
How long does the brain's consciousness last after the heartbeat is stopped

author:Fifty cattle

After the heart stops beating, how long can the brain's consciousness last? Where did those proud high-quality genes go after cremation? (The following comes from the Internet, not scientifically confirmed, please look at it rationally, if you are disgusted or think that it is groundless, you can cross it out as soon as possible ~)

According to records, in 1945, there was a chicken called Mike in the country, and his owner originally thought of boiling oil to entertain his mother-in-law, the hot water was boiled, and the knife went down, but he did not expect that the rooster that lost its head fluttered for a while, and miraculously survived, and the owner took it to the University of Utah in Salt Lake City for experiments. With the approval of scientists, the chicken named Mike also appeared in Time magazine with its strong vitality, and it was a sensation, living for 18 months before dying.

How long does the brain's consciousness last after the heartbeat is stopped

For example, in 1794, during the French Big G life, the famous chemist Lavoisier was sent to the guillotine, Lavoisier was doing experiments all his life, so there are folk rumors that Lavoisier did not forget the experiment at the moment of death, he said to the executioner next to him, after cutting off my head for a while, I will keep blinking, you help me count, see how many times I blinked, the executioner worked every day to behead, but he did not think that Lavoisier was more than his own, so he resolutely agreed to his request.

How long does the brain's consciousness last after the heartbeat is stopped

After a click, the executioner fulfilled his promise, staring at the head, and Lavoisier was constantly blinking, completely over after blinking 11 times, if calculated according to a blink of a second, then that means that people's consciousness will last at least 11-12 seconds after death, draw a point, Lavoisier's last experiment has always been true or false, whether he blinked after being beheaded may only be known to the executioner, so let's listen to it as a fictional story dedicated to science.

But it is undeniable that people are conscious in the short time of death, and in 2013 researchers from the University of Michigan used mice to do an experiment in which they used drugs to force mice to stop cardiac while monitoring brain activity in mice, and scientists found that the brain was very active within 30 seconds of the mice's death. Essentially, the more active the brain, the more likely it is to hallucinate, which is why many rescued people say they see heaven.

How long does the brain's consciousness last after the heartbeat is stopped

The experiment proved that in the short period of cardiac arrest, the brain will produce some kind of conscious activity, the current conclusion has been confirmed by many parties, scientists through research found that when people stop the heartbeat brain cells are still working, even can survive for 10-30 minutes, the brain is like a mobile phone and the heartbeat stops like pressing the shutdown button, shutdown takes a while, so even if the cardiac arrest, the brain will continue to work.

And at this moment when death comes, the lungs first play a "strike", no longer carry out breathing work, the lungs have a little brother is the heart, when the big brother strikes, the heart stops beating, but the brain as the command center of the human body is very thoughtful, and can even be said to be a school of its own, even if there is no breathing and heartbeat, the energy stored in the brain can also let it continue to work for a period of time. A brief disagreement between the brain and heart over death created an opportunity for doctors to change their lives.

How long does the brain's consciousness last after the heartbeat is stopped

Medical scientists have shown that if a wave can be operated within 30 minutes after the heartbeat stops, and the freezing technology or resuscitation method is used just right, it can bring people back to life. In medicine, when cardiac arrest, as long as cardiopulmonary resuscitation is carried out in time, in many cases people can be rescued, but not every opportunity to change their lives against the sky can bring people back to life, and those brains that eventually "surrender" will stop working like the heart, and human beings will also die completely, a lifetime, a complete body after cremation is only ashes, this journey to the human world is over.

How long does the brain's consciousness last after the heartbeat is stopped

However, there are still many people who are not willing, this life's top IQ, a thousand years of rare looks, superior height, etc., these high-quality genes can not be left behind? Talking and talking, another problem comes, where do the genes that exist in the body after cremation go, we say in layman's terms, the main component of genes is actually organic matter, and in the process of cremation, with the continuous increase in temperature, the combustibles in the body will burn violently, the hydrogen bond energy in the DNA is easily decomposed by heat when encountering high temperatures, and the hydrogen bonds in the DNA will break to form a single chain under the action of high temperatures.

How long does the brain's consciousness last after the heartbeat is stopped

When the temperature reaches 1000 degrees, these broken single chains will undergo oxidation reactions, forming carbon oxides and nitrogen oxides, which will drift into the air with the smoke in the crematorium, and a complete body will eventually only have some white residue left with the entire cremation process, which is what we call ashes. The remaining ashes of the body after cremation are usually about 4 pounds, the main components of which are calcium phosphate, magnesium phosphate and other substances, and there is no protein, so after cremation, genes will also be burned, decomposed, broken, and scattered into the air.

How long does the brain's consciousness last after the heartbeat is stopped

At this time, it can be proved that this person has come, and only the hair that has fallen before, nail covers, and other things are left, and the reason why we have so many problems with death actually shows the fear in our hearts, although there is no reincarnation, there is no heaven and hell, life is only once, but it is precisely because of knowing these that our present life is so precious, and it will also make us cherish every day of our lives even more.

How long does the brain's consciousness last after the heartbeat is stopped

Death is a necessary process, but we cannot choose to live negatively just because we know that death is inevitable, and only by trying to live every day will we not live up to the length of life.

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