
The results of the first Yau Chengtong Girls' Mathematics Competition for Girls' Middle School Students were released, and the biggest winner of Chengdu 70% of Chengdu 700 was Yau Chengtong: Let female students increase their self-confidence

author:Quantum Position

Mengchen Fengse comes from The Temple of Consort

Qubits reports | Official account QbitAI

The first Yau Chengtong Girls' Mathematics Competition for Middle School Students has now come to an end at Tsinghua University.

A total of 931 female secondary school students from the third grade to the third grade of high school registered worldwide, and a total of 25 contestants won the gold, silver and bronze and the winner's prize respectively.

Chengdu No. 7 Middle School was the biggest winner of this time, and in the case of only one player winning at most in other middle schools, the students of the school not only won the only gold award, but also won two silver awards and one winner's award.

The results of the first Yau Chengtong Girls' Mathematics Competition for Girls' Middle School Students were released, and the biggest winner of Chengdu 70% of Chengdu 700 was Yau Chengtong: Let female students increase their self-confidence

It is worth mentioning that all the winners of this competition will directly obtain the qualification for the 2022 Tsinghua University Yau Chengtong Mathematics Leadership Program, and enjoy the same treatment as the players who enter the National Training Team of the Mathematics and Physics Olympiad!

The results of the first Yau Chengtong Girls' Mathematics Competition for Girls' Middle School Students were released, and the biggest winner of Chengdu 70% of Chengdu 700 was Yau Chengtong: Let female students increase their self-confidence

Students selected for the program will be admitted to the Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Major of Tsinghua University (eight-year program), using the "3+2+3" training model from undergraduate to doctoral degree, and no more than 100 students are enrolled each year.

Let's take a look at who they are and where they come from?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > the biggest winner out of seven in Chengdu</h1>

The gold award was awarded to Yang Mengqi from Chengdu Seventh Middle School, and was personally announced by Academician Qiu Chengtong.

The results of the first Yau Chengtong Girls' Mathematics Competition for Girls' Middle School Students were released, and the biggest winner of Chengdu 70% of Chengdu 700 was Yau Chengtong: Let female students increase their self-confidence

There are 3 silver awards, in addition to Li Shuying and Lu Xinyao from Chengdu No. 7 Middle School, and Tan Xiayu from Hangzhou No. 2 Middle School in Zhejiang Province.

The results of the first Yau Chengtong Girls' Mathematics Competition for Girls' Middle School Students were released, and the biggest winner of Chengdu 70% of Chengdu 700 was Yau Chengtong: Let female students increase their self-confidence

There are 6 bronze awards, and the winners are as follows, including Zhang Bohan and others in Hengshui Yi:

The results of the first Yau Chengtong Girls' Mathematics Competition for Girls' Middle School Students were released, and the biggest winner of Chengdu 70% of Chengdu 700 was Yau Chengtong: Let female students increase their self-confidence

In addition, there are 15 winners, and it can be noted that there is also a Tang Zihan student from Chengdu Seventh Middle School.

The results of the first Yau Chengtong Girls' Mathematics Competition for Girls' Middle School Students were released, and the biggest winner of Chengdu 70% of Chengdu 700 was Yau Chengtong: Let female students increase their self-confidence

It can be said that Chengdu Seventh Middle School became the biggest winner of this competition, winning 1 gold, 2 silver and 1 winner, and 4 people had the opportunity to enter the 2022 Tsinghua University Yau Chengtong Mathematics Leadership Program.

The only gold medalist, Yang Mengqi, is a senior in high school this year, and before that, she also won the second prize of the 35th National Mathematics League for Middle School Students in 2019 and the first prize of the 2020 National High School Mathematics League (Sichuan Division).

Unable to come to the award ceremony due to the epidemic, she delivered an acceptance speech online:

Thank you very much for this competition for giving us a wonderful encounter with advanced mathematics, and I hope that the students can also participate in the Yau Chengtong Girls' Mathematics Competition for Girls in the coming year.

Let us cherish this hard-won opportunity together, pursue the truth of nature, discover, explore and inherit the beauty of mathematics, and contribute to the building of mathematics and become an indispensable part of the development of mathematics.

The results of the first Yau Chengtong Girls' Mathematics Competition for Girls' Middle School Students were released, and the biggest winner of Chengdu 70% of Chengdu 700 was Yau Chengtong: Let female students increase their self-confidence

Two silver medalists from Chengdu No. 7 Middle School have been selected for the 20th China Women's Mathematics Olympiad this year, respectively, tied for the 5th place in the country and 7th in the country, and were selected for the Sichuan Mathematics Olympiad Provincial Team and qualified to participate in the final of the 2021 National Mathematical Olympiad.

Chengdu No. 7 Middle School has made outstanding achievements in mathematics competitions in recent years, with a total of 8 winners of the Chinese Mathematical Olympiad (CMO) gold medal in 2020, of which 6 entered the national training team.

The teachers who guided the contestants were Wei Hua, the head coach of the 2020 competition, and Wu Chenghao, the head coach of the 2019 class of the competition, who have trained many CMO gold medalists.

Not only mathematics, this year's five university discipline competitions in Sichuan Province 401 first prize winners, 108 from Chengdu Seven Middle School, accounting for more than 1/4.

Chengdu Seventh Middle School enrolls less than 1,000 students per grade, but it can compete with other universities with thousands of people in various competitions.

Among them, there is a famous science experimental class, formerly known as the comprehensive mathematics experimental class, and the well-known figures who graduated from this class are former Sogou CEO Wang Xiaochuan, B station CEO Chen Rui, former Weilai automotive technology VP Zhuang Li and so on.

In addition, Stanford professor Li Feifei is also an alumnus of Chengdu No. 7 Middle School.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="25" > Qiu Chengtong: Let female students increase their self-confidence</h1>

The competition for female middle school students was initiated by Yau Chengtong himself, in order to train female mathematicians and encourage more girls to devote themselves to the study of mathematics.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the competition, Yau chengtong said that the achievements of female mathematicians have not received enough respect.

Take, for example, Karen Uhlenbeck, who worked with him.

She is one of the founders of modern geometric analysis and has made important achievements in geometric partial differential equations, gauge field theory, and integrable systems.

Yau Chengtong commented that his work has influenced the mathematical community for decades, but society's evaluation of her is a little strange:

Her mathematical achievements were not fully respected, but were respected because of her gender, which is not a very fair thing.

The results of the first Yau Chengtong Girls' Mathematics Competition for Girls' Middle School Students were released, and the biggest winner of Chengdu 70% of Chengdu 700 was Yau Chengtong: Let female students increase their self-confidence

△ Karen Ullenbeck

Yau Chengtong believes that the lack of respect for the achievements of female mathematicians in society will lead to a lack of confidence in themselves by latecomers.

One of the students he taught himself, Bryan Kra, was the best student in the class at the time. But she thought she couldn't do it, and she was going to quit studying mathematics.

Qiu Chengtong told her that it took a lot of effort to persuade her that "your math is very good, there is no problem", and she finally continued to learn.

To this day, Bryan Kra has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences and was the former chair of the mathematics department at Northwestern University, and all this almost didn't happen because of lack of self-confidence.

Therefore, one of the purposes of Yau Chengtong's competition today is to increase female students' self-confidence:

Let them know that they are actually remarkable, have the ability to change the development of mathematics, just like the great mathematician Noether. ”

Emmy Noether is known as the "Mother of Abstract Algebra", and in her honor, the prize of this competition is named "Nott Award".

The results of the first Yau Chengtong Girls' Mathematics Competition for Girls' Middle School Students were released, and the biggest winner of Chengdu 70% of Chengdu 700 was Yau Chengtong: Let female students increase their self-confidence

Amy Knott

To this end, the scope of this competition includes the whole content of secondary school mathematics, calculus, linear algebra, and the basic concepts of groups and group action.

Yu Chenglong, a representative of the jury and a professor at Tsinghua University, believes that the test questions this time do not focus on the assessment of skills, but provide students with a window to glimpse the world of mathematical research, and promote students' learning and thinking.

For example, the inequality problem in question 5 is related to Professor Yau Chengtong's study of the harmonic function on manifolds. The sixth question, combining identities, played an important role in the work of Fields Medal winner Okankov in the geometry of counting.

If you also want to try these questions, you can reply to "2021 Knott" in the background of the qubit public account

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