
Hangzhou reported a case of transit train interception of personnel with positive nucleic acid tests! Hangzhou is now low risk! Please inform us if you have the following...

author:Bright Net

On the afternoon of October 31, the Information Office of the Municipal Government held a press conference on the prevention and control of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic in Hangzhou, reporting on the positive nucleic acid test of a person intercepted by a transit train in Hangzhou.

Hangzhou reported a case of transit train interception of personnel with positive nucleic acid tests! Hangzhou is now low risk! Please inform us if you have the following...


On the morning of October 31, the city intercepted a case of new coronavirus nucleic acid positive from the interception of people from transit trains in Hangzhou outside the province. The relevant information is hereby reported as follows:

Zhan X (female), the work unit and address are in Lianshan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province. On October 29, Zhan X and his colleague Yang X (female) took the G1382 train from Shangrao to Shanghai, with seat numbers 5 cars 03A and 03B. On October 30, two people returned to Shangrao from Shanghai on the K287 train, and the seat number was 8 carriage sleepers 21 and 22.

During the K287 train, the 2 people received a call from the Shangrao Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention and were told that they were close contacts of the confirmed case. The 2 people immediately contacted the conductor, and the conductor asked the two to get off the train temporarily nearby and coordinate with the front arrival station - Hangzhou South Railway Station. After receiving the report, the city immediately arranged for the transfer, and after the 2 people got off the car, they were transferred by negative pressure ambulance to the designated hospital in our city.

On the morning of October 31, Zhan X was initially positive for nucleic acid, positive for the municipal CDC, and had symptoms such as fever, combined with clinical manifestations, and was diagnosed as a confirmed case. Another person, Yang Moumou, is currently testing negative for nucleic acid and has no relevant clinical symptoms. The city immediately launched an emergency response mechanism to carry out the investigation and control of related personnel in strict accordance with the requirements of national and provincial epidemic prevention and control norms:

1. The G1382 (Shangrao-Shanghai) train taken by the case on October 29 and the K287 (Shanghai-Nanchang) train on the 30th were 509 people aboard in Hangzhou, and their related contacts are implementing investigation and tracing, classification control and sampling and testing.

2. The situation in other provinces and cities involved in the epidemiological investigation of the case has been co-investigated in relevant areas.

At present, the whole territory of Hangzhou is a low-risk area, and the case is strictly implemented from the discovery to the isolation of the whole process of closed-loop management, please do not panic. If you have the following situations, please take the initiative to report the relevant situation to the community, unit, and hotel, and cooperate with the health management measures:

1. Passengers taking the G1382 (Shangrao-Shanghai) train on October 29 and the K287 (Shanghai-Nanchang) train on October 30.

2. Within 14 days, personnel returning to Hangzhou from Lianshan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province.

The general public should wear masks scientifically, wash their hands frequently, ventilate frequently, do not gather, maintain safe social distance, pay attention to shelter when coughing and sneezing, use public chopsticks and spoons, and develop good hygiene habits. When entering and leaving key public places, they should actively cooperate with prevention and control measures such as temperature measurement, check health code and itinerary code, and wear masks. It is not necessary to travel far and not to travel to provinces with medium- and high-risk areas and local outbreaks.

Answer the reporter's question


1. How was the confirmed case detected?


The person in charge of the Municipal Health Commission: The two were told that they were close contacts of the confirmed case when they took the K287 train, and after the two learned about it, they immediately reported the conductor, and the conductor asked the two to get off the train immediately and carry out nucleic acid testing as soon as possible. After receiving the report, Hangzhou immediately launched an emergency plan, carried out nucleic acid testing, and transferred the whole process to the designated hospital.

2. How is the case handled after it is found, and is there a risk?

The relevant person in charge of the Xiaoshan District Center for Disease Control and Prevention: On the evening of October 30, the case and one of its companions, as close contacts, got off at Hangzhou South Railway Station, and were taken to the temporary isolation point of Hangzhou South Railway Station through a special transfer channel, and then transferred to the designated hospital through a closed loop of negative pressure ambulance. The case wore N95 masks throughout the process, and the relevant staff involved have been included in centralized control.

At present, the whole area of Hangzhou is low risk and the risk is controllable.

3. How will Hangzhou further do a good job in epidemic prevention and control?

The person in charge of the Municipal Health and Health Commission: First, the 509 people who got off the two trains in Hangzhou are being investigated and tracked, and the control measures are implemented in a classified manner, and we have issued a letter of assistance in a timely manner for those involving other provinces and cities. Current epidemiological surveys show that the overall risk is controllable, and the public does not have to panic. The second is to further strengthen the normalization of epidemic prevention and control work, especially to strengthen the control measures of key places. Citizens should still consciously implement measures such as wearing masks, washing hands frequently, ventilating frequently, and not gathering, and do not go far away without necessity, so as not to go to medium- and high-risk areas to jointly do a good job in epidemic prevention and control.

Comprehensive: Hangzhou Release, Municipal COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters, Municipal Health Commission

Source: Voice of Hangzhou

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