
Take a look! Students with good grades after the "double subtraction" suffer losses?

author:There is a way to become a child - a horse

A few days ago, we published an article entitled "Divided into Key Classes, Parents' Verbal Battles Triggered by Shanghai Jianping West School", which was warmly discussed by readers and friends, just like the verbal battles that occurred among parents of Shanghai Jianping West School, and readers and friends were also clearly divided into two factions.

Take a look! Students with good grades after the "double subtraction" suffer losses?

For or against ?

1. Readers in favor of the placement of the following words:

"Competition begins with tadpoles, which is a law of nature...", "Capable children should get more resources...", "Now mixed together to learn, poor grades are even worse to learn things...", "Why can't we set up key classes?" What else does tsinghua peking university 985 do in that university...", "how unfair are the grades...", etc., and so on, not to be exemplified here.

Take a look! Students with good grades after the "double subtraction" suffer losses?
Take a look! Students with good grades after the "double subtraction" suffer losses?
Take a look! Students with good grades after the "double subtraction" suffer losses?

2. Statements from readers opposed to placement:

"Those parents who are assigned to the class are too eager to hope for Jackie Chan, and as soon as there is a favorable competition for themselves, they will desperately strive for it and vigorously maintain it, but they do not care about the concept of running the school, and the interests of most people ..." "The classification education is called to teach according to the talents of the people is a manifestation of the narrow concept of education, ostensibly to increase the promotion rate, and the fact is that the consequence is the lack of students' personality and comprehensive quality..." From the number of people who participated in the comments, there were more people who agreed with the classification of classes.

Take a look! Students with good grades after the "double subtraction" suffer losses?
Take a look! Students with good grades after the "double subtraction" suffer losses?

3. Analysis of the reasons for agreeing to the classification:

Let's see, what is the inner logic of parents who agree with the placement? Most of the people who hold this idea are parents of children with better grades. During their schooling, their children receive more attention from teachers and more resources from the school, such as cadre selection, teacher teaching arrangements, and advantages in further education and admission.

I often hear such a sentence: "Going to XX High School is equivalent to stepping into a heavy book with one foot." This is a powerful temptation of practical interests, and at the same time, in this placement mode, the key class teachers tighten more tightly and the inner volume is more serious. In addition to studying, there are few free time, children can only go home on weekends to replenish supplies, and parents are also relaxed.

"If you can relax a little, why do you have to spend more time thinking about it?" This is what most parents think. Regarding the education of children, it is natural to hand over to the school and to the teacher, and it is best not to worry about anything, but only to be responsible for paying money.

4. Helpless to deal with "double reduction":

With the implementation of the "double reduction policy", on October 23, the 31st session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress voted to pass the Family Education Promotion Law, which will be implemented from January 1, 2022. This is the first time that our country has adopted special legislation on family education.

All kinds of indications show that the footsteps of "double subtraction" are close, no longer far away, out of reach.

The burden reduction that the education community has been shouting about has finally come! But the anxiety of parents is increasing day by day! After the policy came out, on the surface, the school was liberated, but the "divine beasts" had more time to go home, and a lot of trouble for the parents came.

Parents: What am I going to do???

If the child is self-conscious, he can learn and manage by himself. Unconsciously, the new anxiety makes parents very uncomfortable.

Recently, the China Youth Daily Social Survey Center conducted a survey of 1149 parents of minors through the questionnaire network, showing that 80.7% of the interviewed parents usually have a lot of confusion about family education, and 94.7% of the parents surveyed expect this method to help them alleviate educational anxiety.

Take a look! Students with good grades after the "double subtraction" suffer losses?

5. How to deal with educational anxiety:

Since the "double reduction policy" has landed, the past "hand-throwing" parenting can no longer go back! What should we do?

1) First of all, the pattern should be high, and the policy should be understood.

Human development is inseparable from the country, we must think from the national level: "double reduction", the country wants to improve the overall quality, to make children with good grades more excellent, highlight the characteristics of talents to stand out, the country is focused on the global competition for the demand for talents in the big pattern.

Therefore, children must have plenty of free space to show their true potential. Cram schools, on the other hand, mask individual differences in children's development.

Please believe that the supporting reform of the double reduction policy will continue to be introduced, especially the middle and high school entrance examination policy.

In order to focus on the long term and focus on the child's future life to achieve a career, now integrate the use of independent time to develop the child's favorite areas: disciplines, skills, management, etc. can be. As long as it is to improve the ability to improve, rather than in the free time, play games, idle time is good.

Rational use of free time can make your child's longboard more advantageous and more prominent!

2) Secondly, stimulate the child's self-management ability.

Self-management ability is the long-term fundamental competitiveness of every child. The performance in the family is the child's most real characteristic reaction, as a parent should not be a passive server, but should be an active talent coach.

Parents should have thoughts, goals, and steps to guide and motivate their children, strengthen self-management, and strive for their dreams. It's also a parental ability, which we call "talent leadership."

If you can turn a lazy child into a little "lion" full of energy, you will become one of the great parents.

Take a look! Students with good grades after the "double subtraction" suffer losses?

3) Again, to prevent the child from becoming an arrogant and conceited guy.

If your child has good grades, prevent him from becoming an arrogant and conceited guy. In reality, the saddest thing is that children with good reading grades and poor social landing are gone.

The probability of this happening is very high, and the main reasons for this analysis are: excellent grades in middle school, too much tolerance by parents, ignoring other personality shortcomings, and gradually exposing them after entering society...

Society is realistic, Kitakami Hiroshi does not believe in tears, the company is not home, work is not a family, no one will be on you.

Even if you used to be a bully, a leader, or a little sun, after entering society, you have to survive and work hard according to the rules of society. Parents should have this vision, before the child's personality is solidified, give a point to prevent deviation.

6. Conclusion:

Here, the 4 "double subtraction" discussion articles triggered by Shanghai Jianping West School are over. In these 4 articles, we not only discussed the phenomenon, but also reviewed the policy itself, also excavated the historical context of the policy introduction, and finally talked about how to face it...

These experience summaries are derived from their own actual experience, rather than empty imagination. We want to do a little real work to make your children and your family more successful and fulfilling.

Links to 2 other articles:

1. Why can't large school bags be reduced? Double reduction policy, talent cultivation from "quantitative change" to "qualitative change"

2, vomiting blood to sort out, in the past 40 years, these changes in the education policy mean to you and me?

Author 丨 Chen Xiao

Edit 丨 A knife

Vision 丨 Xiaobai

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