
Pumpkin is the best to eat more than a dozen ways, autumn dry and refreshing to eat pumpkin is the right season

author:Kind shop small two

"Autumn is coming, pumpkins are pretty", now is a good season for pumpkins to go on the market. In addition to bringing us taste enjoyment, pumpkin also has a variety of eating methods and health benefits.

What is the edible value of pumpkin?

Sight: The carotene content per 100 grams of pumpkin is equivalent to 46% of the daily intake required. Carotene and vitamin A delay the decline in retinal function and also help form and maintain healthy skin, teeth and bone marrow.

Heart Protection: Pumpkin is rich in dietary fiber, which is very good for the heart. According to a 10,000-person survey conducted by Harvard University, people with a high-fiber diet had a 40 percent lower risk of coronary heart attacks compared with those who ate low-fiber.

Can pumpkin really lower blood sugar?

In some animal experiments, pumpkin polysaccharides can stimulate insulin activity and increase insulin secretion, thereby lowering blood glucose levels in animals. But so far it has not been confirmed in human trials.

How to eat pumpkin?

Pumpkin can not only be used as a staple food, but also can be used as a variety of recipes, such as: can be fried, can be steamed, can be fried, can also be boiled soup, boiled porridge, flapjacks and other ways to eat. People can choose the most suitable practice for themselves according to their own needs and hobbies.


Pumpkin 120 g Bacon 120 g Onion 1/2 (as many as you like)


Eggs two milk 60 ml Masu 35 g

Oil One spoonful of sea essence salt to taste pepper to taste

Pumpkin is the best to eat more than a dozen ways, autumn dry and refreshing to eat pumpkin is the right season

Pumpkin, bacon, onion cut into dice about the same size.

Pumpkin is the best to eat more than a dozen ways, autumn dry and refreshing to eat pumpkin is the right season

Pour oil in a pan, heat and stir-fry the bacon until the surface is slightly charred, then pour in the onion and sauté until soft.

Pumpkin is the best to eat more than a dozen ways, autumn dry and refreshing to eat pumpkin is the right season

Add the pumpkin cubes and continue to stir-fry until the surface is soft. Sprinkle a little sea salt and pepper to taste and turn off the heat to serve. When the filling is stir-fried, it can be preheated in the oven.

Pumpkin is the best to eat more than a dozen ways, autumn dry and refreshing to eat pumpkin is the right season

Beat the eggs, pour in the milk and sprinkle with a pinch of sea salt and pepper.

Pumpkin is the best to eat more than a dozen ways, autumn dry and refreshing to eat pumpkin is the right season

Place the ready-made pie skins in the mold tray

Pumpkin is the best to eat more than a dozen ways, autumn dry and refreshing to eat pumpkin is the right season

Place the pies in the oven in advance, medium and bake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes until the surface is slightly browned. The pies must be pre-baked once before pouring in the filling

Pumpkin is the best to eat more than a dozen ways, autumn dry and refreshing to eat pumpkin is the right season

Pour the sautéed filling into the baked pie crust

Pumpkin is the best to eat more than a dozen ways, autumn dry and refreshing to eat pumpkin is the right season

Then pour in the custard

Pumpkin is the best to eat more than a dozen ways, autumn dry and refreshing to eat pumpkin is the right season

Sprinkle with chopped cheese

Pumpkin is the best to eat more than a dozen ways, autumn dry and refreshing to eat pumpkin is the right season

Push into the oven, 180 degrees in the middle, and bake for 30 minutes until the surface cheese turns golden brown. Fragrant pumpkin pie is ready to bake.

Pumpkin is the best to eat more than a dozen ways, autumn dry and refreshing to eat pumpkin is the right season

Eat it while it's hot, the dense brushing, it's tempting to watch!

Pumpkin is the best to eat more than a dozen ways, autumn dry and refreshing to eat pumpkin is the right season

Fragrant finished product, eat while hot!

Pumpkin is the best to eat more than a dozen ways, autumn dry and refreshing to eat pumpkin is the right season
Pumpkin is the best to eat more than a dozen ways, autumn dry and refreshing to eat pumpkin is the right season