
Today's xiaohan, these health secrets to understand the →

author:Bright Net

"Little Cold Even Big Lu, Happy Magpie New Nest"

January 5, 2021

11:23 a.m

There will be a small cold festival

Today's xiaohan, these health secrets to understand the →

Small cold season

The days are short and the nights are long, and the sun is not strong

It marks the arrival of the coldest day of the year

Xiao Han has three seasons

Yihou Yanbei Township

Thousands of mountains and rivers, the geese return home

The geese began to migrate north

The moonlight shines on its journey

And the path you take home

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The second magpie first nests

The magpie can't wait to re-ascend the branches

Build a new nest in the midst of the creak

It's not far from life

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Three pheasants begin to chickadee

The pheasant began to cry loudly

For the search for an intimate partner

Joined the chorus of nature

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In the cold season, this is healthy

Saying goes

"Little cold, big cold, cold into an ice ball"

At this time, cold and warm measures should be taken

Areas that are susceptible to colds should be taken care of


(1). Warm head and neck - wear a bib hat

The head and neck are invaded by wind and cold, which can easily induce colds, headaches, and even cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

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Recommendation: High-necked clothes, bibs, hats, etc. can protect the head and neck, and even if you wear a very thin hat outdoors in winter, it will help protect against the cold.

(2). Warm back - basking in the sun

The back is where the body's veins follow. The Chakra is known as the "Sea of Yang Chakra", which has the effect of regulating the Yang Meridian Qi and Blood.

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Tip: The best way to keep your back warm is to bask in the sun. Sunbathing with your back to the sun can strengthen the yang qi of the human body and make the whole body qi machine harmonize and smooth.

(3). Warm the abdomen – try a massage

The abdomen is the hub that connects the upper and lower parts of the body, and many important acupuncture points on the human body are located here, such as shen que, qi hai, guan yuan, etc.

Recommendation: In addition to ensuring that the abdomen is warm, you can also massage the abdomen after rubbing the heat with both hands to improve your ability to drive away the cold.

(4). Warm feet - soak feet in hot water

There are more than 200 acupuncture points in the ankle, which is the "small heart" of the human body. The foot is the farthest from the heart, the blood supply is small, and the cold air can easily invade from the soles of the feet.

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Recommendation: In addition to wearing warm shoes, it is best to soak your feet with hot water before going to bed, and then rub the heart of your feet vigorously to promote blood circulation.

In the small cold season, the weather is cold

When going out to exercise, you should pay attention to the time should not be too early

Do a good job of warming up

Add or remove clothes in time to avoid catching a cold

Focus on the head, abdomen, and back

Keep your feet warm

Care should also be paid to preventing respiratory diseases

What does Xiao Han eat?

In the middle of winter in January, frost and snow invade

Dietary principles during the little cold season

It should be necessary to warm the wind and cold, strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach

Eat more cold foods

To improve the body's ability to resist cold

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Small cold should eat lamb

Lamb is the first choice for mild tonics

Simmer in a small pot and cook it into a soup

Then add ginger yam to mix

Avoid oils that burden the spleen and stomach

Radish is rich in nutrients

It has the effect of clearing heat and dissolving phlegm, generating and regenerating accumulation

Simmer the soup with lamb, ribs, etc

It can replenish the spleen and kidneys, resist wind and cold, and reduce phlegm accumulation

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Cabbage is high in water content and rich in vitamins

Eating more can nourish the yin and dryness, skin care and beauty

Cabbage basically does not "pick people"

The body is fat and the internal heat is too strong

It is especially suitable for people with spleen and stomach disharmony and cough with sputum

Eating apples in winter is a great way to moisturize

Apples have a thirst quenching

Moisturize the lungs and spleen, nourish the heart and other effects

Can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis

Has a conditioning of the stomach and intestines

and the effect of preventing gallstones

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Pears are perfect for eating in winter

It is well hydrated

Rich in vitamins and trace element iodine

It can maintain the healthy state of cell tissue

Helps organs detoxify, purify, and soften blood vessels

Prompts the blood to transport more calcium to the bones

Water chestnut has been known as "underground Sydney" since ancient times

Winter solstice to small cold

It is the time when the sugar content of water chestnut is highest

TCM thinks

Water chestnut is a cold food

It has the effect of clearing the internal fire of diarrhea

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Did you know?

All over the country in the small cold season

There are also different eating habits

Nanjing people will cook vegetables on Xiaohan's day

Use the short-legged yellow green vegetables unique to Nanjing

With sausage slices or plate diced duck

Cook with ginger grains and glutinous rice

Sweet and tasty

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Some places in Guangdong

There is a tradition of eating sticky rice

To avoid being too sticky

Generally 60% glutinous rice plus 40% fragrant rice

Finely chop and sauté the bacon and sausages

Stir-fried peanuts and rice

Add some chopped green onions and mix them in rice

These health tips

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Today's little cold

Pay attention to cold protection and warmth when going out

Source: CCTV set

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