
"Post-95" firefighter Han Bing: The quenching road from orphan to "secret service elite"

author:Bright Net

Zhongxin Network Jinzhong April 15 Title: "Post-95" firefighters from orphans to "special service elite" quenching road

China News Network reporter Lu Qiguo

At the age of 15, due to a car accident, Han Bing and his 6-year-old brother became orphans.

At the age of 18, Han Bing joined the fire rescue team. In the sharp knife team of the Longhu Street Special Service Station of the Fire Rescue Detachment of Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province, Han Bing, who was once desperate, ushered in a "new life", he practiced his physical skills hard, and won two single championships in the provincial fire brigade competition for two consecutive years.

From orphans to "special service elites", Han Bing, who constantly "hardened steel" for himself, has become an inspirational model for the Jinzhong Fire Rescue Detachment.

"Post-95" firefighter Han Bing: The quenching road from orphan to "secret service elite"

When he first joined the fire rescue team, Han Bing could do up to a dozen push-ups at a time. Now, he can do 100 push-ups in a minute. Photo by Lu Qiguo

The 15-year-old was crushed by the risk of major family changes

Han Bing is a native of Zunhua City, Tangshan City, Hebei Province. At the age of 15, he suffered a major family change: his parents were seriously injured in a car accident.

"When people told me the news, I couldn't believe it anyway." With a glimmer of hope, when Han Bing rushed to the hospital, his parents were being rescued. Unfortunately, after more than two hours, the doctor shook his head helplessly at him.

At that moment, Han Bing and his 6-year-old brother were orphaned.

From the death of his parents to the three days of the funeral, Han Bing has been in a state of confusion. For more than a year, despite the countless persuasions of his uncle, aunt and aunt, he insisted on living in his own home and wiped away tears alone by looking at the photos of his parents before he died.

"For more than a year, the whole world lost its excitement for me." Han Bing admitted that during that time, his mental state was extremely poor and he was on the verge of collapse.

"I have a lot of relatives, and everyone cares for my brothers and sisters, and it is their encouragement that allows me to get out of the 'desperate situation'." Han Bing said that the eldest brother is like a father, and he must cheer up and take good care of his younger brother with his relatives.

"Post-95" firefighter Han Bing: The quenching road from orphan to "secret service elite"

Han Bing believes that "every point of sweat is a harvest", so he insists on completing training every day. Photo by Lu Qiguo

The hairy guy became the "sharp knife" in the sharp knife team

In December 2012, Han Bing enlisted in the army and became a firefighter.

At the beginning of joining the fire rescue team, Han Bing's physical fitness could only be said to be average. Push-ups, you can only do a dozen at a time.

"I must pass the physical fitness level." During the three-month training camp, Han Bing practiced physical fitness: practicing 5 km running, grinding blisters on his feet again and again; practicing horizontal bars, his arms were sore and he grinned. However, he gritted his teeth and persevered.

A point of sweat, a point of gain. At the end of the training, Han Bing can do 100 push-ups in one minute. In the new round of physical fitness tests, his results ranked in the top ten of the new members of the whole detachment, and he was among the special service fire stations known as the "fire sharp knife".

The leading cadres talked face-to-face and encouraged, the veteran team members taught skills by hand, and Han Bing then understood and practiced hard for each action. During the skills training that followed, he finally became a "dark horse".

Behind the rapid improvement of grades, of course, is sweat. Taking the "hook ladder to the tenth floor" training subject as an example, just climbing the hook ladder from the first floor to the second floor of the training tower will continue to practice hard for a month; how to throw the hook ladder from the next floor to the next floor, this action, you have to practice hard for another month...

At the end of another round of training, Han Bing climbed from the first floor of the training tower to the tenth floor with the help of a hook ladder, and the fastest time was only 45 seconds. In this achievement, no one in the new or old team of the whole detachment can stand out.

In September 2017, the Shanxi Fire Brigade Summer Training Competition was held in Taiyuan City. Han Bing participated in the fourth floor of the hook ladder, horizontal bar roll, five-kilometer running, 100-meter obstacle courses and other competitions.

For the first time, Han Bing stood out in the strong special service group, winning the first place in the fourth floor of the hooked ladder and the 100-meter obstacle course.

In 2018, Han Bing once again participated in the Shanxi Fire System Training Competition, winning the championships in two single subjects of the fourth floor of the hooked ladder and the 100-meter obstacle course, and was praised by his teammates as "the sharp knife in the fire sharp knife team." ”

"Post-95" firefighter Han Bing: The quenching road from orphan to "secret service elite"

Behind the championship is countless sweat climbs and hard training. Photo by Lu Qiguo

Operate toothless saw cutting operation in 5 cm space to save people

There is such a subject in the daily training of firefighters: the light bulb is cut above the wire. Firefighters had to cut the wire in less than 1 second using a toothless saw and ensure that the bulbs below, which were only 5 mm apart, were intact.

The project places extremely high demands on the psychological qualities of firefighters. After this level, the rescue battle can be easily handled in the case of small space cutting operations.

On June 30, 2017, an old man in Yuci District, Jinzhong City, was bumped by an electric bicycle, the electric bicycle rolled over and pressed on the old man, the side of the bracket was pierced into the heel of the old man, and the local emergency personnel repeatedly tried to separate the electric vehicle from the old man, but they were unsuccessful.

In order to carry out the rescue as soon as possible, the commander Jin Rixin ordered the use of a toothless saw to cut the electric bicycle bracket. The problem is that there is only 5 cm of operating space from the heel of the old man to the root of the bracket, and in case the saw blade bounces during the cutting process, it is bound to cause secondary injury to the old man.

The difficult task was entrusted to Han Bing. With the roar of the toothless saw's motor, he carefully cut the high-speed rotating toothless saw blade towards the electric car bracket. A few seconds later, the bracket was successfully cut, and the old man was finally rescued.

Subsequently, CCTV's "Society and Law" channel filmed an 18-minute feature film that reported in detail on this classic rescue case.

In the past 9 years of participating in fire rescue work, Han Bing has participated in and successfully rescued more than 30 trapped people.

"After every successful rescue, I feel very happy because I also have the ability to give back to society." Han Bing said. (End)

Source: China News Network

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