
Chinese medicinal goby


Chinese medicinal goby

<h2 id="hi-10931" > goby</h2>

Pinyin Xiā Hǔ Yú

Alias sharks, snakes ("Erya"), blowing sand ("Linhai Foreign Objects"), Shagou Fish, SandYing Fish, SandYing Wave Fish ("Compendium"), Shazhu ("Medical Forest Summary"), Light Fish, Oily Fish ("Yellow Bohai Sea Fish Survey Report").

Source Yao Kecheng "Food Materia Medica"

The source is the meat of the goby goby.

The original form is long, slightly cylindrical at the front and flattened on the posterior side. The body length is about 10 cm; the head is large and long, and the head height is slightly lower than the body height. The snout is long, bluntly rounded at the tip, and has a bulge in the middle. The eyes are medium-sized and dorsal. The eye septum is narrow and slightly concave. The mouth is large and slightly oblique. The lower jaw is slightly shorter, and the posterior end of the upper jaw terminates below or later on the front edge of the eye. Lip thickness. The tongue is broad and truncated at the anterior end. The teeth are sharp and tapered, and the upper and lower jaws are arranged in a narrow band. The gill hole extends slightly forward and down to the bottom of the pectoral fin base; the isthmus is quite wide. Gill rakers are short and very thick. Most of the body is covered with ctenophores, the neck and thorax are covered with small round scales, and the head is scaleless except for the small round scales on the back of the head, the upper part of the cheek and the upper part of the gill cover. The body side scales are 46 to 50 longitudinal scales, and the transverse scales are about 17. Dorsal fin 2, VIII., 14; The first dorsal fin is lower, the fin spines are weak, and when flattened, it does not reach the starting point of the second dorsal fin. The second dorsal fin is tall, and when flattened, the posterior fin often reaches the parafin at the base of the caudal fin. The fins 12 to 13 start below the 4th fin of the 2nd dorsal fin and are about the same height as the 1st dorsal fin. The pectoral fin is 19 to 21 round at the tip and is about the same length as the ventral fin. Ventral fin I.15. The posterior margin of the caudal fin is pointedly rounded. The upper part of the body is grayish brown and the lower part is lighter. There are 5 to 6 inconspicuous dark spots on the side of the body. The snout is darker and has dark stripes on the cheeks. The dorsal fin has dark spots arranged in 3 to 5 diagonal rows, and the caudal fin has 7 to 10 wavy horizontal stripes.

It inhabits coastal and river areas. Mostly inhabit the lower layers of the water. Feeds on small shrimp, small fish, etc.

The habitat is divided into parts along the coast of China, especially in the south.

The sexual taste is sweet and salty, flat.

(1) "Outline": "Sweet, flat, non-toxic." "

(2) Yao Kecheng's "Food Materia Medica": "Sweet, warm, non-toxic." "

(3) "Medical Forest Compendium": "Sweet and salty, flat." "

Guijing "Materia Medica Seeking Truth": "Into the spleen and stomach." "

Functional indications (1) "Outline": "Warm in the qi." "

(2) Yao Kecheng's "Food Materia Medica": "The lord of food is aphrodisiac, strengthening bones and bones, walking in blood veins, eliminating grain and meat." "

(3) "Medical Forest Essentials": "Li Xiaoshui, Tong Drench." "

Pay attention to Yao Kecheng's "Food Materia Medica": "Eat more raw phlegm to help fire." "

Excerpt from the Dictionary of Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicinal goby

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