
"Magnificent 70 years of youthful home and country letter" does not set the sun

author:Sunshine News Sunshine Network

Under the guidance of the Cyberspace Administration of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee, sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Xi'an Municipal Party Committee, the Youth League Municipal Committee, the Municipal Education Bureau and the Xi'an Newspaper Media Group, and undertaken by the Xi'an Evening News and Sunshine Newspaper, the "I Love the Motherland Student Letter Collection Activity" has received positive responses from the majority of primary and secondary school students in the city since its launch on June 28. At present, the organizing committee's submission mailbox has received nearly a thousand students to submit summer social practice assignments - write a letter!

In order to give more positive guidance to the participants, the organizing committee decided to open a column from now on, from time to time to publicly display the shortlisted works, in addition to publishing in the newspaper, it will also be promoted on the "Young Family Guoxin" WeChat public account and other cooperation platforms.

"Magnificent 70 years of youthful home and country letter" does not set the sun

Dear Xiang Hua,

Hello! Haven't seen you in the United States for a long time, have you had a good time in the United States lately? Counting up, you and I have been separated for five years, and I think of the hug and farewell under the big locust tree, as if it was just yesterday. We were always best friends before you went to study in the United States.

When we were young, we often went to play on the sand slopes in the yard, when there were no good toys, and the big locust trees were not so lush, but those days were the most nostalgic for me. It was a hot day and we were about to play the game of "ant holes" when you found a bunker in the sand full of tadpoles, struggling in the meagre water. So you taught me to dig a canal, to lead the tadpoles into small puddles, and then to carry them into the large pool next to it with your hands. We were more tired than ever that day, but we felt unusually happy. The feeling of watching the tadpoles swim happily now makes me miss it. But now, you and I can no longer gather in the sand and play like we used to.

When we were about to graduate from elementary school, we were all busy. I'm busy preparing for the entrance exams, and you're busy going abroad to study, and our days seem to be filled, and we don't have time to pay attention to the changes around us. Unconsciously, the button mobile phone is replaced by a slider, the slide is replaced by a touch screen, the desktop TV is slowly obsolete, and every household is installed with an LCD TV, followed by the popularization of wireless network communication, and the information age is coming to us. When the bunker of the game is filled in and more high-rise buildings are built, I can no longer distinguish between the extra emotions to sigh and the sad passage of time, but to converge in this seemingly never-ending wheel of the times to go faster and faster, and continue to progress.

In the blink of an eye, you and I have grown up.

In the years since you were away, the motherland has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the years we have grown up have coincided with the best era of the great development of the motherland, and I have witnessed the prosperity and rejuvenation of the motherland, felt the growing strength of the motherland, and experienced the pride and pride of being a Chinese.

Compared with the concept of focusing on individual struggle abroad, our motherland is like a vast ocean, inclusive and caring for each of her children. Everyone is just a drop of water, boosted by the driving force, gathered into the waves and surged up. A person and a family are so weak and small, and thousands of small families have gathered into one person, that is, a strong country, and we have a common and most loving and warm motherland - China. The country and the home are no longer separated in China. Today's China has endured the baptism of blood and tears, borne the burden of history, and shouldered the burden of the world, and now it is different from the past.

In the past, we were timid, because we did not understand, and subconsciously regarded foreign culture as a god, and even more so, we used this to speculate and take advantage of people's ignorance to create a wave of admiration and flattery. However, no matter how fashion changes, Chinese rely most on the Chinese connotation rooted in the national bloodline. Nowadays, Chinese elements are all over the world, Made in China is famous in the world, the logo of Made in China is printed in all corners of the world, and China's national culture is also known, accepted and loved by more nationalities. When you see "MadeinChina" and "Old Mother" printed on fashion abroad, do you feel kind and proud?

Looking back, but in the twilight of the dynasty, the country has changed with each passing day. Look, the flowers of China's influence that are gradually becoming stronger have bloomed in the world, and the future Of China will bring more huge trends and strength to the world.

This is you and my motherland!

Of course, while the motherland continues to grow stronger, it is also subject to some threats and interference. The recent Sino-US trade war is enough to see the uneasiness of the United States about the fact of China's rise. In fact, this is not only an affirmation and proof of China's strength, but also a new challenge facing China. China will never be afraid or slack, because a strong self-power is the best guarantee for eliminating danger.

I hope that you from afar can not forget your original intention.

No matter how the times change, what Chinese always retain in their hearts is loyalty to their homeland and their desire for light, which is like the sun on the heads of ancestors for generations, guiding the direction of our progress and never falling. Such a sun will shine all over the world, so that the scattered Chinese find their way home.

Dear Xiang Hua, this year is the seventieth birthday of our motherland's mother, the mother's embrace is so warm, the mother's face is so beautiful, I wish you to return to the motherland as soon as possible, return to the embrace of the motherland as soon as possible, here is the fertile soil for you to display your talents.

Your friend: Lei Runqi

August 6

The author is a student of the 11th class of 2020 of Xi'an Gaoxin No. 1 High School

Instructor: Wang Sanling

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