
What should I do if I encounter a competitor's sales? Learn, imitate, transcend, become a better self 1, treat each other politely, deepen impressions 2, try to communicate, exchange information 3, discuss together, capture information 4, intentional display, continue to add points to the process of communicating with competitors and salespeople need to pay attention to: write at the end

author:Lens iread I read

Although the so-called narrow road of the wrongdoers, "peers are wrongdoers" is a common saying, it also shows that the fierce competition has allowed the relationship to penetrate from the company level to the personnel level.

Since it is a peer, then the work content and even the work flow that everyone does, including the words, may be the same or similar, but "peers are not profitable", because different companies, bosses and products, there will still be many differences, therefore, when encountering competitors, it is not the so-called narrow road to meet, but can do a lot of things to promote the growth of performance:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" >1, be polite and deepen your impression</h1>

What should I do if I encounter a competitor's sales? Learn, imitate, transcend, become a better self 1, treat each other politely, deepen impressions 2, try to communicate, exchange information 3, discuss together, capture information 4, intentional display, continue to add points to the process of communicating with competitors and salespeople need to pay attention to: write at the end

This is the basic literacy of people in the workplace, as a peer, although there is a competitive relationship, but also in an industry, a place to work, everyone works in a circle, can politely greet, show friendship, convey goodwill, so that the competition between companies and the interaction between individuals can be effectively distinguished.

Every company, every product and everyone has their own merits, and learning from others and making up for their weaknesses is the way to grow. No matter what kind of mentality the other party has, we ourselves should hold the mentality of learning, through their products, salespeople to understand and learn each other's advantages, characteristics and strengths, and even understand the shortcomings and shortcomings of others is also a reminder and warning to the self.

Being polite is bound to deepen the impression of others, including collaborators, competitors, and other third parties.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="28" >2, try to communicate, exchange information</h1>

From nodding their heads, or saying hello, you can slowly transition to smoking a cigarette together, or standing and talking for a while.

Politeness begins, chat continues, even if it is just to chat about the weather, current affairs, entertainment gossip and the like, will help us to make a basic judgment on others, some people are worth interacting, some people can just say hello, but even if we judge as greeting people, in fact, there will still be a lot of shining points worth learning.

Or, when we have initial contact, we feel that this person still needs to be observed and confirmed, that is, it is also from chat, communication to get information, personal judgment is more reliable.

Because the conversation, the hot spot of attention, and the insights thrown out will help us refine the perception of this person.

Of course, chatting is not just face-to-face, adding WeChat, paying attention to each other's social media accounts, etc., are all a kind of information acquisition or exchange, all of which provide us with some information about the other party.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="29" >3</h1>

Having the foundation for occasional chatting provides the possibility for deeper communication and interaction.

What should I do if I encounter a competitor's sales? Learn, imitate, transcend, become a better self 1, treat each other politely, deepen impressions 2, try to communicate, exchange information 3, discuss together, capture information 4, intentional display, continue to add points to the process of communicating with competitors and salespeople need to pay attention to: write at the end

Rubbing a car, rubbing an umbrella, or having a meal with AA can be the beginning of a discussion. This is a little longer than the time of smoking a cigarette and chatting a few words mentioned above, and the topic can be broader and logically extended to each other's business aspects:

How have you been doing?

The environment is not very good, but you seem to be doing a good job.

I heard that the sales of your new products are very hot, congratulations.

You have been very strong lately, do you have any secrets, point me out two tricks...

As competitors, both sides will naturally have their own interests, so exchanges and exchanges are tentative, tentative, and cautious, which is actually normal and should be understood.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="30" >4, intentional display, continuous bonus points</h1>

Sales work is actually a display, a comprehensive display of the company, products and sales personnel themselves, through this display to convey information, energy and confidence, so that others can feel the charm of products and people.

Competition is also all-round, there are many reasons for competitive victory, but the reason for failure is often in the details of the mistake or when it is not in place, so the sales staff must show and pass on at any time and anywhere, whether it is a company, a product or an individual, so that the positive information and image are far greater than the negative information and image.

What should I do if I encounter a competitor's sales? Learn, imitate, transcend, become a better self 1, treat each other politely, deepen impressions 2, try to communicate, exchange information 3, discuss together, capture information 4, intentional display, continue to add points to the process of communicating with competitors and salespeople need to pay attention to: write at the end

At the same time, it also includes that it is also true in my interactions with competitor salespeople. Even, sending a circle of friends must take into account that some content is specifically for them to send, which is a kind of display, but also an influence, and this display and influence is continuously accumulated, that is, it is continuously adding points.

Of course, there are also risks in interacting with competitors' salespeople, including being misunderstood by the company and colleagues, being misunderstood by each other, and making customers suspect of collusion, so it is very important to grasp the scale of all aspects.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="31" > a few points to pay attention to when dealing with competitor salespeople:</h1>

1, if there is a communication, must be reported, mainly to the company behind the company and the leadership

This is to avoid suspicion, in case someone is jealous of your good performance, saying that you collude with competitors, resulting in the loss of company orders, the fact is often not as lethal as rumors, and the impact is likely to be immeasurable.

Moreover, this kind of reporting reflects the respect for the leader, who also hopes to have a window to privately understand some of the movements of competitors, which is more direct and accurate than the industry annual report.

2, try not to have a positive conflict and contradiction with the sales staff of competitors, because this is a minus point

Imagine a salesperson at two competing companies talking in public, or a client company, what are the senses of a customer, a customer, or another stranger? I have seen the Meituan and the hungry takeaway brother group fight in the back alley, and I feel very bad.

At the end of the day, it's just a job, and it's okay to work hard, but it's not worth it. It is not that we are not serious, but that we regard work as work rather than the whole of life.

3, do not denigrate other people's companies, products and people, especially behind the scenes

Regardless of the facts, publicly denigrating others is a very low practice, because once the attack starts, there will be a counterattack, after all, no company, product or person is perfect. The slander behind it is often infinitely magnified with the spread of information, and when it reaches the ears of the parties, it is already 108,000 miles, and then the mutual harm begins.

This kind of slander hurts the enemy by a thousand, and self-inflicted damage to eight hundred, which is considered to be harmful to others and not to themselves, which is not what salespeople should do.

I remember that when the media interviewed Ma Yun and Ma Huateng many times, they would ask how to look at each other and each other's companies, and the big guys were very cleverly praised and affirmed, which is the pattern and art.

4. Keep the bottom line and strictly guard the trade secrets of your company

Professional ethics is the bottom line of people in the workplace, and the story of being in Cao Yingxin in Han has been passed down through the ages, but it violates the relevant spirit of the modern Labor Law and is incompatible with the general "Labor Contract".

The bottom line of trade secrets is clearly regulated by law, and some companies have similar confidentiality and non-compete requirements. Moreover, once this bottom line is broken, there may be other requirements that come with it, entering a trap that is getting deeper and deeper, and it is difficult to extricate itself.

5, in the continuous contact and interaction to find information and talent, may be the future partners

Many bosses have a headache that there is no talent, many talents have a headache that is difficult to meet a good lord, and many people who want to start a business have a headache without partners. There is a movie called "Chinese Partner", and the partner is actually discovered through continuous observation, communication and verification in the process of growth.

From the perspective of the company, since it has been reported in the company, it is possible that the company will have the impulse and action of digging people out of all aspects of consideration, from a personal point of view, the accumulation in an industry is an important factor in the success of entrepreneurship, and the same senior accumulation of personnel in this industry will also be an important indicator of partners, then the current competitors are the talent pool that discovers, screens and trains partners.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="56" > written at the end</h1>

What about salespeople who encounter competitors?

What should I do if I encounter a competitor's sales? Learn, imitate, transcend, become a better self 1, treat each other politely, deepen impressions 2, try to communicate, exchange information 3, discuss together, capture information 4, intentional display, continue to add points to the process of communicating with competitors and salespeople need to pay attention to: write at the end

What matters is who we are, what we are doing, what kind of dreams we have, then, we will continue to find the masters of the industry, learn, imitate and surpass, make friends, talk about the future, look at actions, and eventually even if we do not become good friends and collaborators, we will learn a lot from others.

What about salespeople who have met a competitor? Learn from him, imitate him, surpass him, and become a better version of yourself!

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