
The "Reading the History of the Xinhai Revolution in Guangzhou" festival and sweeping activity was launched

author:China News Network

Guangzhou, 14 Mar (China News Service) -- Blue blood and yellow flowers commemorate the martyrs. On the 14th, the fifth "Walk reading the history of the Xinhai Revolution in Guangzhou" tomb sweeping activity initiated by the Xinhai Revolution Memorial Hall was opened through the combination of online and offline mode, and the first activity kicked off at the Xingzhonghui Cemetery in Guangzhou.

Guangzhou is the birthplace of China's modern democratic revolution, and countless people of insight have been buried here for the sake of ideals and self-improvement, "wearing strong and fierce bloody battles for thousands of miles" and "people doing their best to do everything".

This year's festival sweeping activities are planned to be held in four sessions, with a total of martyrs' routes, Yuexiu Baiyun Tianhe line, and Galaxy Garden lines, which will last until the end of March, with a total of 40 cemeteries (groups) and more than 1,000 ancestors of the Xinhai Revolution.

On the morning of the same day, the first offline grave sweeping activity was carried out at the Xingzhonghui Cemetery on South Martyrs Road in Guangzhou. Under the leadership of the on-site host, the volunteers presented flowers, bowed to the tomb of the ancestors of the Xinhai Revolution, and learned the deeds of the ancestors of the Xinhai Revolution; and then through the "Walk to Read the History of Xinhai in Guangzhou" WeChat Mini Program, they offered flowers and commemorated them online. Subsequently, volunteers successively visited the tombs of Deng Yinnan, Wu Hanzhi, Zhu Zhixin, and the Tomb of the Seventy-two Martyrs of Huanghuagang.

Zhang Changlong, the person in charge of the grave sweeping activity, said that the volunteers who participated in the memorial sweeping activities on that day included doctors, shipyard workers and college students, among whom volunteers participated in the "reading the history of the Xinhai Revolution in Guangzhou" for many times.

Volunteer Zeng Mengling has participated in it every year since the first festival in 2017, either live explanations or online memorial services. "I am a volunteer at the Xinhai Revolution Memorial Hall, and I have always felt that the history of the Xinhai Revolution needs more forms to commemorate."

In 2020, the "Reading the History of the Xinhai Revolution in Guangzhou" was held for the first time in the form of "Cloud Festival Sweep", attracting the active participation of the majority of Guangzhou citizens. This year, in addition to offline festival sweeping, more people have carried out online festival sweeping through the "Reading Guangzhou Xinhai History" WeChat Mini Program. The reporter logged on to the "Reading Guangzhou Xinhai History" WeChat Mini Program and saw that as of 19:00 on the 14th, more than 800 people had carried out online sacrifice sweeps this year, accumulating more than 110,000 people. (End)

Source: China News Network

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