
Lightly fry A5 wagyu beef, seasonal vegetables with smoked small yellow croaker, health care spells


Lightly fry A5 and

Lightly fry A5 wagyu beef, seasonal vegetables with smoked small yellow croaker, health care spells

Ingredients & Ingredients:

A5 Wagyu beef 100 g, broccoli, small tomatoes, garlic crisp, sea salt, black pepper


Wagyu beef is refrigerated and thawed overnight, warmed at room temperature and sprinkled with a little salt and marinated for a while

Do not put oil in the cast iron pan, simmer for 5 minutes, add Wagyu beef, fry each side for about 1 minute, wake up the meat for 3-5 minutes, trim and plate

Sprinkle the beef with garlic puff pastry, drizzle with black pepper sauce, and garnish with blanched broccoli and green beans

Lightly fry A5 wagyu beef, seasonal vegetables with smoked small yellow croaker, health care spells

Seasonal vegetables with smoked small yellow croaker

Lightly fry A5 wagyu beef, seasonal vegetables with smoked small yellow croaker, health care spells

Small yellow flowers, toon, pine needles, salt, cooking wine, green onion and ginger water, olive oil, soy sauce

Slaughter the small yellow flowers, add green onion, ginger water, salt, cooking wine, mix well and marinate for 10 minutes, then fry until the skin is slightly yellow

Add salt to the toon and marinate for 10 minutes

The fried yellow croaker is smoked with pine needles for 3 minutes, let stand for 5 minutes, washed and drizzled with small yellow flowers, olive oil, and raw soy sauce

Lightly fry A5 wagyu beef, seasonal vegetables with smoked small yellow croaker, health care spells

Health care

Lightly fry A5 wagyu beef, seasonal vegetables with smoked small yellow croaker, health care spells

Fresh abalone, yam, broccoli, corn kernels, abalone juice, salt, sugar

The abalone is slaughtered cleanly, crossed with a flower knife, the yam is peeled and washed, and the broccoli is removed from the roots and set aside in salted sugar

After the corn is cooked and slightly cooled, the corn kernels are peeled off by hand and set aside

Abalone and yam abalone juice are added to the second soup and cooked to mature the juice

Put abalone, yam, corn kernels, broccoli together and plate them

Lightly fry A5 wagyu beef, seasonal vegetables with smoked small yellow croaker, health care spells

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