
The net red swan is home! Caring people searched all over the Internet and drove back to Jinan for 8 hours

author:Jinan Times - New Yellow River

In the Baihuazhou Historical and Cultural Block of Jinan, there are two carefree "net red" black swans. They came to Baihuazhou two years ago and have been accompanied by the spring water of Jinan, calling them "obedient" and "little beggar". For a long time, the two black swans have been very close to Hu Chengchun, a craftsman engaged in nuclear carving. On October 16, Hu Chengchun found that the swan had "obediently" left. Worried that the swans would be taken away, Hu Chengchun immediately launched a notice on the Internet to find "swans". On the 29th, Hu Chengchun received a call from a Weifang netizen, saying that a black swan was suspected of being a lost "obedient"...

The net red swan is home! Caring people searched all over the Internet and drove back to Jinan for 8 hours

The Net Red Swan of 120,000 fans disappeared, and caring people and enthusiastic netizens searched the whole network

"Every morning the 'well-behaved' and 'little-behaved' were waiting for me at the entrance of the store, and when I went to the store on the 16th, I never found 'well-behaved'." Hu Chengchun recalled that on weekdays, two black swans would interact with him at a fixed time, but on the 16th, there was inexplicably one missing. "The park administrator also reported to the scenic spot after discovering it." At that time, my heart giggled, and my first reaction was to be caught and eaten by the bad guys. Hu Chengchun said that similar situations had occurred in the Internet celebrity swans of other scenic spots before, which made his heart very anxious.

On short video platforms, "Obedient" and "Little" have 120,000 followers, and their video views have accumulated more than 150 million. In the video, as long as Hu Chengchun calls for a name, the elegant "obedient" and "little obedient" will swim at him with their necks on their backs, and constantly make a sound in their mouths to interact with him, and the appearance of one response makes netizens call out "too humane." ”

The net red swan is home! Caring people searched all over the Internet and drove back to Jinan for 8 hours

After discovering that the "obedient" was lost, Hu Chengchun posted the matter to the short video platform, which instantly appeared on the hot search and attracted the attention of a large number of netizens and media. "After the new Yellow River platform reported, many media in Shandong also joined the team of looking for 'obedient'. It can be said that the whole network is helping to find it. Hu Chengchun said that he was very touched by the extensive attention of netizens and the media, which also made him more confident about finding "obedience".

Weifang netizens found the suspected "well-behaved" black swan and drove 8 hours to pick it up back to Baihuazhou

Kung Fu pays off, on the 29th, Hu Chengchun received a call from a Weifang netizen. The netizen on the other end of the phone said that he had previously heard the "obedient" lost broadcast and found a black swan while fishing. With the attitude of trying it out, the netizen found a video previously released by Hu Chengchun, and the swan in the middle of the lake was attracted to the shore by Hu Chengchun's voice.

"Later, the netizen connected with me on video, and when I interacted with 'Obedient', it did react." Subsequently, Hu Chengchun and the staff of Baihuazhou Park set off from Jinan at 10:00 a.m. on the 30th and drove to Weifang. After a long journey of 270 kilometers, it finally arrived at the home of enthusiastic netizens. "At that time, I was obediently in the pigeon cage of the netizen's family. It may have been frightened and somewhat aggressive toward others, except to be very docile to me. Hu Chengchun said that on the way back, "obedient" also stayed in his arms and snuggled up to him.

The net red swan is home! Caring people searched all over the Internet and drove back to Jinan for 8 hours

At 8 p.m. on the 30th, Hu Chengchun and his party returned to Baihuazhou. At this time, there are already many citizens on the shore waiting for "obedience". "After putting it back in the water, the 'little beggar' immediately accepted it." Hu Chengchun said that after the "obedient" was lost before, xiao gui directly fell into a state of hunger strike. "They've been inseparable, and suddenly they're definitely uncomfortable with themselves." After the 'well-behaved' returned, the state of 'little obedience' immediately changed for the better. ”

"Obedient" is not the first time to "run away from home", and the personality after returning is different from before

According to reports, the previous "obedient" also flew away in November. "Almost every year around November 15, the 'obedient' will fly out to play. The first two years flew to Quancheng Square and Daming Lake, this time a month ahead. ”

Hu Chengchun said that in recent days, he found that the return of the "obedient" personality is different from before. "Today I am also wondering if this is 'obedient' in the end." When interacting, I found that it seemed to be different from before, but I didn't dare to completely deny it. It still has injuries on its mouth, perhaps because it has been frightened, and it will take a week to a month to judge it after its mood has recovered. Hu Chengchun said that if the state is still different after full recovery, it may not be obedient." If it's not, we'll definitely keep looking. As for the current one, it will communicate with Weifang. After all, the current 'little beggar' is very accepting of it, and if it is forcibly separated, the two black swans may not survive. ”

The net red swan is home! Caring people searched all over the Internet and drove back to Jinan for 8 hours

The New Yellow River reporter noticed that there are still many videos of rescuing birds in Hu Chengchun's circle of friends. "I rescued more than 70 birds in Baihuazhou, and in general, I have a deep relationship with animals. Whether it is a black swan or other bird, it is a very psychic animal and deserves everyone's protection. Hu Chengchun said.

New Yellow River reporter: Meng Tianyu Chen Yuanhao

Editor: Shanshan Zhao

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