
Drinking mineral water also needs to be carefully selected? In fact, their efficacy is not too much

author:Science refutes rumors

At present, the bottled drinking water sold on the market is mainly divided into three categories.

One is to drink natural mineral water, which comes from the depths of the formation, is relatively not easy to be polluted, and after a long period of flow of infiltration and continuous interaction with underground rock formations, the water contains a certain amount of minerals, trace elements and so on.

The second is to drink pure water, which is processed by distilling, ion exchange, reverse osmosis and other methods of removing minerals, organic matter and microorganisms from the water by distillation, ion exchange, reverse osmosis, etc., and the water is almost free of minerals.

The third is other types of drinking water, which can be subdivided into drinking natural spring water, drinking natural water and other drinking water. Drinking natural spring water is very different from drinking natural mineral water, it is also collected from the ground, but it is relatively easy to pollute shallow water, and because of the short interaction time with underground rock formations, the mineral components contained in the water are relatively small, and they do not meet the mineral water limit indicators stipulated by the national standard; drinking natural water is water from the natural source of the surface after limited processing and treatment, retaining its own mineral water; other drinking water sources are products made of water sources after appropriate processing and additional minerals.

Drinking mineral water also needs to be carefully selected? In fact, their efficacy is not too much

Drinking water in daily life can promote the metabolism of the human body and ensure good health. We don't have to worry too much about the purity and mineral content of drinking water, as long as it is safe and secure, you can refer to the following suggestions when buying bottled drinking water:

1, to see whether the label is complete, qualified drinking water products should have QS logo, the label should clearly indicate its product name, net content, manufacturer name, address, production date, shelf life, product standard number and other content;

2, see if the bottle cap is intact, flat, whether the bottle is upside down whether there is water leakage;

3, see if the water in the bottle has other colors or flocculent precipitation, if there is such a phenomenon, it is not suitable for purchase.

In general, the production process of bottled drinking water is very strict, after the layers of purification and sterilization of precision instruments, there are factory inspections and spot checks by the State Market Supervision administration, and there are generally no unhygienic problems such as foreign bodies found in drinking water bottles. As long as everyone buys products with great brand influence on formal channels, they can drink with confidence.

This article is produced by the "Scientific Rumor Dispelling Platform" (ID: Science_Facts), please indicate the source when reprinting.