
20210410 Tang Shi Zeng: Tomb of Situ Leiden

author:Tang Shizeng
{"info":{"title":{"content":"20210410唐师曾:司徒雷登墓","en":"20210410 Tang Shi Zeng: Tomb of Situ Leiden"},"description":{"content":"司徒雷登墓位于浙江省杭州市东北郊安贤园内西北隅,偏僻、狭窄、逼仄,目测不足两平米,貌似不到园内撞飞机王海衣冠冢的十分之一...","en":"Situ Leiden's tomb is located in the northwest corner of Anxian Garden in the northeast suburb of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, remote, narrow, cramped, visually less than two square meters, it seems that less than one-tenth of the park crashed plane Wang Haiyi Crown Tomb ..."}},"items":[]}

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