
Interesting people: Chen Ziang did not buy back his own life for 200,000

Interesting people: Chen Ziang did not buy back his own life for 200,000

The image comes from the Internet

Many people love to say that Chen Ziang is very cattle, and many cattle people at that time also admired him, such as Li Bai, who was crazy. But people like Li Bai don't care about exaggerating people to death, such as "I don't need to seal ten thousand households in life, but I hope to know Han Jingzhou" and the like, blowing Chen Ziang does not spend money anyway, there is nothing to be polite about.

In fact, looking at Chen Ziang's life, in addition to Zhang Madness, if you use another word to describe it, it is depressed.

Interesting people: Chen Ziang did not buy back his own life for 200,000

Throw millions of dollars at once, in exchange for overnight fame

Chen Ziang's family was a big guy, and at that time, he was definitely listed in the global Fortune 500. When there was a catastrophe in his hometown, Chen Ziang's father immediately took out tens of thousands of stones of grain to relieve the disaster, and millions of kilograms of grain were scattered at will. Taking the hero as a hero is the family style of their family for generations, and when chen Ziang came here, he did not insult his ancestors, and when he was 18 years old, he did not study, gambled and hunted all day, and played the ranger style of spending money.

But Chen Ziang's head was really good enough, and one day he suddenly felt that he had played enough, and he turned back and began to work hard. Within a few years, the celebrity Wang Shi read his poem and was shocked: the future article grandmaster will definitely be this boy. Although Chen Ziang's future status in the jianghu was unlimited, after staying in the capital for several years, no one paid any attention to him as "Wenzong".

Later, there was a huqin seller in the Beijing market, asking for a million. Such a lion opened its mouth widely, amusing the city's large money to run to see one after another, although there are many rich people, but no one knows whether this price is worth it, and they are afraid of being wronged.

The incident became more and more noisy, and the place where huqin was sold became a newly developed tourist spot in The capital and made headlines in the local newspapers. Chen Ziang was depressed all day, and after hearing about it, he ran to squeeze into the crowd, and let the housekeeper around him pay money without looking. Looking at the hilarious people, they were all blinded: "Boss, why do you use this thing back?" Chen Ziang said: "My Huqin performance has won the International Gold Award. If there are many things, he asks, "Can you open our eyes?" Chen Ziang said: "Tomorrow I will open a solo performance, everything is okay to come, we still care about everyone's violent meal; Not only those who are here today, but also celebrities in Beijing are welcome to patronize, so let's play. The next day, more than 100 well-known people from all walks of life in the city flocked to Chen Ziang's field, and Chen Ziang was fully seated and served with high standards. After eating, Chen Ziang delivered a banquet speech: I Chen Someone has engaged in a lot of literary creations, and no one knows after so many years of mixing in Beijing, Hu Qin plays such a non-grade thing, where is we such a tasteful person doing it? After saying that, he took out the one-million-dollar huqin and threw it on the spot.

Then Chen Ziang asked the housekeeper to bring out two tables of his own portfolio, sign and send books, and everyone present had a share. A large sum of money spent a million to listen to a bang, that day this matter spread throughout the city, Chen Ziang immediately became famous in the Beijing Division, and soon, as a senior talent, he was hired by Wu Zetian's nephew Wu Youyi. Chen Ziang's successful speculation of advertising planning is also regarded as a classic advertising case by all advertising companies, but this kind of speculation method cannot be played by small households.

Interesting people: Chen Ziang did not buy back his own life for 200,000

Mixed with the wuhou's men, it can never be reused

Chen Ziang not only has literary talent, but he also has a historical position in the construction of the legal system of the Tang Dynasty.

There was a young man named Xu Yuanqing, whose father was killed by Zhao Shiyun, the deputy county magistrate of his hometown. Later, when Zhao Shiyun was promoted to the capital, Xu Yuanqing followed him to Chang'an to work in anonymity, and finally saw the opportunity to kill Zhao Shiyun, and after avenging his father, he surrendered himself. When this case was a sensation, some said they should be killed, some said they should be promoted, and they quarreled.

In the end, Chen Ziang's "bad idea" prevailed. Chen Ziang said that if he did not kill this person, he would be taking advantage of the legal system and must be sentenced to death; but in the ancient ritual, "the father's vengeance is not the same day", Xu Yuanqing is not afraid to kill his head in order to avenge his father's revenge, this is a great filial piety and should be commended. According to Chen Ziang's regulations, xu Yuanqing erected a monument to his grave after he was beheaded.

The Tang Dynasty Ranger atmosphere is extremely strong, everyone is very dragged, much like the American Western, there is a situation that does not rely on the government to do things according to law, and it is fashionable to solve it by itself, so this vendetta case occurs every time. It does not matter if Chen Ziang set this precedent, all similar cases in the later Tang Dynasty were handled in accordance with Chen's precedents.

For Chen Ziang's article, Liu Zongyuan also admired Chen Ziang more than a hundred years later, but for Chen Ziang's political wisdom, Liu Zongyuan thought that it was pure nonsense, regardless of right and wrong, and suggested that this precedent be abolished. However, Chen's jurisprudence was very popular with the vast number of officials of the Tang Dynasty, and Liu Zongyuan's proposal was not resolved.

Chen Ziang caught up with Wu Zetian's reign, Chen Ziang not only proposed the project contention performance at both ends of the three days, but also wrote an article to shoot Wu Zetian's horse ass. However, Wu Zetian was not interested in Chen Ziang's set, and Chen Ziang was bored in the capital, so he followed Wu Youyi as a staff officer to fight the Khitans.

Wu Youyi relied on his aunt's mixed meal flowers and flowers, and once he arrived at the frontier, he ate a defeat first. Chen Ziang volunteered and was willing to lead 10,000 people to the front, but Wu Youyi did not look up to him: You are a pen player who will play with the gun. After a few days, Chen Ziang went to mention this stubble to Wu Youyi again, and Wu Youyi's ability was not big and temperamental, and he was annoyed by Chen Ziang's long-windedness, and simply demoted Chen Ziang to a post.

Chen Ziang understood people in the end, knowing that he couldn't please his aunt and nephew surnamed Wu, and he had nothing to do, and Guang Was depressed. Depression will be vented after a long time, which is the famous song "Never Seen the Ancients".

Chen Ziang gave Wu Zetian so much strength that not only did he not fall well, but he also left a handle for the orthodox literati of later generations: loss of control. In today's view, Wu Zetian's claim to the emperor is not a big deal, isn't there a "Iron Lady" like Thatcher. But at that time, there was a lot of sexism, and women were heads of state, and there was nothing more absurd in the world.

Di Renjie also served as an errand boy under Wu Zetian, and his position was very high. Once, Di Renjie went to visit his aunt and saw his cousin return from outside, looking like he was full of energy. Di Renjie stinked to his aunt: My cousin is not young, if you want to go out and mix your career, my nephew can still talk now. My aunt smiled at him: Although our children are not instrumental, they are still ashamed to serve the hostess. Di Renjie was too embarrassed to say anything.

"Starvation is small, and loss of control is big", which shows that the consequences are very serious. Chen Ziang could not be as spirited as Di Renjie for a few days, but the black cauldron had been carried for more than a thousand years, and if he knew about Izumi, he would still be depressed underground.

Interesting people: Chen Ziang did not buy back his own life for 200,000

Planted in the hands of county officials, he died in a confused state

Now when it comes to the FBI and kgB, everyone thinks that the cattle are deadly, in fact, they are all pediatrics, and on the subject, Wu Zetian is their grandmother. Wu Zetian, fearing rebellion in the opposition, vigorously advocated whistle-blowing, and since then, secret agents have run rampant, and professional intelligence departments have emerged, such as the famous Zhou Xing, Suo Yuanli, and Lai Junchen were all 007 at that time.

As many as there are informants, more people are arrested, not only those who rebel, but also the relatives and acquaintances of the rebels, and the neighbors of the rebels. Later, it developed that as long as someone said that this person wanted to rebel, it didn't matter if he was really fake, he would be arrested and then said. Later, as long as there is a bit of status, they can't run, and almost all the characters with heads and faces have been arrested. At that time, if anyone had not been caught in the big prison, it would have not been mixed up, and they would not have seen anyone.

Chen Ziang's official position is not high, and he is a social celebrity, of course, he is qualified to be arrested. Chen Ziang was careless and met a man who was said to be going to rebel, which was enough to invite him to prison and gnaw his head. In prison, Chen Ziang deeply reflected on his relationship with the Wu family for the first time, and concluded that there was basically no drama.

Wu Zetian encouraged whistle-blowing to eliminate dissent, not to say that if you are arrested, you will be finished, and if you are arrested, you will be killed. The cool official Wan Tujun killed 300 "rebels" in Lingnan, and he was promoted to yushi, if it were not for the small population of Guangdong at that time, he would have been able to become the prime minister in one breath. Seeing the multi-ability promotion of murderers, the cool officials competed to carry out a killing competition, Wang Deshou killed 500 people, and Liu Guangye killed 700 people.

In the case of super perverts like Zhou Xing and Lai Junchen, torturing people to death is not for promotion, but for the sake of comfort. Think about it, it's like the perverted killers in American movies who became the head of the FBI, and that was the environment. In such a perverted atmosphere, Chen Ziang was actually lucky enough to be released a year after he was arrested, which was almost a miracle, and it was also a mystery.

However, Chen Ziang could not escape the next time. Chen Ziang's father died, he resigned and went home to mourn, built a hut next to his father's grave to guard the grave, and cried so hard that people passing by couldn't help but cry when they heard it. Chen Ziang belonged to a sentimental and sickly body, and his mood had been depressed, when his health deteriorated to the point that it was difficult to walk on crutches.

At this time, the county magistrate Duan Jian knew that the Chen family had money, and wanted to help their family spend a flower, so he greeted the Chen family and arrested Chen Ziang without giving money. The Chen family sent 200,000 yuan to Duan Jian, and Duan Jian saw that it was too little, or sent Chen Ziang to prison. After staying in the classroom, Chen Ziang calculated for himself, and Chen Ziang was shocked: I am probably going to die here. This triumph became his hypnotic, and after this fright, 42-year-old Chen Ziang died in Datang's cell.

There were countless famous artists in the Tang Dynasty, and there were many people who were as talented as Chen Ziang, and many of them were sometimes unlucky. Only Chen Ziang lived a strange life, and his death was even more inexplicable. Or it can be said that his era itself is inexplicable, but what inexplicable era is made up of human dance.

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