
The taste of post-8090 memories

author:Shoot Kang Kang

Rice candy is a famous traditional snack that is sweet and delicious with a fragrant aroma of rice blossoms. Among them, Chongqing Jiangjin rice flower candy and Sichuan Leshan Suji rice flower candy are the most famous. Rice candy is mainly made from glutinous rice and white sugar. First go through the rice process, that is, the glutinous rice is steamed, dried so that it is still the original rice grain, and then every 5 kilograms of glutinous rice with 200 grams of caramel mixed into water, baked in the pot, after the water is dried, and then fried with sand, then 1 grain of rice can rise to 4 grains of rice (fried with lard or vegetable oil has the same effect, in order to save grease, generally use more sand frying), and then use saccharin, white sugar and caramel to make syrup, pour the prepared rice into the syrup, add a little peanut kernel, mix well in the pot, pour it into the box, knead into a square, Then cut into small pieces with a knife to form a product.

The taste of post-8090 memories

Rice candy is the best memory of our childhood, when we were young, every time we went shopping, I would let my grandfather buy a little, it tasted sweet and delicious, and the aroma was fragrant. Now every time I think about it, I remember it endlessly. So, today I will share with you the practice of rice candy.

The taste of post-8090 memories

Rice candy


A bowl of rice

A bowl of white sugar

Sesame seeds to taste

Cook peanuts to taste


Step 1: First put the prepared rice in clean water and wash it, wash it 2 to 3 times, then drain the rice and set aside.

The taste of post-8090 memories

Step 2: Then add enough cooking oil to the pot, open the fire to heat it to 70% heat, then pour the rice into the pot and turn it into a low heat to fry, in the process of frying, use the spatula to stir, so that the rice can be heated more evenly, wait until the rice is fried to expand and float, the surface is slightly yellow when it is fished out, control the oil and set aside.

The taste of post-8090 memories

Step 3: Another pot, add the right amount of water, then pour in 300 grams of sugar, turn on a low heat and slowly heat, while stirring with a spatula until the sugar is completely melted, and then put the fried rice into the pot, keep stir-frying, wait until the syrup and rice are all fused, and then put the peanut kernels and black sesame seeds together into the pot and stir-fry evenly.

The taste of post-8090 memories

Step 4: Then prepare a large container, pour the fried rice into the container, and remember to use the spatula to level it and press it firmly. Wait until it has cooled slightly, remove the shape, and slice it again.

The taste of post-8090 memories

Delicious and delicious rice candy is ready, take a bite, crunchy, very delicious.

The taste of post-8090 memories


Ingredients can be selected according to personal preference.

When boiling syrup, the heat should be small, so as not to overcook and become a light brown color.

When mixing, it should be fast, so as to avoid dilution of sugar and uneven mixing, which affects the quality of the finished product.

The cool rice candy is very crisp, and it is best to use a serrated knife when cutting, and the shape of the rice candy cut out will be more beautiful.

The taste of post-8090 memories
The taste of post-8090 memories

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