
Trekking the Shuangjie River Punch card party history knowledge More than 100 party members in the Nantou Street Nanlian Community are reading the party history of the walking middle school

author:Shenzhen News Network
Trekking the Shuangjie River Punch card party history knowledge More than 100 party members in the Nantou Street Nanlian Community are reading the party history of the walking middle school

At 3 p.m. on April 28, the sound of reading aloud came from the beautiful Shuangjie River, and more than 100 party members and masses in the Nanlian community of Nantou Street, holding "book-fragrant passports", walked along the Shuangjie River, while reading, while singing classic songs, while studying party history, and personally felt the century-old hardships and centuries-old glory of the Communist Party of China.

In the form of reading and hiking, this activity activity created a closed-loop hiking route on the shuangjie river in the Nanlian community, set up a party history study propaganda display board all the way according to the timeline of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, and designed a punching point with the important events in the four histories as the node, more than 100 party members and masses in the Nanlian community set off in batches along the fixed route to hike, learn the knowledge of party history along the road, and learn the charming beauty of the willows and flowers on both sides of the beautiful Shuangjie River, while learning the centennial journey of party history.

Trekking the Shuangjie River Punch card party history knowledge More than 100 party members in the Nantou Street Nanlian Community are reading the party history of the walking middle school

"Sing mountain songs to the party..." The activities of the day kicked off with the classic music of "Music Singing Mountain Songs to the Party", and the enthusiasm of the party members and masses participating in the activities was instantly ignited, and the Party Committee of the Southern Union Community awarded medals to the three community party branches, which marked the official launch of the "Community Community" action of the Southern Union Community.

More than 100 party members and masses are divided into 10 teams such as the "Mission In Mind" team, the "Heart to the Party" team, and the "Rich and Strong" team, walking along the banks of the Shuangjie River, with a total of 4 reading checkpoints throughout the process. In accordance with the "four histories" study and education line, these four tasks of breaking through the barriers skillfully combine the important events of the four periods of "standing up, getting rich, becoming strong, and marching toward a new era," combining the study of party history with reading and sports, so that participants can feel the changes in the Southern Union community under the leadership of the party, be grateful for the hard-won beautiful life, and use the party's struggle course and great achievements to inspire morale, clarify the direction, burst out of passion, release vitality, and create good results.

Trekking the Shuangjie River Punch card party history knowledge More than 100 party members in the Nantou Street Nanlian Community are reading the party history of the walking middle school

Wang Shanshui, secretary of the party branch in his 80s who participated in the activity, told reporters: "Participating in this activity today was full of goods, not only exercising my body, appreciating the charming scenery of the Shuangjie River, but also learning the knowledge of party history."

Behind the residents' enjoyment of the Double Boundary River is the most beautiful example of the rebirth of this "cross-border river". The Shuangjie River is Bao'an, Nanshan and Qianhaijie River, with a total length of 5.36 kilometers, and the Nanshan section starts from Tong'an Road and ends at Bao'an Avenue Bridge, with a total length of 2.1 kilometers, and the river flows through the two communities of Nantou Street, Nanlian and Anle. The Double Boundary River is a rain source type river, in the past few decades, with the development of industry, dense population, has become a sewage river, the water body is dirty and black, the mud at the bottom of the river is seriously silted, the stench is diffuse, pedestrians cover their noses, and "black and smelly water body" has become another of her people's hated name.

At the end of 2016, the Nanshan District Government launched the implementation of the Shuangjie River Basin Original Source Project, and implemented the transformation of rainwater and sewage diversion in 26 communities; in November 2017, after the completion of the project, the water quality of the Shuangjie River (Nanshan Section) was greatly improved. The river has established a three-level river chief system of districts, streets and communities, which compacts responsibilities at all levels and promotes the long-term system of river channels to be clear for a long time. In the meantime, Nanshan District also took the initiative to strengthen the linkage and communication with Bao'an District, in view of the shortcomings and weaknesses of the river, the two districts also established a special communication and moat mechanism, and carried out river patrol activities from time to time. After the early precision treatment and the later long-term custody and maintenance, the Shuangjie River has steadily achieved the goal of not being black and not smelly.

On that day, the streams along the Two Realms River are played, accompanied by flowers and plants, and the participants walk or run, or read and do tasks, laughing and laughing along the way, and enjoy the charm of reading and the vitality of hiking. A total of 40 exhibition boards and shelves for party history study at the event site cover important events in party history between 1921 and 100 years from 2021 to 100 years, which are for hiking activity personnel to learn and punch cards, which adds a strong theme feature.

It is understood that all along, the Nanlian Community Party Committee attaches great importance to advocating reading activities for the whole people in the community, and is committed to promoting reading activities into the community, into the family, into the campus, into the factory, accelerate the creation and improvement of learning, book-scented, and characteristic communities, stimulate the interest of the whole people in reading, and create a strong reading atmosphere. In 2018 and 2019, two consecutive sessions were held, this year, the Nanlian Community Party Committee held the third "Study Party History , Reading • Hiking" activity, the purpose is to change the past indoor reading, indoor learning of Party history, innovative activity forms, in the Twin Realms River to hold walks and reading activities, aimed at guiding the general public to pay attention to reading, love reading, reading as a way of life, so that reading truly achieve universalization, normalization, and create a good atmosphere.

After the end of the hiking activity, all the participants carried out a more magnificent reading activity in the main venue of the activity, such as the Party History Rush Contest and the classic song singing, which set off a rolling red heat wave on the scene. All party members and the masses recited Mao Zedong's poem "Qinyuan Spring and Snow" with the most sincere emotions, and in the sonorous and powerful red classic recitation, the "Study Party History, Reading, and Hiking" activity of the World Book Day in the Southern Union Community came to an end. It is understood that in the next step, the Party Committee of the Southern Union Community will also carry out a series of activities to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Source: Shenzhen News Network

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