
Spiced rabbit head and spiced donkey meat

author:Bu Yanzi

Spiced rabbit head

Raw material preparation

5 rabbit heads (about 800 grams) 500 grams of salt, 400 grams of cooking wine, 200 grams of ginger, 300 grams of green onion sugar color, 100 grams of brown sugar, 10 grams of pepper, 25 grams of star anise 15 grams of cinnamon 15 grams of Shantai, 15 grams of Xiaoyin, 5 grams of incense Peppercorns, 600 grams of fresh soup, 30 grams of monosodium glutamate, 20 grams of chicken essence, 20 grams of sesame oil


Rabbit head processing a piece of water to be used a plus soup and ingredients to marinate the human flavor, a fishing up the oil and changing the knife plate


1 Wash the rabbit's head, rinse it in water, put ginger, green onion and cooking wine in the person's cold water pot, and pick it up when the rabbit head is bloodless.

2. Wash the pot and put it on the fire, put fresh soup, salt, cooking wine, sugar color, brown sugar, pepper, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence and the wrapped material package with gauze, boil out the flavor and put the rabbit head in the pot, marinate until it is cooked and tasted, and brush the sesame oil while it is hot. When eating, use a knife to split the middle of the fish head in half and plate it.

Characteristics of the dish

The color is bright red and the fragrance is intense. The aftertaste is long.

Operational critical

When the rabbit head is cooked together, it is necessary to brush it with sesame oil immediately, otherwise the color of the rabbit head will be dark and dull.

Spiced donkey meat

Donkey meat 500 grams salt 500 grams, cooking wine 500 grams, ginger 30 grams, green onion 50 grams, pepper 5 grams, star anise 25 grams, cinnamon 15 grams, pepper 15 grams, fragrant leaves 5 leaves of mountain chestnut 10 grams, fresh soup 6000 grams of monosodium glutamate 30 grams of chicken essence 15 grams, sesame oil 20 grams, fire salt, fragrant leaves, fresh soup to taste

Donkey meat yard flavor→ people pot with soup→ marinated and fished→ smeared with oil into a dish

1. Put the donkey meat in a basin and mix well with salt, cooking wine, ginger, green onion, pepper, star anise, cinnamon, cumin, peppercorns, mountain oak, fire salt, fragrant leaves, and an appropriate amount of fresh soup for 2 days.

2. Put the marinated donkey meat into the pot, remove the ginger, green onion and spices, mix people with fresh soup, put MSG, chicken, pour the original juice of the yard into the pot, use low heat to fish out the donkey meat when it is ripe, and smear sesame oil after cooling.

Five-spiced, dry and moist.

Donkey meat must be pickled with a human flavor, pay attention to the taste should be moderate, and should be marinated with a low heat

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