
distressed! In the annual harvest soaking water, Shaanxi Uncle waded through the water to pick winter dates! The two departments allocated 80 million yuan to Jinshan for flood prevention and disaster relief

author:Shangguan News

October 11

A video of an old man wading through the water to pick winter dates

It has aroused widespread attention on the Internet

distressed! In the annual harvest soaking water, Shaanxi Uncle waded through the water to pick winter dates! The two departments allocated 80 million yuan to Jinshan for flood prevention and disaster relief

The video was filmed in Dali County on October 9. In the video, an old man in waterproof clothing stands in a winter jujube garden where the water is about to reach his knees, next to a "boat" made of wooden planks or plastic barrels, loaded with freshly picked winter dates.

There are a lot of falling winter dates floating on the water... The old man, whose hair was gray, bent over and pulled the "boat" with one hand, struggling to transport the winter dates to a place where there was no water, and his wife stood at the water's edge to meet him.

The video said that this is a jujube farmer couple in Dali County

It is difficult to pick dates in the stagnant water, just to ensure that the harvest is reduced

distressed! In the annual harvest soaking water, Shaanxi Uncle waded through the water to pick winter dates! The two departments allocated 80 million yuan to Jinshan for flood prevention and disaster relief


"It's really not easy for farmers, and their hearts are sad and tearful"

"Hope the disaster passes early"

distressed! In the annual harvest soaking water, Shaanxi Uncle waded through the water to pick winter dates! The two departments allocated 80 million yuan to Jinshan for flood prevention and disaster relief
distressed! In the annual harvest soaking water, Shaanxi Uncle waded through the water to pick winter dates! The two departments allocated 80 million yuan to Jinshan for flood prevention and disaster relief
distressed! In the annual harvest soaking water, Shaanxi Uncle waded through the water to pick winter dates! The two departments allocated 80 million yuan to Jinshan for flood prevention and disaster relief
distressed! In the annual harvest soaking water, Shaanxi Uncle waded through the water to pick winter dates! The two departments allocated 80 million yuan to Jinshan for flood prevention and disaster relief

During a visit to Dali, a reporter from Huashang Bao-Ersanli Information saw that in the affected farmland of Chaoyi and Zhaodu, there were more cases of winter jujube greenhouses being flooded. On the south side of Chaodu Road in Chaoyi Town, there is a winter jujube greenhouse, after the flooding of the Luo River, the river water poured into the greenhouse, the winter jujube greenhouse that adults could walk in, now only the top is exposed to the water; in the civilian village of Zhaodu Town, the winter jujube greenhouses on both sides of the road have also entered the water, and the water level is higher.

The disaster struck

Fruit growers have not yet sold late ripening winter dates

Blisters are hard to protect against trees and facilities

Mr. Huang' family, a fruit farmer in Zhaodu Town, planted 20 acres of winter dates, and the river water that flooded the embankment before the evacuation had entered the jujube garden, and now although he has settled down with relatives and friends, Mr. Huang's heart has still been hanging in the winter jujube garden. He said that there are four or five thousand acres of winter dates in the village, mainly late-ripening varieties, which in previous years could not be sold out until late October, and this time was the time of harvest, and the winter dates planted by the family began to be picked, and there were not many of them sold.

distressed! In the annual harvest soaking water, Shaanxi Uncle waded through the water to pick winter dates! The two departments allocated 80 million yuan to Jinshan for flood prevention and disaster relief

Mr. Zhu's family in the same village also planted more than 20 acres of winter dates, and in order to take care of it, he installed video surveillance on the ground. Today, Mr. Zhu and his family have evacuated to the centralized resettlement site, but they still take out their mobile phones from time to time to check the water potential of the winter jujube garden. At about 12:00 noon on the 11th, he saw through his mobile phone that the water in the winter jujube garden was very deep, almost reaching the top of the greenhouse. "The shed is 3 meters high, and now the water level is only 70 or 80 centimeters from the roof of the shed." He said helplessly that only about a third of the 20-acre winter dates were sold, and now most of the trees are soaked in water. Even if the water recedes, this year's harvest cannot be guaranteed. Winter jujube trees soaked in water for a long time will also lead to death. After the flood, these trees are almost impossible to keep, greenhouses and other facilities may not be able to be used again, coupled with the losses this year and next year, the loss is expected to be millions of yuan.

distressed! In the annual harvest soaking water, Shaanxi Uncle waded through the water to pick winter dates! The two departments allocated 80 million yuan to Jinshan for flood prevention and disaster relief

Zhao Du Town Yantong Village a villager surnamed Zhao said that Dali County is famous for planting winter dates, the county planting winter dates area of about 400,000 mu, jujube trees planted to harvest fruit takes 3-4 years, including greenhouses, each mu of early investment is between 50,000-200,000 yuan. Replanting means not only a large investment, but also a 3-4 year period of growth without a harvest.

According to incomplete statistics, as of 22:00 on October 9, Dali County had suffered a total of 239,000 people, 491,000 mu of farmland had been flooded, corn, carrots, peanuts, winter dates, autumn peppers, persimmon trees and other crops had been affected, and the direct economic losses after preliminary statistics reached 461 million yuan. At the same time, the progress of the autumn harvest in 2021 has been seriously affected, as of now, Dali County harvested 79,000 mu of corn and 11,000 mu of vegetables.

Affected by flood disasters

More than 800 students in Dali are unable to return to school

More than 300 people have been scattered to study

distressed! In the annual harvest soaking water, Shaanxi Uncle waded through the water to pick winter dates! The two departments allocated 80 million yuan to Jinshan for flood prevention and disaster relief

In the past few days, in the Ziyang dangerous section of the Chaoyi WeiDi in Dali County in the lower reaches of the LuoHe River, all kinds of transport vehicles transporting full of materials have shuttled back and forth, large machines have roared, and on-site staff have been scientifically deployed, orderly guidance, rushing time, rushing progress, and stepping up blocking. At the main intersections and wading sections of the rescue and rescue channels, public security cadres and police officers conducted guidance and guidance in an orderly manner. The lives of the people who have been transferred to temporary centralized resettlement sites are in good order.

As of 7:00 a.m. on October 12, the water level at the mouth of the Ziyang section of Chaoyi in the lower reaches of Dali County of the Luohe River had dropped by 70 centimeters from 12:00 on the 11th, and by nearly 1.2 meters from the highest water level. More than 80 transport vehicles and more than 10 loaders and excavators worked day and night, rushed to block, put 980 tons of material and 15,000 bags, and pushed 24 meters from north to south, and the overall work progressed smoothly. At the same time, through the excavation of five large effluent channels, the water output in the lower reaches of the Luo River has been increased to 450 cubic meters per second.

The Huashang Daily reporter learned that the flood has caused about 175,000 mu of farmland in 13 administrative villages in ZhaoDu Town, Dali County, and about 175,000 mu of farmland in the provincial agricultural reclamation Chaoyi Farm and Lankong Base to be flooded, and 25,126 people were evacuated and resettled urgently, of which 2,205 were resettled by counterparts and 22,921 were scattered to relatives and friends. At the same time, in order to ensure that the resettled masses have food to eat, water to drink, housing, signals, schooling, and medical treatment, Dali County has established a mechanism for evacuating and resettling the masses at the county level to package the resettlement sites, and to provide medical and health care, catering, and other guarantee services in a concentrated manner.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Dali County Education Bureau, more than 800 students in Zhaodu Town Junior High School, Central Primary School, Civilian Primary School and Rainforest Primary School, who cannot return to school due to the flood disaster, have adopted the method of dispersing school to start classes normally, and food and accommodation are also guaranteed. The remaining students will take both centralized and decentralized enrollment to solve the enrollment as soon as possible.

The two departments pre-allocated 80 million yuan to Jinshan

Support flood prevention and disaster relief efforts

distressed! In the annual harvest soaking water, Shaanxi Uncle waded through the water to pick winter dates! The two departments allocated 80 million yuan to Jinshan for flood prevention and disaster relief

On October 11, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Emergency Management urgently allocated 80 million yuan of central natural disaster relief funds to Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces to support and help local governments to do a good job in flood prevention and disaster relief.

In view of the serious flood disasters in Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces, the State Disaster Reduction Commission and the Ministry of Emergency Management recently launched a national level IV disaster relief emergency response, and sent a working group to Xiaoyi City, Luliang City, Shanxi Province, Jiexiu City, Jinzhong City, and Huazhou District, Dali County, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, to inspect the damage to houses, flooding villages, and crop disasters, understand the progress of emergency rescue and disaster relief, and guide and supervise the relocation of the disaster-stricken people and the basic livelihood support work. The State Defense Office and the Ministry of Emergency Management organize daily joint consultation and judgment, analyze and judge the national rain and water conditions, timely arrange the deployment of flood prevention and disaster relief work, focus on the autumn rain and autumn flood in the Yellow River, Haihe River and other river basins, and urgently call on central flood prevention materials such as direct pumps to support Shanxi and other provinces to carry out flood prevention and disaster relief.

23,950 people have been evacuated

The rescue and resettlement of Luohe In Dali County was carried out in an orderly manner

distressed! In the annual harvest soaking water, Shaanxi Uncle waded through the water to pick winter dates! The two departments allocated 80 million yuan to Jinshan for flood prevention and disaster relief

The rescue and rescue in Dali County is still underway.

As of 10:00 a.m. on October 11, Dali County has invested more than 70 mechanical vehicles in the Ziyang section of the Chaoyi production embankment day and night construction, has completed the renovation of 2 kilometers of road blockage and the construction of the platform, pulled and transported more than 1,000 cubic meters of stone overnight, and various emergency materials such as earthworks and timber supported by towns such as Liangyi, Shuangquan, and Xiazhai have been in place.

At the same time, the outlet of the embankment has been widened to 40 meters, dredging 8 water blocking points along the way, and the discharge of water into the yellow has increased to more than 150 cubic meters per second. As the amount of water inlet of the Luo River decreases, the drainage efficiency will be further revealed.

According to statistics, at present, the 12 administrative villages of Zhaodu Town and the provincial agricultural reclamation Chaoyi Farm and Lankong Base have submerged about 170,000 mu of farmland, and 23,950 people have been evacuated and 23,950 people have been resettled. Among them, 1668 people were centrally resettled, and 22282 people were resettled in a scattered manner such as relatives and friends.

Resolutely and decisively transfer to avoid danger!

The Shaanxi Provincial Emergency Management Department issued an emergency notice

It is required to further strengthen the transfer of disaster prevention and risk avoidance personnel

distressed! In the annual harvest soaking water, Shaanxi Uncle waded through the water to pick winter dates! The two departments allocated 80 million yuan to Jinshan for flood prevention and disaster relief

On October 11, the Provincial Emergency Management Department issued an emergency notice to further strengthen the transfer of disaster prevention and risk avoidance personnel.

Recently, the province continued to rain, the situation of natural disasters is extremely severe, especially during the National Day holiday, the command center of the Provincial Emergency Management Department received a total of 12 reports of natural disasters such as landslides, collapses, mudslides, etc., resulting in 12 deaths and 2 injuries. The provincial party committee and the provincial government attach great importance to it, and require further strengthening the bottom-line thinking, always putting the safety of the people's lives in the first place, carrying forward the spirit of continuous combat, ensuring that the thinking is not loose, the intensity is not reduced, and the requirements are not lowered, and various measures are implemented to ensure safety during the flood.

distressed! In the annual harvest soaking water, Shaanxi Uncle waded through the water to pick winter dates! The two departments allocated 80 million yuan to Jinshan for flood prevention and disaster relief

The circular stresses: It is necessary to fully understand the tremendous threat to the safety of the people's lives caused by torrential rains and floods and geological disasters, fully understand the important role of the work of transferring and avoiding dangers in reducing casualties, resolutely regard ensuring the safety of personnel's lives as the most important task, firmly establish a bottom-line thinking, shoulder political responsibility, resolutely overcome the mentality of paralysis and laxity and the feeling of being war-weary and afraid of difficulties, base ourselves on preventing major floods, resisting major floods, grabbing major dangers, and relieving major disasters, further strengthen the work of transferring personnel to avoid danger, and do our utmost to prevent casualties.

Keep a close eye on the key difficulties and weak links in flood prevention and flood control, and organize forces to carry out in-depth investigation of hidden risks and hidden dangers in embankments, reservoirs (hydropower stations), silt dams, flood channels, projects under construction, major projects, and important facilities. Increase the intensity of inspection of reservoir dams and tailings reservoirs, strictly implement the dispatch and operation plan of reservoirs during the flood season, and strictly prohibit unauthorized operation beyond the flood limit.

Pay close attention to mountain conditions, water conditions, flood conditions, and disaster conditions, strengthen monitoring and forecasting and early warning, strengthen overall coordination, and timely consult and judge. It is necessary to overcome empiricism and think of the situation more complicatedly, and when it is prejudged that a major flood situation may occur, the relevant responsible persons should resolutely transfer the personnel in the danger zone to ensure that they should be turned around and should be transferred early. In particular, it is necessary to implement "one-to-one" transfer and avoidance measures for the elderly, left-behind children, the sick, and the disabled.

Disasters in Shaanxi and Shanxi

It touches the hearts of netizens across the country

Watch over each other, wind and rain in the same boat

It is expected that the torrential rains and floods will subside as soon as possible

Huashang Daily reporter Wei Xiaoning Qing Rongbo She Xin

Comprehensive: CCTV, Xinhua News Agency

Column Editor-in-Chief: Zhang Wu Text Editor: Li Linwei Title Image Source: Figure Worm Image Editor: Cao Liyuan

Source: Author: China Business Daily

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