
Buy winter dates, pick the big one or pick the red one? Jujube farmers share experiences, there are 3 kinds of themselves never eat

author:Those things about what we eat and drink

Hello readers and friends, thank you for reading the food articles I shared, experience and sharing with you, today I want to share with you the content is: "Buy winter dates, pick the big one or pick the red one?" Jujube farmers share their experience, there are 3 kinds of themselves never eat!'

Recently fresh winter dates have been listed, obviously it is autumn dates, why should they be called winter dates? Because in the north of the Qinling Mountains of the Huai River, its fruits are ripe in early and mid-October, and the varieties that mature late are delayed until late October, so they are called winter dates because of their late ripening.

Buy winter dates, pick the big one or pick the red one? Jujube farmers share experiences, there are 3 kinds of themselves never eat

I prefer to eat winter dates, the taste is crisp and sweet, the nutritional value is "the crown of hundred fruits", containing protein, vitamins, minerals, etc., especially vitamin C content is rich, has the reputation of "living vitamin pills", and also contains 19 kinds of amino acids, so take advantage of the market to eat more, very good for the body.

Today visited the supermarket, met the special price of winter dates, only 6 yuan a pound, but limited to 5 pounds, I quickly bought some. When picking winter dates, I found that some people love to pick big ones, and some people love to pick red colors, but in fact, it is not right to pick them.

Buy winter dates, pick the big one or pick the red one? Jujube farmers share experiences, there are 3 kinds of themselves never eat

There is an old man in the village, who has been growing dates for decades, very experienced, and learned the skills of picking winter dates with him, and the dates he picked each time are crisp and sweet, and they are very fresh. The old jujube farmer said that there are 3 kinds of winter dates, don't ask for free, he never eats them. Today I share the experience of jujube farmers with you, friends who like to eat winter dates learn quickly.

Whether the winter dates are good or not, mainly look at 3 points

1, look at the color

When the winter jujube is not ripe, it is cyan, and when it is ripe, it will become red, so the overall color is green and red, but there is no obvious dividing line between green and red.

Buy winter dates, pick the big one or pick the red one? Jujube farmers share experiences, there are 3 kinds of themselves never eat

There are also some saccharin winter dates on the market, the so-called "saccharin winter dates" refers to the criminals soaked in inferior winter dates in saccharin water, the color of winter dates is more bright, the sweetness is also greater. Saccharin is a sweetener that allows limited use in a variety of foods, such as pickles and jams, but is forbidden for fresh fruit. Similarly, there are cyclamate winter dates.

The color of saccharin winter dates is generally dark red or dark yellow, with a clear dividing line between blue and red.

Buy winter dates, pick the big one or pick the red one? Jujube farmers share experiences, there are 3 kinds of themselves never eat

2. Touch the texture

After the natural ripening of the winter jujube, the skin is smooth, the texture is hard, and the flesh and peel fit tightly. The skin of winter dates soaked in saccharin water is sticky, loose, and wrinkled, and the fruit stem part is also very soft.

3. Taste the taste

High-quality winter dates smell naturally fragrant, taste crisp, sweet flesh, no taste in the peel. After the winter jujube is soaked in saccharin water, the peel absorbs the most sugar, so the peel is sweeter than the flesh, but the taste is bitter, and even the water that cleans the winter dates tastes very sweet.

Buy winter dates, pick the big one or pick the red one? Jujube farmers share experiences, there are 3 kinds of themselves never eat

In the future, don't pick a large or red winter date, keep in mind the above 3 points, and ensure that you pick high-quality winter dates.

Bought five pounds of winter dates, 1 day can not eat, have to save up and eat slowly, how to save it? The old date farmer also taught me 2 methods, everyone quickly remember:

(1) If there is no refrigerator, use a plastic bag to pack the winter dates up, put them in a cool place, pay attention not to ventilate, otherwise the winter dates will lose moisture, the taste will become worse, and it is no problem to put them for 3 to 5 days.

(2) If there is a refrigerator, the winter dates are packed in a plastic bag, and a bag is the amount of one time, put in the refrigerator for refrigeration and preservation, which can be stored for 2 to 3 weeks.

Buy winter dates, pick the big one or pick the red one? Jujube farmers share experiences, there are 3 kinds of themselves never eat

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