pot and finally added an appropriate amount of boiling water without ingredients 3, stew seasoning: put it in the saucepan, stew time adjusted to 3 hours, and finally open the lid and add the appropriate amount of salt to taste