
Spread, the province is looking for co-occupants! Hangzhou reported that the intercepted personnel of the transit train had tested positive for nucleic acid

author:Bright Net

Comprehensive: Voice of Zhejiang Comprehensive Reporter Zhang Yuan, China Blue News, Zhejiang News, Hangzhou Release, Ningbo Release, Wenzhou Release, Huzhou Release, Jiaxing Release, Jinhua Release, Quzhou Release, Zhoushan Release, Taizhou Release, Lishui Release

On the morning of October 31, Hangzhou city intercepted a case of new coronavirus nucleic acid positive from the train transiting through Hangzhou outside the province, and Hangzhou held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control, and the Hangzhou Municipal Health Commission and the Xiaoshan District Center for Disease Control and Prevention introduced the relevant situation and answered reporters' questions.

On the morning of October 31, Hangzhou City detected a positive nucleic acid case of the new coronavirus from the interception of people from transiting Hangzhou trains outside the province. The relevant information circular is as follows:

Zhan X (female), the work unit and address are in Lianshan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province. On October 29, Zhan X and his colleague Yang X (female) took the G1382 train from Shangrao to Shanghai, with seat numbers 5 cars 03A and 03B. On October 30, two people returned to Shangrao from Shanghai on the K287 train, and the seat number was 8 carriage sleepers 21 and 22.

During the K287 train, the 2 people received a call from the Shangrao Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention and were told that they were close contacts of the confirmed case. The 2 people immediately contacted the conductor, and the conductor asked the two to get off the train temporarily nearby and coordinate with the front station, Hangzhou South Railway Station. After receiving the report, Hangzhou immediately arranged for the transfer, and after the 2 people got off the bus, they were transferred by negative pressure ambulance to the designated hospital in Hangzhou.

On the morning of October 31, Zhan X was initially positive for nucleic acid, positive for review by the Hangzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and had symptoms such as fever, combined with clinical manifestations, and was diagnosed as a confirmed case. Another person, Yang Moumou, is currently testing negative for nucleic acid and has no relevant clinical symptoms.

Hangzhou immediately launched an emergency response mechanism to carry out the investigation and control of related personnel in strict accordance with the requirements of national and provincial epidemic prevention and control norms:

1. The G1382 (Shangrao-Shanghai) train taken by the case on October 29 and the K287 (Shanghai-Nanchang) train on the 30th were 509 people aboard in Hangzhou, and their related contacts are implementing control and sampling and testing.

2. The situation in other provinces and cities involved in the epidemiological investigation of the case has been co-investigated in relevant areas.

At present, the whole territory of Hangzhou is a low-risk area, and the case is strictly implemented from the discovery to the isolation of the whole process of closed-loop management, please do not panic.

If you have the following situations, please take the initiative to report the relevant situation to the community, unit, and hotel, and cooperate with the health management measures:

1. Passengers taking the G1382 (Shangrao-Shanghai) train on October 29 and the K287 (Shanghai-Nanchang) train on October 30.

2. Within 14 days, personnel returning to Hangzhou from Lianshan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province.

The general public should wear masks scientifically, wash their hands frequently, ventilate frequently, do not gather, maintain safe social distance, pay attention to shelter when coughing and sneezing, use public chopsticks and spoons, and develop good hygiene habits. When entering and leaving key public places, they should actively cooperate with prevention and control measures such as temperature measurement, checking health codes and itinerary codes, and wearing masks. It is not necessary to go out less and not to travel to provinces with medium- and high-risk areas and local outbreaks.

Many places in Zhejiang are looking for co-occupants


On October 31, according to the Ningbo Disease Control News, in view of the positive cases in Leadshan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, some townships in the county have implemented closed management, and some positive cases have spilled over to Jiujiang City, after comprehensive research and judgment, the personnel of Lianshan County in Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, are required to temporarily suspend the return to Yongyong; if they still come to Yongshan, strictly implement the "14+7" health management measures.

At the same time, the passengers who took the G1382 train on October 29 and the passengers involved in Ningbo who got off at various stations along the Zhejiang line were urgently investigated, and the passengers who got off at the stations along the Zhejiang line on October 30 by the K287 train and the passengers involved in Ningbo were temporarily implemented.

Citizens who have taken the above train carriages, and those who have a history of living in gexian village resort in Leadshan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, since October 13, please immediately take the initiative to report the relevant situation to the community, unit, and hotel, and cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control measures such as nucleic acid testing, medical observation or health monitoring.


On October 31, the Wenzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention issued an epidemic prevention announcement: urgently looking for those who took the high-speed rail G1382 to Shanghai Hongqiao on October 29, and the train K287 from Shanghai South to Shangrao on October 30, because 1 new coronavirus nucleic acid test was found on the car, the initial screening was positive, please see this news to report to the township (street) of the territory as soon as possible, cooperate with the relevant epidemic prevention and control measures or call the local CDC for consultation. Passengers in the same carriage need to be subjected to centralized isolation for medical observation, and other passengers immediately go to the nearest comprehensive service point in each county (city, district) for a free nucleic acid test.


On October 31, the Huzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention issued an emergency reminder that the current epidemic situation is grim, and the risk of infection in personnel travel is increasing, so please arrange travel reasonably for the public and not leave the city in the near future.

According to reports, on October 30, there were positive cases in Leadshan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, and some townships in the county have implemented closed management, and some positive cases have spilled over to Jiujiang City. At the same time, the emergency investigation of passengers who took the G1382 train on October 29 at various stations along the Zhejiang line and the passengers involved in the lake, and the passengers who took the K287 train at the stations along the Zhejiang line on October 30 and the passengers involved in the lake, Hangzhou city has detected a positive case of new coronavirus nucleic acid from the intercepted personnel of the above transit trains.

Huzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention urgently reminds: Personnel from Lianshan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, temporarily postpone returning to the lake, such as those who still come to the lake to return to the lake, implement the "14+7" health management measures; citizens who have taken the above train cars implement the "14+7" health management measures. The above personnel and those who have a history of living in Leadshan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, since October 13, please immediately take the initiative to report the relevant situation to the community (village), unit, and hotel, and cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control measures such as nucleic acid testing, medical observation or health monitoring.

Personnel with a recent history of living in other provinces should take the initiative to do a nucleic acid test after returning to the lake, and should observe their own health for 14 days, report abnormal conditions, and standardize medical treatment.


On October 31, the Jiaxing Municipal Prevention and Control Office urgently reminded the following: Please take the G1382 train on October 29 and the K287 train on October 30, report to the village (community) and the unit at the first time, and cooperate with the relevant health management measures.


On October 31, the Jinhua Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Office and the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention issued an emergency reminder, these returnees, please report immediately!

1. Returning gold on October 29 by G1382 train and October 30 by K287 train;

2. Returnees who have a history of living in Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province since October 13, or who have contact with persons who have tested positive for nucleic acid tests or have trajectories during the above time period.


On October 31, the Office of the Quzhou Municipal Leading Group (Headquarters) for the Joint Prevention of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic issued the Notice on Emergency Investigation of G1382 High-Speed Rail Passengers.

The notice said: Receiving the notice of the Provincial Prevention and Control Office, it is now urgent to check the passengers who got off at Quzhou Station on October 29 by the G1382 train (especially on the 4th, 5th and 6th carriages of the train), as well as the passengers who have returned or will return to Quzhou on october 29 who have taken the train from Quzhou Station, and the above passengers must immediately report to their communities (village committees), units or accommodation hotels.


On October 31, the Zhoushan Prevention Office urgently reminded the following personnel to immediately take the initiative to report the relevant situation to the community, unit and hotel, and cooperate with nucleic acid testing and related health management measures:

Those who took the "Shangrao-Shanghai (G1382)" train on October 29 and the "Shanghai-Nanchang (K287)" train on October 30 and are currently on board;

Persons who took flight "EU6673" from Shangrao to Zhoushan on October 29 and are currently in Zhoushan;

Since October 13, there have been people who have lived in Shangrao City and Jiujiang City in Jiangxi Province.

Those who conceal the itinerary and do not report the epidemic prevention and control in our city will be investigated and held responsible according to law.


On October 31, the Taizhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention issued an emergency reminder:

Since October 13, people who have returned to Taiwan or who have intersected with the trajectory of the confirmed case in Lishan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, have immediately reported to the unit, the local community (village residence), the hotel, and the hotel, and cooperated with the local epidemic prevention and control office to implement the "14+7" health management measures; from now on, the personnel of Leadshan County in Shangrao City are required to temporarily suspend their return to Taiwan, and if they still come to Taiwan to return to Taiwan, strictly implement the "14+7" health management measures.

Since October 13, those who have returned to Taiwan from Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, should also immediately report to the unit, the local community (village residence), the hotel, and the hotel, and cooperate with the local epidemic prevention and control office to implement nucleic acid testing, daily health monitoring and other health management measures.

If you took the G1382 train on October 29 and the K287 train on October 30 and are still in Taizhou, please report to the unit, the local community (village residence), the hotel, and the hotel immediately, and cooperate with the local epidemic prevention and control office to implement relevant health management measures.


On October 31, the Epidemic Prevention and Control Office of Lishui City urgently reminded that in view of the positive cases in Leadshan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, some townships in the county have implemented closed management, and some positive cases have spilled over to Jiujiang City, after comprehensive research and judgment, it is required that the "14+7" health management measures be strictly implemented for laili returnees who have lived in Lishan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province since October 13.

In order to better protect your health and effectively reduce the risk of epidemic transmission, the "14+7" health management measures will be implemented for passengers who got off at stations along the K287 train in Zhejiang on October 30 (Jiashan, Jiaxing, Haining, Hangzhou South, Jinhua) and the 4th, 5th and 6th cars of the G1382 train at various stations along the Zhejiang line (Quzhou, Jinhua, Zhuji, Hangzhou East, Jiaxing South) on October 29, if they have entered Li, they will be used as the close connection and secondary connection of positive cases for initial screening.

On October 29, 2+14 health management measures were implemented for passengers other than cars 4, 5 and 6 of the G1382 train.

All passengers who have taken the two trains K287 on October 30 and G1382 on October 29 are requested to take the initiative to report to their communities (villages), units or hotels at the first time, and carry out a nucleic acid test under the unified organization of the local epidemic prevention and control department, and implement corresponding health management measures according to the requirements of the norms.

Source: Voice of Zhejiang

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