
Long Kaifeng: Today is 11.1, Gannan Navel Orange is picking, and it has begun to enter a rush to buy

author:Long Kaifeng overlooked the world

Today is 11.1, not Double 11, which is the day of this year's Gannan Navel Orange picking. According to the comprehensive analysis of the sampling and testing results of the City's Gannan Navel Orange and the climate forecast of the meteorological department by the Gannan Navel Orange Sampling test results and the climate forecast of the meteorological department, the gannan navel orange was determined to start picking in 2021 on November 1, 2021.

Long Kaifeng: Today is 11.1, Gannan Navel Orange is picking, and it has begun to enter a rush to buy

With the improvement of living standards, fruits have also become a necessity for every urban family. Our country is also very rich in fruits, and it is marked with the symbols of various regions. Shandong has Yantai apple Laiyang pear, Hebei Zhao County's snowflake pear, Xingtai's Fugang apple, are all landmark fruits. Gannan Navel Orange, too, is a landmark fruit in Jiangxi Province and has become one of the top ten brands of fruits in the country and is widely praised. As the saying goes: oranges born in Huainan are oranges, and those born in Huaibei are oranges. Gannan navel orange, as the name suggests, is named after the place of origin Gannan, and the navel orange has a unique nutrition and flavor in Gannan.

Gannan navel orange is famous because of the formation of the land environment and climate of Gannan. Gannan is very rich in minerals, and in this mineral-rich soil, coupled with clean rainwater, the navel orange is nutritious, the flesh is crisp and tender, and the moisture is sufficient. Contains more than 55% juice, and it is tender and sweet.

Long Kaifeng: Today is 11.1, Gannan Navel Orange is picking, and it has begun to enter a rush to buy

Ganzhou is an old revolutionary area, is the southern gate of Jiangxi Province, Ganzhou is located in the southern edge of central subtropical, belongs to the subtropical hilly mountainous humid monsoon climate, the terrain is mainly mountainous, hilly, basin-based, Zhangjiang, Gongjiang in Ganzhou confluence as Ganjiang. Ganzhou is a waterfront city with the most preserved cultural relics and monuments in Jiangxi Province, especially in the Song Dynasty, with the reputation of "Jiangnan Song City"; it is the first stop of the Hakka ancestors' central plains migration to the south, is the birthplace of the Hakka people and one of the main settlements of the Hakka people, the hakka population in the city accounts for more than 95%, known as the "Cradle of Hakka". There are still more than 600 Hakka enclosures, known as the "Ancient Rome of the East". Ganzhou has been named "National Historical and Cultural City" and "China's Excellent Tourism City", and has formed six major tourism brands of "Red Ancient Capital, Hakka Cradle, Jiangnan Songcheng, Ecological Homeland, World Orange Township, and Kanyu Holy Land".

A comrade-in-arms began to engage in poverty alleviation there, and now it is engaged in rural revitalization, so that I can help push their specialties so that some navel orange growers with difficult families can have more income.

Through understanding, eating Gannan navel orange has three major advantages: First, in winter, eating Gannan navel orange can maintain the skin, increase the moisture of the cell fluid, so that the cell fluid can be full, and the skin will be smooth. Second, in winter, the climate is dry, eating Gannan navel orange can reduce noise to fire, moisturize the lungs, is the best fruit to eat in winter, but also a good gift. Third, the soil in Gannan is rich in a variety of minerals, so Gannan navel oranges are rich in a variety of trace minerals needed by the human body, and eating Gannan navel oranges will inevitably benefit human health.

Long Kaifeng: Today is 11.1, Gannan Navel Orange is picking, and it has begun to enter a rush to buy

Friends who need to buy Gannan navel oranges can search for small programs: help farmers get rich. Direct order, direct sales of origin, SF to home. You can also contact Mr. Xu, Tel: 18270977788 (WeChat same number).

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