
Before the memory of love disappears, please remember me...

Before the memory of love disappears, please remember me...

Hurry on the road

Have you forgotten something important...

Yesterday, while chatting with a friend, she suddenly told me that her uncle had died in a car accident and that she was sad. I was stunned, in the face of death, I suddenly did not know what to say, I could only send her a string of hugs...

For death, our initial understanding is that the heart stops beating and the brain stops functioning. After watching "Dream Quest", I also have a more understanding, just when death is forgotten by everyone, no one remembers who you are, no one knows that you have existed in the world, no one remembers what you look like... Suddenly there was a little sadness.

Before the memory of love disappears, please remember me...

In the movie, there is a lonely ghost named Pig Pigg, who, after being forgotten by everyone, finally turns to dust in the guitar sound of Exto. No one knows where he went.

He said: "The last person in the world who remembers me has also forgotten me. ”

No one wants to be forgotten...

Sanmao also said: If one person's voice and footprints can be remembered or remembered by another person forever, this is eternity.

So, before the memory of love disappears, please remember me...

I can also better understand the old man's attachment to the Qingming Festival

Every time during the Qingming Festival, Grandma always said a lot of words in front of Grandpa's grave

Although Grandpa couldn't hear

But it was as if Grandpa hadn't gone far

Perhaps it is the sustenance of this kind of longing

It can make the living remember the people who have loved them

Before the memory of love disappears, please remember me...

A world constructed for the undead in the film

Here suddenly came to mind a short film based on real events - "The Red Balloon of Memory"

Before the memory of love disappears, please remember me...

Five-year-old boy Jamie's mom dies, Jamie mistakenly calls the police station and asks why mom isn't coming home, old Tom tells Jamie that as long as the red balloon is tied with a written letter, Heaven's mom can receive the letter.......

Before the memory of love disappears, please remember me...

Jamie worked hard to send a letter to Heaven's mother, the police convoy even sent Jamie a convoy of red balloons, and old Tom replied to the little boy in the tone of his mother and put gifts on the doorstep.

About the mother, the memory of the little boy has always been there, even if you are young, the memory of love will be there, and it will grow up with you.

Before the memory of love disappears, please remember me...

For the living

Not forgetting is the greatest respect for the deceased and the loved ones

In "In The Dream Quest", when Mig's great-great-grandfather disappears because he is about to be forgotten by his daughter, MiG receives unconditional blessings from his family (meaning that MiG can continue his dreams and sing his favorite songs), and Mig returns home from the world of the dead and sings Remember me to his elderly grandmother Coco...

Before the memory of love disappears, please remember me...

Remember me

Remember me

Though i have to say goodbye

Although I'm going to say goodbye

Remember me

Don't let it make you cry

Hope you don't cry

For even if i' m far away

Even if I go far

I hold you in my heart

I put you in my heart too


Time has given you some and taken away some from you; it has left you briefly remembered, but often forgotten. But time also makes us understand that only the people who care about and love you the most will be with you and will always remember you. Dreams and family are not either-or relationships, and we can always find a measuring point at the right time to see that dreams and family affection are actually symbiotic...

As Mig finally hugged his sister and introduced the family: These are not just photos, they are family. For those who are important, do we all have enough attention and cherishing?

Before the memory of love disappears, please remember me...

At the end of 2017, who have you forgotten, whether you have passed away or loved, whether you have forgotten your dreams or your family... In the upcoming 2018, will it be picked up piece by piece?

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