
The construction of the Guangxi-Brunei Economic Corridor is a stroke of the pen

author:China-ASEAN Expo CAEXPO

Guangxi plays a unique role in promoting cooperation between China and Brunei. In 2019, when Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Sultan Hassanal of Brunei, the two sides stressed that the two sides should build the "Guangxi-Brunei Economic Corridor" into a dual demonstration project for china-Dongzeng Zone (abbreviation for the ASEAN Eastern Growth Zone) cooperation and the construction of the "New Land-Sea Corridor", deepen cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, investment, agriculture and fisheries, and share experience in the development of emerging industries such as digital economy and e-commerce.

The construction of the Guangxi-Brunei Economic Corridor is a stroke of the pen

Wei Ting/Photo

Since 2014, the construction of the Guangxi-Brunei Economic Corridor has gone through 7 years. In the past seven years, from the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding to the implementation of the project to the early harvest, from interconnection to the seaward economy to traditional trade, Guangxi has conscientiously implemented the important consensus reached by the two heads of state Chinese, relying on the Guangxi-Brunei Economic Corridor, continuously promoting the cooperation between the two sides of the Chinese to achieve new results, making the pace of China and Brunei's common path more powerful, and jointly depicting a beautiful blueprint for the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

The construction of mora port helps to create a new economic growth point

The staff of Guangxi Beibu Gulf International Port Group Co., Ltd. told reporters that at present, in the Mora Port, 29 kilometers away from Sri Baga Bay, the capital of Brunei, the lifting link of containers has been completed by mechanical operations such as shore bridges and reachstackers and stackers, and the use of automated operations has gradually stacked containers from the wharf to different areas of the yard. With the successful launch of the modernization project of mora fishing port, today's mora port has fully realized the change from manual operation to computerized systematic management.

As Brunei's largest port and only deep-water port, Mora Port is also Brunei's main international trade route. For a long time, due to the relative lag of operation and management technology, the advantages of port location have not been effectively reflected, resulting in higher related logistics costs and limited port development. Under the framework of the Guangxi-Brunei Economic Corridor, in 2017, Beibu Gulf Port Group and Brunei enterprises established a joint venture company, Mora Port Co., Ltd., which obtained a 60-year concession right for Mora Port.

Mike Mu, general manager of Brunei Wanling, is enjoying the convenience brought by the advanced technology of Chinese enterprises together with other enterprises. "I have to import dozens of containers of cargo from Singapore every month, and the freight of each container used to be about 1,800 yuan (about 9,000 yuan), and sometimes the crane at the port was broken or on holidays, and I had to charge a cargo storage fee. Now, the collection of goods is much faster, and the cost is also saved a lot. "Mikem has a personal feeling for the changes in the port," the Chinese management team has given the port a new look, the port single bridge loading and unloading efficiency has increased by more than 23% compared with before the takeover, and the average operating efficiency of a single ship has increased by more than 91%. ”

The Guangxi management team uses its advanced technology and management experience in terminal construction and operation to optimize and upgrade the operation mode, business process, on-site management, machinery and equipment, and information system of Mora Port, and at the same time renovate and expand the existing terminal and improve the port infrastructure. Through a series of optimization measures and upgrading, the operational efficiency and service quality of Mora Port have been significantly improved, and it has now developed into the most efficient port in Dongzeng District in terms of ship port call, single ship operation of loading and unloading ships and returning container operation. From January to September this year, the cargo throughput of Mora Port reached 989,800 tons, an increase of 3.05% year-on-year.

The construction of the Guangxi-Brunei Economic Corridor is a stroke of the pen

Yan Changhui/Photo

"The strategic location of Mora Port is an important node of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road." Liu Guangming, Minister of the Prime Minister's Office and Minister in Charge of Finance and Economic Affairs of Brunei, fully affirmed Guangxi's role in promoting connectivity between The Two Countries, "The establishment of Brunei Mora Port Limited witnesses the close cooperation between the two sides in port construction. Yu Hong, Chinese Ambassador to Brunei, highly praised this: "After Beibu Gulf Port Group took over the operation of Mora Port, the port efficiency has been greatly improved, which has made important contributions to the cooperation between China and Dongzeng District and the construction of new land and sea corridors." ”

Fishery aquaculture projects set a number of "firsts"

In the "Vision 2035" launched by the Brunei government to promote economic diversification, fishing is one of the key industries for development, known as Brunei's "vegetable basket" project. The Brunei-China (Guangxi) Fisheries Cooperation Demonstration Zone project, undertaken by Hasstone Fisheries (Brunei) Co., Ltd., is the first landing project of the Guangxi-Brunei Economic Corridor.

The project has set a number of "firsts" in the field of fishery and aquaculture in Brunei: for the first time in Brunei, the localization of fry supply has been realized, the full artificial breeding of large-scale tropical economic fish has been successfully carried out, and the history of all fish breeding in Brunei has been imported; the first offshore aquaculture base in Brunei has been built, and 24 large cages and 158 square cages have been installed in the relevant sea areas and put into aquaculture production; the first export of marine fish farmed in Brunei has been realized, and the farmed marine fish has been exported to Canada and the United States in 2018.

Behind these fruitful results is the continuous efforts of a multinational team composed of more than 40 staff from 7 countries, including China, Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Myanmar and Bangladesh.

Brunei girl pickup truck joined the company 3 years ago. "Our company carries out fry breeding and aquatic product processing, encourages and guides fishermen here to improve their skills and expand imports and exports." The most pleasing to Pickup is that in 2019, she was given the opportunity to come to the shores of The Beibu Gulf in Guangxi to study with experts in China's aquaculture industry for 3 months, and her professional and technical level has been greatly improved, and she can help more fishermen solve the practical problems of fish farming after returning to Brunei.

Bangladeshi Mukt Hussein has been working on the team for 4 years. Before joining the team, he worked in garment manufacturing in Bangladesh. Under the guidance of Chinese fishery experts, he went from knowing nothing about fish farming to becoming a skilled worker with skills such as fish hatching and processing. He is very grateful for this.

Wei Chengyu, head of Fisheries at Haishitong, said with deep feeling: "Although we come from different countries and hold different positions, we are all striving for the common goal of building the Brunei-China (Guangxi) Fisheries Cooperation Demonstration Zone Project. We Chinese enterprises bring China's advanced technology to Brunei, driving the development of Brunei's fishery, and also contributing Brunei's research results and experience to the sustainable development of China's fishery. ”

New projects and new cooperation breed new opportunities

The 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Brunei and the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Dialogue Relations between China and ASEAN coincide with Brunei's assumption of the rotating chairmanship of ASEAN in 2021, which is of special significance to Chinese relations.

The key to building a closer China-ASEAN community of common destiny lies in action. Liu Guangming said: "The construction of the Brunei-Guangxi Economic Corridor has brought more opportunities and has become a platform for introducing Brunei products and projects to China. We look forward to continuing to work closely with China to achieve inclusive and sustainable economic growth." ”

Yu Hong proposed that she hopes that Chinese and the two countries will continue to promote cooperation in key projects such as the Guangxi-Brunei Economic Corridor with the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" as the main line, and jointly promote the early entry into force of the RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement).

During the 18th China-ASEAN Expo held in September 2021, Guangxi and Brunei have issued a number of new key cooperation projects within the framework of the Guangxi-Brunei Economic Corridor, and Brunei Ambassador to China Rachmani and his party also inspected the construction of projects such as the China-Brunei Spice Capital (Yulin, Guangxi).

As an important member of ASEAN and Dongzeng, Brunei has irreplaceable and unique advantages. As the forefront and window of China's opening up and cooperation to ASEAN, Guangxi actively integrates into the new development pattern of double circulation, accelerates the "southbound, northbound, eastern and western integration", makes full use of Guangxi's unique location and industrial advantages, and realizes the complementary cooperation and development of Guangxi and Brunei.

The construction of the Guangxi-Brunei Economic Corridor is a stroke of the pen

In order to further promote the innovative development of bilateral cooperation and promote cooperation between the two sides in various fields to a new level, Guangxi proposed to build the Guangxi-Brunei Economic Corridor into a dual demonstration project of China-Dongzeng Zone cooperation and the construction of the new land-sea corridor, actively build a demonstration platform for the organic connection between the "Belt and Road" construction and Brunei's "2035 Vision", jointly promote the upgrading of the Guangxi-Brunei Economic Corridor into a national-level cooperation mechanism, and explore the "Guangxi + Brunei + X" cooperation model, relying on the China (Guangxi) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Advantageous platforms such as the New Land-Sea Corridor have expanded cooperation with third parties in Brunei and Dongzeng District; given full play to Guangxi's location advantages as the top network nodes in southwest China and Brunei's network nodes in the eastern ASEAN region, and used platforms such as the China-ASEAN Information Port to tap new areas of cooperation in the post-epidemic era; and continued to dig deep into cooperation between Guangxi and Brunei in vocational education, eco-tourism and other fields to promote people-to-people ties.

Source: Guangxi Daily

Author: Yang Qiu, Yang Yuhang, Liao Bin, Huang Huanxiang

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The construction of the Guangxi-Brunei Economic Corridor is a stroke of the pen
The construction of the Guangxi-Brunei Economic Corridor is a stroke of the pen

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