
Defensive mistakes + single knife losses! Wu Lei's stand-in was finally replaced in the 89th minute, manager: I was wrong

author:The national football miracle

Espanyol lost 1-2 away to deputy squad leader Getafe, with Wu Lei gaining less than nine minutes of playing time. Coupled with the opponent's blind delay in the last moment, you can imagine how difficult It is for Wu Lei, even if he has the heart to score, he can't do anything. In fact, the most responsible for the loss in this game is the Spaniard coach Moreno, who rarely admitted that he made mistakes after the game, whether it is the arrangement of troops and the adjustment of the scene, which naturally includes changing Wu Lei too late.

Defensive mistakes + single knife losses! Wu Lei's stand-in was finally replaced in the 89th minute, manager: I was wrong

In the 12th round of La Liga, Espanyol away to Getafe. Before this round, espanyol was ranked 11th with 14 points, while opponents have a hard time winning this season and are currently at the bottom of the table. With the absence of number one star De Thomas, the Spaniards were caught up in the problem of weak forwards.

In the 31st minute, Getafe launched an attack on the left and Kofi assisted Yunar's barb. In the course of this defense, Espanyol defenders Vidal and Embarba both made big mistakes, Vidal was seriously out of position, and Embarba, who replaced Wu Lei on the right, also did not grab the second drop point before Kofi. However, just 8 minutes later, Embarba had a very good chance to make up for it.

Defensive mistakes + single knife losses! Wu Lei's stand-in was finally replaced in the 89th minute, manager: I was wrong

Espanyol launched an attack with a long pass from the back, Di Mata jumped high to head the ball across, Embarba inserted it at high speed into the box to form a single knife, and finally faced the goalkeeper because the shot was too positive, only to be saved by the goalkeeper. It was also the closest spaniard to break the goal in this game, which is a pity.

It can be seen that after a week of double matches, Embarba has been very tired, so he is in a slump and has played abnormally on both ends of the offensive and defensive ends. Unfortunately, Espanyol manager Moreno was slow to replace Embabar even though he was injured at the start of the second half.

Defensive mistakes + single knife losses! Wu Lei's stand-in was finally replaced in the 89th minute, manager: I was wrong

It was not until the 89th minute of the game that Moreno finally played the last card in his hand, replacing the physically exhausted Embarba with Wu Lei, who replaced the latter as a right forward. It can be seen that Moreno wants to give it a go at the last minute. His idea was good, but he missed one thing: the Spaniard players were already very impatient due to the score behind, and after Dudel came off, the team had no one to organize the attack.

In the end, the Spaniard wasted 7 minutes of injury time, and Wu Lei was once again in an embarrassing situation with no one to pick up, only getting one touch opportunity in 8 minutes.

Defensive mistakes + single knife losses! Wu Lei's stand-in was finally replaced in the 89th minute, manager: I was wrong

After the game, Moreno took the initiative to admit his mistake: "I have to be self-critical, I didn't set up this game well, we had a lot of things that we didn't do well. The opponent we're facing, no matter what position it's in, it has good players and desperately needs a win. I didn't make the right judgment. ”

Indeed it is. As the commander of the first army, Moreno's light opponent before the game made the players too slack in defense, and the sluggish adjustment on the spot made the team miss the opportunity to equalize or even overtake. It's just a pity that Wu Lei, on the field, once again did nothing.

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