
Zhao Lirong's tragic and happy life: her husband and daughter have died one after another, and she became a "sketch queen" 010203 at the age of 60

author:Deer hunting entertainment

Peach blossoms are still smiling in the spring breeze, there is no zhao Lirong in the world...

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Time back in 1999, in that Spring Festival Gala, "come is come, go is go; Nod yes, shake your head no" The slip of the tongue still seemed to ring in my ears.

Zhao Lirong's tragic and happy life: her husband and daughter have died one after another, and she became a "sketch queen" 010203 at the age of 60

In that Spring Festival Gala, Zhao Lirong vividly displayed her own dramatic and comedy performance method in the sketch "The Veteran Comes Out of the Horse". Zhao Lirong in the TV was energetic on the stage, one mouth was a piece of baggage, and thousands of viewers laughed in a Tangshan-style English.

At the end of the show, she used the theme song "My Heart Is Eternal", adapted from the Titanic, to once again let the audience see the charm of this old lady on the stage.

Zhao Lirong's tragic and happy life: her husband and daughter have died one after another, and she became a "sketch queen" 010203 at the age of 60

That night, tens of thousands of spectators only saw how she performed on stage, amused. But did not find that the whole time Zhao Lirong was forced to endure the pain and insist on finishing the sketch.

In fact, during the rehearsal of "The Veteran Out of the Horse", Zhao Lirong coughed up blood, and she was forced to complete the final performance of the Spring Festival Gala, and also completed the last performance in her life.

Zhao Lirong's tragic and happy life: her husband and daughter have died one after another, and she became a "sketch queen" 010203 at the age of 60

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died of lung cancer at the age of 72. Since then, there has been no kind old lady of Tangshan at the Spring Festival Gala, and heaven has had laughter.

Although there is no trace of time, tv records Zhao Lirong's acting career, and she will always exist in people's hearts.

From "A Day in the Hero's Mother", she saw Hou Yaowen carrying a camera and immediately said, "Come and bring something", and take the camera down with her hand, including the misunderstanding of the old lady and the pleasure of politely accepting the gift.

Zhao Lirong's tragic and happy life: her husband and daughter have died one after another, and she became a "sketch queen" 010203 at the age of 60

To the "Adventures of Migrant Work" in the various singing sections and rap for us is still fresh in our memory, presumably now people can still sing from "palace jade liquor" to "the gathering of heroes", of which the scene wrote "genuine", it is even more difficult for people to imagine that Zhao Lirong, who wrote such a majestic and magnificent calligraphy, has not read any books.

Zhao Lirong's tragic and happy life: her husband and daughter have died one after another, and she became a "sketch queen" 010203 at the age of 60

It is said that at that time, illiterate, she practiced for three months for this play, and even for better stage effect, she nailed paper to the door to practice.

Zhao Lirong's tragic and happy life: her husband and daughter have died one after another, and she became a "sketch queen" 010203 at the age of 60

Looking back at Zhao Lirong's sketches, she reveals her seriousness and exquisite skills.

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Yet the core element of comedy is tragic, and it seems that most comedians have experienced some tragic life. Zhao Lirong is no exception, her life is far from sunny like a sketch.

Zhao Lirong was born in the 1920s, when the war was raging and the people were miserable. She was very cute when she was born, so her name was "Old Love"

In order to support his family, the father brushed the actor's hair in the theater, and the mother often held her daughter and watched backstage. Perhaps in this environment, Zhao Lirong has a very strong interest in drama, which also makes Lao Ai and drama bond for a lifetime.

Zhao Lirong's tragic and happy life: her husband and daughter have died one after another, and she became a "sketch queen" 010203 at the age of 60

At that time, the famous horn of the drama club, Furong Hua, was very fond of Zhao Lirong for the first time, thinking that this child had aura, and when he grew up, he could learn drama and maybe become a great instrument. By chance, in a child-hugging scene, she had been holding a wooden doll before, but Hibiscus flower carried her one-and-a-half-year-old love to the stage.

Zhao Lirong's tragic and happy life: her husband and daughter have died one after another, and she became a "sketch queen" 010203 at the age of 60

Comment on the famous horn hibiscus flower

Lao Ai not only did not shy away from the audience, but also laughed very cooperatively, and suddenly the audience cheered and applauded. Someone even said later: "This doll has learned to act before she can learn to walk."

After that, Hibiscus took her as her sister, took the stage name "Li Rong", took her to formal contact with drama, and took her to visit the teacher. Since then, Zhao Lirong has begun her practice and singing career.

As the saying goes, one minute on stage, ten years offstage, so it can be seen how much effort and effort it takes offstage to sing on stage. From kicking, lower waist, hanging throat Zhao Lirong never dared to slacken off, and even in order to make her voice sound better, she stood by the river to practice her voice, and in winter the river froze into ice and practiced at the edge of the ice cellar.

Zhao Lirong's tragic and happy life: her husband and daughter have died one after another, and she became a "sketch queen" 010203 at the age of 60

Zhao Lirong stretched in the courtyard

Finally, the emperor did not live up to his painstaking heart, Zhao Lirong officially took the stage at the age of 12, and even the drama master Ouyang Yuqian praised her performance.

At the age of 17, Zhao Lirong singled out the beams in the Fusheng Drama Club, and it was difficult to find a ticket.

However, in that era, there were constant wars, and the troupe was torn apart. Zhao Lirong moved to Beijing, where her sister Furong was waiting for her. It's just a pity that the hibiscus flower is seriously ill and the style is not there.

Zhao Lirong saw the situation and vowed to take care of her sister until she recovered, and when she had no money to buy nutritional products, she sang and went to work in the factory at night.

The grace of knowing the encounter will be repaid. Zhao Lirong must return the favor of the hibiscus flower no matter what.

Unfortunately, humanity is sentient, heaven is merciless, and in 1952, her sister Hibiscus flower died of illness in Beijing. For 24-year-old Zhao Lirong, the pain of taking away the love of her life is just the beginning.

Zhao Lirong's tragic and happy life: her husband and daughter have died one after another, and she became a "sketch queen" 010203 at the age of 60

At the same time, in this year, the Liberation Experimental Critics Troupe was established.

In the case that everyone is fighting for the head and blood, Zhao Lirong refused the invitation to star and was willing to play a supporting role for the drama queen Xin Fengxia.

Zhao Lirong's tragic and happy life: her husband and daughter have died one after another, and she became a "sketch queen" 010203 at the age of 60

Originally, the clown never came out in that era, but Zhao Lirong played the clown as an indispensable and important role with her superb acting skills and unique comedic characteristics.

She can be the aunt in "Liu Qiao'er", the Ruan mother in "Flowers as a Medium", or the Three Immortals in "Little Erhei Marriage". After a play, many viewers said that they did not come for the lead actor, but bought tickets for Zhao Lirong.

Zhao Lirong's tragic and happy life: her husband and daughter have died one after another, and she became a "sketch queen" 010203 at the age of 60

Originally, it was green leaves lined with red flowers, but for Zhao Lirong, her green leaves never stole the scene, but they were equally eye-catching.

In the ups and downs of the drama industry for ten years, she not only had a successful career and was recognized by the audience, but also gained a sweet love.

In 1954, under the introduction of Xin Fengxia, Zhao Lirong and Sheng Qiang, the secretary of the jury, fell in love and knew each other, and entered the palace of marriage. At that time, Shengqiang was a knowledgeable college student, a table of talents, which was very attractive to Zhao Lirong, who had not read books; similarly, Zhao Lirong, as a new star in the drama review of many audiences, was young and promising.

Zhao Lirong's tragic and happy life: her husband and daughter have died one after another, and she became a "sketch queen" 010203 at the age of 60

Zhao Lirong and Sheng Qiang

A year after their marriage, in 1955, their son was born, and she was immersed in the happiness of a happy family, but a storm crept in and surprised her.

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The gears of fate are constantly turning, and the fate of the individual is as difficult as duckweed to defeat the torrent of the times.

In the late autumn of that year, the core bone of a happy family, the father of two children, Sheng Qiang was arrested and imprisoned for composition problems. The top pillar of the family collapsed, and Zhao Lirong had to take her two children to live a hard life, and she always believed that her husband would come back sooner or later.

Zhao Lirong's tragic and happy life: her husband and daughter have died one after another, and she became a "sketch queen" 010203 at the age of 60

Two years later, when she finally waited for the news of her husband's return, she was excitedly ready to meet him, but in the end, what she waited for was not reunion but separation. Sheng Qiang did not survive to reunite with his wife and children, and Zhao Lirong had to take her two children to the place where her husband was alive, but she did not even see the body. She waited hard for two years, and finally waited for a watch and a coat.

The child was young, did not know the reason, only to see the mother back home crying, heartbroken and eventually fell ill. In order to support her family and wait for her illness to get better, Zhao Lirong picked up her old rice bowl and re-emerged on stage.

On stage, she seemed to act as if it hadn't happened, still laughing and amusing the audience.

Zhao Lirong's tragic and happy life: her husband and daughter have died one after another, and she became a "sketch queen" 010203 at the age of 60

The sudden death of her husband drained most of her energy, and she could only pour her efforts into the stage.

But in that era, it was very difficult to raise two children alone, and many people advised her to remarry, but Zhao Lirong was always reluctant to marry someone else. However, with the passage of time, under the bitter pleading of her family, Zhao Lirong, who had been widowed for two years, remarried her little uncle Sheng Hong.

Remarrying a young uncle is not accepted by the world now, let alone the social environment at that time. For this reason, Zhao Lirong and her own brother got into a stalemate. So why did Zhao Lirong still remarry her little uncle?

It turned out that in order to get better care of her children, Zhao Lirong chose Sheng Hong to spend the rest of her life.

Zhao Lirong's tragic and happy life: her husband and daughter have died one after another, and she became a "sketch queen" 010203 at the age of 60

After marriage, Zhao Lirong gave birth to a man and a woman, and she thought that she had come to the end of her hardships and was happy with her family. So he named his daughter "Knorr".

Unfortunately, Providence made people, the daughter was born with congenital mental retardation, in order to cure her daughter, Zhao Lirong invited doctors all over the country and bought the best medicine in the country. In that short time, the medical expenses alone cost 300 a month, but her salary was only a few tens.

In order to save money for her daughter's treatment, she was reluctant to buy clothes, and even the underwear was covered with layers of patches. During that time, Zhao Lirong secretly went to the bathhouse to take a bath, and did not dare to let acquaintances recognize it, she was afraid that others would see the starring actor with unlimited scenery on the stage and live so embarrassingly.

However, even though Zhao Lirong sought medical treatment, Heaven still took her lovely daughter away, and the younger daughter left to take away all the joy of the family, leaving only a grieving mother and a heavy debt.

Zhao Lirong's tragic and happy life: her husband and daughter have died one after another, and she became a "sketch queen" 010203 at the age of 60

Zhao Lirong thought that most of her life's pain had been spent, but 7 years after her daughter's death, her husband left due to a heart attack.

The pain of bereavement, Zhao Lirong experienced twice. She has walked through the flames of war, wandered in the drama class, experienced hunger, witnessed changes, and lived half a year in life, losing her teacher, losing her friend, losing her husband, and losing her daughter.

Heaven wanted to cruelly take away everything from Zhao Lirong, and finally only left her full of heartache and a stage.

Looking back at the past, Zhao Lirong only smiled and said: "Only those who have eaten Huanglian know what sweetness is, and only those who have lived in tragedy can create laughter." ”

Zhao Lirong's tragic and happy life: her husband and daughter have died one after another, and she became a "sketch queen" 010203 at the age of 60

Zhao Lirong's life is right to start the stage, the right family, and the right to start herself. Even after experiencing so much suffering, she still left us many classics, whether it is Grandma Liu in the film and television "Dream of the Red Chamber", King Che Chi in "Journey to the West"; or the energetic, funny and joyful old lady of Tangshan in the Spring Festival Gala.

She has always been in the minds of the audience, never out of date, and never gone.


Editor/Deer Hunt Entertainment

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