
The most soul-destroying chicken breast method, tender and smooth, spicy under the rice

author:Ji food culture
The most soul-destroying chicken breast method, tender and smooth, spicy under the rice

【Honey sauce chicken breast】


Chicken breast: 500


Ginger: 3 slices; Lemon slices: 4-5 slices; Rock sugar: a pinch; Red wine, soy sauce: three tablespoons each; Honey: three spoons

Specific steps

1. Marinate the lemon red wine rock sugar honey for 15 minutes, steam for five minutes, add a little oil to the pan and fry until the chicken breast is colored and the original juice, and then collect the juice

2. Marinate ginger, lemon, rock sugar, soy sauce, red wine, honey for 15 minutes

3. Steam in cold water for four to five minutes

4. Fry in a little oil until colored

5. Add the original juice and turn on high heat

6. Just collect the juice and add the green onion.

The most soul-destroying chicken breast method, tender and smooth, spicy under the rice

【Chicken breast stir-fried round pepper】

Chicken breast: One piece

Round peppers: 2 pieces, Salt: appropriate amount, Tomatoes: 1/2 pieces, Soy sauce: appropriate amount

Step 1

Slice the chicken breast

Step 2

Break the pepper into small pieces

Step 3

Cut the tomatoes into small pieces and slice the green onion

Step 4

Put the oil in the pan and add the chicken breast

Step 5

Stir-fry the meat to change color, add soy sauce, green onion, tomatoes, salt and stir-fry evenly

Step 6

Add the round pepper

Step seven

Stir-fry for three to five minutes!

The most soul-destroying chicken breast method, tender and smooth, spicy under the rice

【Chicken breast boiled winter melon】

Chicken breast: 250; winter melon: 200

Shiitake mushrooms: to taste; Onion: to taste; Ginger: to taste

Prepare the seasonings, shallots, ginger, garlic, cooking wine, white pepper

Cut the winter melon into pieces, soak the mushrooms and remove the stems, wash and drain the chicken

Heat the pan, fry the chicken nuggets (without putting oil), add ginger slices and shiitake mushrooms during the frying process, fry until both sides are yellow, pour in the cooking wine, sprinkle a little white pepper

Put the chicken nuggets, ginger slices, shiitake mushrooms into the pan, throw away the fried oil, add water, add shallots, winter melon, garlic

After bringing the heat out, reduce the heat and simmer for 40 minutes

After stewing, add salt and white pepper before coming out of the pan.

The most soul-destroying chicken breast method, tender and smooth, spicy under the rice