
Purgatory on Earth! In 100 days, 1 million people were bloodily slaughtered, and the Genocide in Rwanda began and ended in 1994

author:A little Dolma
Purgatory on Earth! In 100 days, 1 million people were bloodily slaughtered, and the Genocide in Rwanda began and ended in 1994

Stills from the movie "Hotel Rwanda" about the Rwandan genocide

Picture 丨 A little Dolma

Date 丨2021.11.01

In 1994, in Rwanda, a small country in central Africa, the world-shocking "Rwandan genocide" broke out.

The deep causes of the genocide in Rwanda

Rwanda was once a Belgian colony, and during the colonial rule, the Belgians pursued a ridiculous policy of ethnic division. They divided the nation into two ethnic groups by observing the width of the locals' noses, height and the color of their skin.

Purgatory on Earth! In 100 days, 1 million people were bloodily slaughtered, and the Genocide in Rwanda began and ended in 1994

Geographical location of Rwanda

People with higher height, lighter skin tone, and a higher nose bridge closer to the colonizer's appearance were classified as Tutsi, accounting for 14% of the total population; those with darker skin, shorter height, and lower nose bridges were classified as Hutu, accounting for 85% of the total population.

In fact, this racial division is absurd. There is no obvious difference in color, culture, physique, or language between the two races.

The Belgian colonists considered the Tutsi to be lighter in skin and closer to the Westerners, so they were more noble, so they chose them as the ruling class, ruling over the Hutu people, who accounted for 85% of the total population.

Purgatory on Earth! In 100 days, 1 million people were bloodily slaughtered, and the Genocide in Rwanda began and ended in 1994

European colonists measured noses, pupils, and skin color to forcibly divide races

During the colonial period, foreign colonizers required Rwandans to carry their identity cards, which clearly marked their national identity, and then deliberately favored the Tutsi as a minority in administrative, educational, economic, judicial and other aspects.

This policy of partiality, which trampled on fairness, was a way for the colonizers to sow discord among Rwandans and divide and rule, and did not really benefit the Tutsi.

In Rwanda at the time, this anger and hatred caused by injustice spread and accumulated rapidly within the Hutus.

At the same time, the Belgian policy of favoritism also made the Tutsi more arrogant and conceited, and the oppression and insults of the Hutu people became more unscrupulous.

Purgatory on Earth! In 100 days, 1 million people were bloodily slaughtered, and the Genocide in Rwanda began and ended in 1994

Army during colonial rule

The constant backlog of hatred and anger within the Hutus, like boiling molten iron in a steel trough, will burst out once a breakthrough is found and destroy everything.

When the Belgians lost their colonial rule, they betrayed the Tutsi and handed power into the hands of the Hutu. This gave the previously oppressed Hutu people a chance to counterattack, and in the following decades, the two races began to ethnically cleanse each other.

The fuse of the Holocaust

On 6 April 1994, a plane carrying Rwandan Hutu President Juvenal Habialimana (Hutu) and the President of Burundi was shot down by an unknown rocket near the Airport in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, killing both Presidents at the same time.

Purgatory on Earth! In 100 days, 1 million people were bloodily slaughtered, and the Genocide in Rwanda began and ended in 1994

Giubena Habijalimana (left)

Exactly which side launched the rocket is still an unsolved historical mystery.

Both Tutsi and Hutu accused each other of killing the president at the first time, and then the Hutu launched a genocide against the Tutsi.

In fact, long before the outbreak of the incident, the Hutu had prepared for the coming genocide.

They collected a large number of weapons in advance, trained a large number of armed militias, and ordered millions of machetes, which were secretly distributed to millions of Hutu people. Everything was ready, and all the Hutus were quietly waiting for the moment when the holocaust officially arrived.

Purgatory on Earth! In 100 days, 1 million people were bloodily slaughtered, and the Genocide in Rwanda began and ended in 1994

A machete for the Holocaust

The night the massacre began, the African Cup of Nations semi-finals were being held on the african continent, and countless Rwandans were huddled around the radio listening to the broadcast. As the game progressed, the broadcast suddenly stopped, and then the radio began to repeat a man's cold command:

"People of Rwanda, our great president has been murdered by cockroach-like lowly Tutsis. Good Hutu compatriots, the time for revenge has arrived! We must liquidate and kill every Tutsi around you! Kill them, now! ”

Like an evil "spell," the order quickly spread throughout Rwanda.

The process and consequences of the Holocaust

When the Hutus heard the order, they silently turned off the radio and drew out the machete hidden in their home...

After a moment of silence, the streets of Rwanda's main cities were intertwined with the sound of gunfire, bomb explosions, frantic knocks on doors, desperate roars, kneeling for forgiveness, sharp howls, and the sound of knives slashing into bones, like a strange symphony from hell, floating in all corners of the country.

Purgatory on Earth! In 100 days, 1 million people were bloodily slaughtered, and the Genocide in Rwanda began and ended in 1994

Hutu militia

For the Tutsi, before they could understand what was going on, they were dragged out of their homes by their surrounding Hutu neighbors. The Hutus clutched their machetes, stared at their blood-red eyes, and slashed at the necks of the Tutsi people around them like chickens. Then, carrying bloody machetes, they spontaneously gathered from all over the place and rushed to the homes of other Tutsis people they knew nearby.

In the days that followed, under the constant instigation and urging of the media, radio, and radio, more and more Hutus took up machetes and joined the genocidal massacre.

In the process, hutus who were unwilling to participate in ethnic cleansing or sympathy for the Tutsis were considered traitors and had to be killed. In this hell on earth, man becomes an inhuman beast, either joining the ranks of the slaughterers or being executed as traitors.

Purgatory on Earth! In 100 days, 1 million people were bloodily slaughtered, and the Genocide in Rwanda began and ended in 1994

The insane Hutu massacrer

The massacre was supported by the Rwandan government, the army, officials and a large number of local media, and Hutu civilians even enjoyed the process of the genocide. They put a whistle on them, as long as they find the Tutsi, as soon as they blow the whistle, the nearby people will carry the machete bag and copy it, grab it and directly step on the ground, and use the knife to wipe his neck.

Rwanda's roads are heavily barricaded by the crazy Hutus, and the Hutu militia will strictly check every passing vehicle and find that the Tutsis are dragged straight out and beheaded with machetes on the side of the road.

According to the UN officer, those people were like being possessed by evil spirits, and their eyes looked creepy and unhurried. The Hutu-to-Hutu and Hutu moderate, organized genocide lasted for more than 100 days, killing between 800,000 and 1 million people and raping or gang-raping of 250,000 to 500,000 Rwandan women and girls.

Purgatory on Earth! In 100 days, 1 million people were bloodily slaughtered, and the Genocide in Rwanda began and ended in 1994

The slaughtered people of Rwanda

In the end, 84 per cent of Rwanda's Tutsis were slaughtered, one-eighth of the country's population disappeared, and the remaining Tutsis were largely spared by fleeing to neighbouring countries.

The Hutu slaughtered one person every 10 seconds many times faster than Hitler's massacre of Jews. The whole country was shrouded in the stench of decaying corpses, turning into a paradise for wild dogs, insects and rats to eat carrion, and later caused a severe plague.

The disgraceful role of the West

In this massacre, some Western countries played a disgusting role.

They could have prevented the genocide from going on, but they refused to provide all kinds of assistance for various reasons. In order to shirk humanitarian responsibility and refuse to fulfil the provisions of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, which they themselves led, some Western leaders and the media have even deliberately described "genocide" as an act of mutual killing within ordinary groups.

Purgatory on Earth! In 100 days, 1 million people were bloodily slaughtered, and the Genocide in Rwanda began and ended in 1994

European and American peacekeepers who stood idly by

In the eyes of these countries, the so-called freedom, equality, fraternity, the so-called human rights, the so-called maintenance of world peace, when they cannot benefit from it, all of these become a pile of, and their hypocrisy, viciousness and ugly faces can be seen.

At the same time, if a nation dreams of relying on other countries to save itself, it is tantamount to a fool's dream. Similar genocides included the massacre of Indians in the Westward Expansion Movement of the United States and the mass killing of Chinese in Indonesia in 1998.

Learn from China to become an African power

After experiencing the genocide, Rwanda, which was reborn from the ashes, unswervingly learned from China, vigorously developed its economy and military, and became more and more "Chinese".

In Rwanda, "Chinese elements" are everywhere with signs with Chinese, various means of transportation made by the country, and Rwandans basically learn Chinese.

Purgatory on Earth! In 100 days, 1 million people were bloodily slaughtered, and the Genocide in Rwanda began and ended in 1994

Vehicles made in China

After nearly three decades of effort, the average age of Rwanda's dead population has approached 70 years in just over two decades, from less than 35 years (more than 27 years old) in 1994. Under the new Kagame government, Rwanda embarked on a vigorous literacy campaign.

Purgatory on Earth! In 100 days, 1 million people were bloodily slaughtered, and the Genocide in Rwanda began and ended in 1994

Rwanda military parade

Rwanda's GDP in 2019 was about $10.122 billion, representing a 9.4% year-on-year real growth compared to the same period last year, making it the second largest GDP growth rate in 2019. From an outcast in Europe and the United States, he has become a representative of African powers.

Of course, Rwanda's prosperity cannot be separated from China's assistance.

As China's relations with Africa have gotten better, many Western countries have spared no effort to smear China, saying that China's aid to Africa is a new type of colonization for the sake of Africa's various minerals, but these are all western "demonization" of China.

Purgatory on Earth! In 100 days, 1 million people were bloodily slaughtered, and the Genocide in Rwanda began and ended in 1994

Rwanda is grateful to China for its support and assistance

In the face of the provocation of Western hosts: "Is China's help in building a new diplomatic building a symbol of its desire to control your country's diplomacy?" "。 In response, President Kagame showed great confidence in China:

"I think China's influence is growing globally, and if they control our foreign policy, that's my failure." China and we are good friends, helping us build our own country, is it controlling us? What logic is this? "

I wish this "good student" of China and Africa who has experienced heavy suffering that he can develop better and better in the future.

—— THE END ——

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