
Red Wolf Tooth Goby

Shahe, Jiujiang County, Jiangxi, because it is located at the foot of Lushan Mountain, the production of chestnut goby because of its special shape, delicious taste, unique flavor, and Lushan share the reputation, so it is named "Lushan Stone Fish". The goby in Fushui River, Yangxin County, Hubei Province, is called "spring fish" because its fishing season is in late spring and early summer, when the flowers are in full bloom. The area around Zhangxi in anhui province east to the county is fished during the wheat harvest season, and it is like wheat, so it is called "wheat fish"

Red Wolf Tooth Goby

The body of the red wolf-toothed goby is elongated and flattened; banded. Generally 9 to 20 cm long, 20 to 35 g weight, small eyes, degenerate, buried under the skin. The mouth is large, oblique, the lower jaw and chin protrude forward, and the outer teeth of the upper and lower jaws are 6 to 12 sharp curved large teeth protruding from the lip, and the mouth is exposed outside the mouth when closed, resembling wolf's teeth, dorsal fin, caudal fin, and fin are connected to each other as a whole

Red Wolf Tooth Goby

The Red Wolf Goby is a warm-water eel-shaped false goby. It inhabits shallow seas and near estuaries, and often burrows in sediment. It is a nearshore warm warm fish. This fish can survive in both offshore and fresh water, and burrows through the riverbank

Red Wolf Tooth Goby

Usually scattered in the stone gap, with a strong suction cup-like ventral fin attached to the stone wall, only to go out of the stone gap when foraging. Adults like to jump, sometimes jumping out of the water, sometimes jumping from one rock to another

Red Wolf Tooth Goby

Although small, the wolf-toothed goby fish is extremely greedy and ferocious, often using attacks to devour smaller benthic fish, or digging and stirring sediment under the water with pectoral fins, looking for benthic invertebrates in order to swallow

Red Wolf Tooth Goby

The mouth is large, oblique, the lower jaw and chin protrude forward, and the outer teeth of the upper and lower jaws are 6 to 12 sharp curved large teeth protruding from the lip, and the mouth is exposed outside the mouth when closed, resembling wolf's teeth, dorsal fin, caudal fin, and fin are connected to each other as a whole. The pectoral fins are broad and long, and the upper fins are free and filamentous, bare and scaleless

Red Wolf Tooth Goby

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