
The "Poison King" bat has survived on Earth for 50 million years

author:Little strong life show

Today we talk about the basic attributes of the recently popular poison king- bat and some of its "superiority".

Bats are pterodactyls, pterodactyls are the second largest group of animals after rodents, is a type of mammal that has evolved a real ability to fly, it is quite wide, distributed in most parts of the world, since it is so widely distributed, but many people have not seen its appearance, because bats are resting during the day and foraging at night.

Bats are called Poison King because they are a mobile 'virus reservoir' that carries hundreds of deadly viruses such as Nipa Hendra Ebola Marlborough, atypical pneumonia. So why bats carry so many viruses and why they are not sick, this question is a variety of opinions, and there is no positive answer, but there is a point that it has super DNA damage repair ability, and super immunity, which is its evolution over tens of millions of years, so some people think that it is an ancient and mysterious species is not difficult to understand.

The "Poison King" bat has survived on Earth for 50 million years

So what is the "superiority" of the bat?

One: bats have super vitality, the current known bat species up to 1200 species, belongs to mammals, accounting for one-fifth of the total number of global mammals, the current known bat species up to 1200 species, belong to mammals, accounting for one-fifth of the total number of global mammals.

Two: Bats are the only mammals that can fly, and some bats can fly at speeds of more than 50 kilometers per hour and have a strong range of activity.

Three: Some bats can fish, and the Mexican rabbit lip bat can catch more than 30 small fish in one night.

Four: Bat unique skill echo positioning, everyone knows that bats have poor vision (to be verified), travel at night, rely on echo positioning to identify objects. This unique skill is able to help it prey and prejudge to avoid predators. Bats are a great teacher for humans, who invented radar by mimicking the echo positioning system of bats. The stealth aircraft currently developed by some countries are also copies of bats to some extent.

The "Poison King" bat has survived on Earth for 50 million years

The last question, since the bat is so "poisonous", why don't humans kill it all, this question I have also studied specifically, I personally think there are three main reasons

One: the particularity of the bat living environment, bats live in all kinds of large and small caves, gaps in ancient buildings, ceilings, partition walls and tree holes, rock crevices on the mountain, and some southern fruit-eating bats are also hidden behind the leaves of palms and banana trees, and they are all day and night, so the difficulty of hunting bats can be imagined, and it is almost impossible to make them extinct.

Two: Bats are also good for humans and contribute, according to my search data found the following points.

1, catch pests, bats play a very important role in maintaining the ecological balance of the natural world, a variety of insectivorous bats can eliminate a large number of mosquitoes, nocturnal moths, scarab beetles, nuns and other pests, can prey on more than 3,000 animals in one night, beneficial to humans.

2. The anticoagulant protein extracted from the saliva of vampire bats dissolves the blood clot faster than that of the current clinical drugs. The feces of insectivorous bats are called "luminous sand" in traditional Chinese medicine, which has the function of clearing heat and bright purpose.

3, the spread of pollen, and rely on animals to spread seeds, many plants also rely on animals to spread pollen, bats are also important pollinators. In fact, the flowers of many plants are highly specialized and even open exclusively at night to attract bats. Flowers that rely on bat pollination, such as gourd trees and cacti, are mostly white, cream and green, with a strong musk or sour taste.

4, bionic technology research, bats are an important object for the study of animal orientation, positioning and dormancy, the secret of their radiation technology has not been fully understood, humans just know what bats can do, but still do not know how they do.

Three: Although bats are "poison kings", they generally do not directly transmit to humans, generally through the intermediate host, so humans do not eat wild game, manage our mouths, generally there will be no problem, since nature exists in this species, it must have its reasonableness, we should respect it, fear it.

The "Poison King" bat has survived on Earth for 50 million years

According to the latest research, such viruses are likely to come from bats, and the final result may also be from the mouth, our delicious Chinese, the ancestors used thousands of years to screen out the food that is suitable for our daily eating, animals, there is a certain reason.

The "Poison King" bat has survived on Earth for 50 million years

We are now staying at home and looking at the sunshine outside but dare not go out to walk, seeing the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland but not daring to go out to play, seeing their relatives and friends, but not daring to meet closely, seeing people who have left because of the epidemic, we can only sigh, this is not the life we want, but for better prevention and control of the epidemic, as ordinary people, the only thing we can do is to listen to the advice of the government, that is, to protect ourselves, but also to protect others.

Although this epidemic has brought many life troubles and many economic losses to our country and our people, we must believe that as long as we work together to prevent the epidemic from passing soon, we should learn the lesson and stop digging our own pits.

The "Poison King" bat has survived on Earth for 50 million years

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